Chapter 1: A New Type of Mutant!

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Mutans, Hero's, Monsters, Freaks, all different words used to describe people with extraordinary powers, the official term is Mutants and some of them, don't help the way humanity see them, some are scared and in pure fear, try to hide who the really are so they aren't hurt or worse, to keep their loved ones are safe, others decide they deserve to be treated different, better, as if they are God's but there are still a few that choose to fight to keep humanity safe from their own stupidity and from different threats such as other Mutants and things much more powerful.

Matthew: Is everyone ready?

That's happening right now as new recruits, the youngsters of the School for Gifted Youngsters are fighting a small group of Criminals that have somehow managed to get their hands on Sentinel equipment, this is bad for a lot of different reason's so they're tasked with stopping them.

Kitty: You talk too much.

Katherine "Kitty" Pryde is one of the new faces in the school, not so long ago, she was discovered by not only Charles Xavier to join the X-Men but also Emma Frost the leader of the Hellfire Club, their not really a team that goes round helping people just because it's the right thing to do, in fact, Kitty had to prove herself by rescuing the X-Men from them, it got her into the Professor's good books.

Domino: You're both talking too much. Let's do this already!

Without another word, Domino stood out from cover and started shooting her weapons, she's... well, she's really, really lucky, you think it's not much of a power or Mutation but with her on a mission, very little can actually go wrong for her, Neena Thurman is a lucky son of a bitch, just try not to get on her bad side, she rarely misses her target.

Nightcrawler: Guess we're starting.

Nightcrawler disappeared in a blink of an eye, he re appeared behind two enemies, leaping above them and smashing their heads together, taking them both out, Matthew watched for a moment but then sighed, there's no team work here, their just running in and gunning, Scott told him that teamwork is the most important thing for the X-Men, how are they supposed to be the next Generation when they can't even work together.

Matthew: Run and gun I suppose.

Matthew has the same powers as Scott Summers, only difference is, Matt can control them, he doesn't need the visor or the glasses, he just needs to concentrate and boom, he can cut almost anything in half, he's not as confident with his powers as Scott is though, Matt once sneeze and nearly destroyed a Starbucks, he ruined someone's morning when he did evaporate someone's coffee though.

???: Help... please...

Matt stopped where he was and looked around them, destruction everywhere, buildings collapsed, cars destroyed, fire covering most surfaces but no one who needed help, Matt did think it was a member of his team but they were all up and strong, so who asked for help, Matthew didn't get an answer, instead he got hit by a hostiles blast sending him to the ground, mid fight everyone stopped as the room changed from a devastated town to a globe like room with panels lining all around them.

Scott: Talk to me. What happened out there?

They all looked to the sound of the voice, they saw X-Men team leader Scott Summers, with Beast tapping away at some sort of tablet, it took a while to get used to seeing Hank in Beast form wearing glasses but you get used to it, they all have as they future of the X-Men looked between each other.

X-23: The usual. Matt got distracted and destroyed the entire village of make believe.

Domino, Nightcrawler, Kitty, X-23, Magik and Pyro joined them, Matt didn't even realize half of them were in the training program with them, then again, that defeats the whole purpose of why they need to train, Matt needs to be able to adjust in the field of battle but he can't, he tends to over think and it ends like this, it's why he hasn't been on a mission yet, he's not ready.

Matthew: I didn't get distracted. I heard someone call for help.

It was half true, he did hear someone asking for help but he also did get distracted, he is only young and still has a lot to learn, Scott sighed as he ran his hand through his hair, it's no secret that Scott cares about Matt, more than he does the others and that's fine, they've spent a lot of time together over these past years so for them to have grown a bond wasn't unexpected.

Scott: You still took your mind off the danger. Put yourself and your team at risk...

Matthew sighed as he looked down, clearly he's getting frustrated about all this and it's understandable, he knows what he's heard and he heard someone call for help, he was worried it was a member of his team but it wasn't, it was something else, someone else.

Scott: ... It's not a bad thing to care, or get distracted. But you have to keep a level head. Standing in the middle of a fight looking lost will get someone killed.

The others watched as Scott might be talking to just Matt but he's speaking to them all, Scott's pretty much the trainer of them all, the other's teach and he teaches them to fight and watch each other's backs, even Beast teaches Chemistry, which can be a lot of fun.

Matthew: I know what I heard. You'd have reacted the same.

Kitty nodded with a small shrug, to hear a call for help in one of these training programs is as close to impossible as you're going to get, they'd all like to think they were able to keep their cool in that situation but they'll never know, they didn't hear it, one things for sure, their not calling Matt a liar, they believe he heard something and it was proven when the doors opened again.

Charles: Scott...

Everyone watched as the Professor approached them on his chair, everyone loved the Professor, his first intentions to keep them all safe, help them learn the extent of their powers but instead of greeting all the students, Charles went directly to the boy that was left at the front gate as a young infant.

Charles: ... I need to know everything about this call for help. Please, follow me.

Matthew looked to everyone else in the room before following Charles, Scott and Beat had other things to get to so they excused the rest of the students, Kitty, Laura, Domino, Nightcrawler, Simon and Magik all just went on to do whatever they wanted to do before their next class, all while Charles tried to find where this call for help came from and why he didn't hear it but Matthew did...


The X-Men are at the location of where the call for help came from, it's an old run down military base that hasn't been used in over 50 odd years, Charles wasn't sure what they were to expect so he requested to go along with them, them being, Cyclops, Storm, Rogue and Colossus, not a giant team but one strong enough to handle whatever they are going to encounter.

Rogue: This is a ghost town.

The Jet landed and they all disembarked, suited up just in case for a fight, no one could disagree with them, it doesn't look like anyone's been here in a very, very long time, so to think that someone here asked for help, well it's not looking like their average day out.

Cyclops: It could be a trap. Keep your eyes open.

They all listened to their team leader, Charles didn't claim to be in charge here, he's a Professor not a fighter, as of the moment he got off the Jet, he lost all authority over these men and women, he has faith in them that they will keep him safe as they search for the call for help, if it is a trap, they have a fall back plan, just in case.

Cyclops: Storm, see if you can spot something we can't. The rest of us split up, if we see anything. Call through the comms.

Everyone nodded then went off to do as instructed, Storm took to flight to get a birds eye view of the area, she couldn't see much other then run down buildings and uninhabited areas that have been claimed by mother nature once again, Scott had requested that the Professor stuck by him, not for anything in particular other then he see's Charles as an important man, so keeping him safe should fall to the shoulders of the team leader.

Cyclops: What are we looking for Professor?

It feels like their looking for a needle in a very big haystack, it's just someone has forgotten the magnet, Scott walked into a building with Charles just in front of him, files and everything has been left here but most of it is just purely jibber jabber so it's pointless, there are a few "Classifieds" which is concerning, that means they didn't pack up and left, they just left.

Charles: I wish I knew Scott. I really do.

They continued to search till Rogue called them to her over the comms it wasn't urgent so they didn't rush, however they did get there as soon as they could to see Colossus with Rogue standing by a old bookcase, covered in cobwebs and dust, this place has been forgotten about for so long now that the dust has its own layer of dust.

Rogue: Class in session. First question. What kind of bookcase leaves scrap marks?

Rogue's southern ruggish accent seemed so picked up and jolly while she put her right hand on her waist, and her left hand indicated to the shelves which caused Scott, Charles and Storm to look down to see the scratch marks, it didn't take the team long to work out that this bookcase could move, to which Scott asked Colossus to give it a tug.

Colossus: No problem.

It wasn't either, with one hand the giant man of metal tugged the bookcase so hard that it nearly detached entirely from the wall, once the shelf was moved, everyone can now see an elevator just behind it down a short corridor, no one said anything as they all piled in, Colossus couldn't fit however and was asked to stay up here, he agreed so that left, Scott, Charles, Rogue and Storm heading to the only other button on the panel.

Rogue: Oh, god.

Rogue looked around the space they all got off at, they all had the same sort of reaction as test tubes lined up and down the room, big enough to hold people inside, computers and other equipment all around the room.

Cyclops: I'm not sure he's been in this room.

Charles started to make his way down the room, passing all the tubes, some are empty, others are destroyed, a few were in tact but the people inside them were not alive anymore, Rogue didn't like what she was seeing and neither was Storm or Cyclops, the Professor didn't look to pleased either as they got to the other side of the room, the power was out in the entire place except one red button.

Rogue: You've always got to press a red button.

Rogue was all on here own as she made the choice to press it, as soon as she did, she jumped back by a loud vacuum sound releasing which caused what looked like another pod to slowly raise from where ever it was, Scott, Storm and Charles all heard the sound to and turned to see this chamber, filled with this baby blue type liquid and a person inside, he looked out cold with life support keeping him alive, a mask to help him breath and cables all over his body.

Cyclops: He's just a kid.

Storm and Rogue looked hurt to see him like this as Scott has seen some things but seeing this youngster imprisoned like this and for who knows how long, even he was caught up with a little anger, hurt and discomfort, this is what Matthew needs to learn, it's okay to feel things, it's okay to be distracted but he has to keep his eye on the ball.

Charles: I'll see if I can reach him.

Scott, Rogue and Storm looked either to the Professor or around the room, this place isn't somewhere they want to be, they can feel the horrible things that happened in this room but why this kid is the last alive, their not to sure of, Scott though spotted a file nearby on the floor, it has a small photo hanging out the side, it looked like the boy in the pod, so he picked it up hoping to get some info but most of it was blacked out, redacted.

Scott: "Project Syphon"

Rogue and Storm looked to their leader as he looked at that file, there wasn't much else in it though so he handed it over to Storm who too took a look with Rogue peaking over her shoulder, it was all pretty much redacted other then his gender and "Project Syphon" repeated over and over again.

Scott: Whatever this is. He scared whoever was here enough for them to lock him away.

Scott was now more worried of the danger he'll bring then anything else, all they could do is wait for the Professor to finish communicating with the boy, whoever, Charles couldn't get through to him, he was either stopping him or there is something stopping them from talking, no matter how much Charles tried, he was pushed out, he fumbled into another door, door after door after door.

Rogue: Wow, look at the date...

Rogue pointed to the top of the page, something Scott clearly missed but saw when Storm asked him to come and take a look, when he did, all three of them looked to see the date stamped was "December 18th 1917", Scott didn't believe it, that made this kid well over a hundred years old, yet he doesn't look a day into his 20's, it's not the craziest thing that he's seen though, maybe it was just when the project started, not when they locked him away.

Charles: Something is blocking me from communicating. Open it.

Charles looked to Scott who wasn't as looking forward to seeing the boy out that pod as much as Charles clearly is, he however did know better then to argue with the Professor so with a quick glance to Rogue and Storm, they knew to be ready, just in case, Scott turned back to the pod and lifted the visor just long enough to impact with the glass a small amount but nothing happened, not even a crack.

Scott let out a deep exhale now seeing this as a personal mission to break this thing, he lifted the visor and impacted the pod, keeping his beam there till the glass started to crack, Scott stopped and they all moved back, watching as the crack snaked all over the pod till it was completely covered for a moment, then nothing.

Rogue: Maybe we should...

Just as Rogue went to make a suggestion, the glass gave out, the blue liquid rushing out with the boy flowing with it, he hit the ground hard while they all watched for a moment, he never moved, his body covered in healed wounds and scars, it was Charles who approached him first, no signs of life but Scott stayed ready.

Charles: Wake up.

Charles tried one more time to speak with him telepathically but he didn't get a response, just silence and no movement, Rogue and Storm are more worried that they were too late and he's dead, Scott still was a little weary, looking at this from a different angle, they see a boy being used to experiments, he sees a boy that scared the people so much they shut up shop, locked him away and ran, they all however didn't want him to be dead and they all got their wish as he started to move, only a little, his hands moving to lay flat on the floor so he can push himself up but he couldn't.

Storm: Scott.

Scott looked to Storm as she made her way over to him, Scott pushed his paranoia to the side for now and went with her, both of them working to move him into a seated position, leaning him against the counsel that was just being used to keep him alive, Scott stood back up as Storm stayed by his side.

Charles: My name is Charles Xavier. The one beside you is Storm, behind me is Rogue and this is Scott...

He managed to open his eyes and look around, he has really nice blue eyes, from first impressions, he doesn't look like he could hurt a fly but Scott was still not sure, he's seen more peaceful looking people want to burn a city down, so he's not falling for it, the boy looked between them though while panting for air, who knows how long he's been locked in there.

Charles: ... We're not going to hurt you. Can you tell us your name?

Charles was trying to make it seem as least threatening as he could but it was tough seeing as the X-Men are surrounding him, the boy didn't seem all too bothered about all this though and just continued to look around them, Rogue gave him a little wave which just made him shake his head and answer the Professor.

???: No... I can't remember.

His voice was raspy and very broken, it even looked like it hurt him to talk, Charles edge closer to him which made the boy panic for a moment, Charles held his fingertips to the boys temples and made him fall back to sleep, it would be safer to travel with him in this condition then awake, either way, they need to get him back to the School and fast...


{To Be Continued!}

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