Chapter 2: A 107 Year Sleep!

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The Professor, Scott, Storm, Rogue and Colossus got back to the school with the kid, rumours had circulated about the discovery and people whispering that Matt has more powers then what they thought, he doesn't though, no one knows why he heard the call for help but the boy they found must have been the one to do it, even after a few days people are still talking about the guy they found.

Scott: He wake up yet, Hank?

Beast has been the one to keep an eye on the boy, run tests, find out who he is, he's only been able to do so much over these past few days with teaching and other things getting in the way, however Hank did try to do as much as he could, that meant trying to find out who he is.

Beast: Not yet but I must say. This is a very intriguing subject...

Scott stopped beside the bed as he looked down to the kid, he hasn't woken or said anything since Charles managed to put the boy back to sleep, it wasn't meant to be this long though but on a brighter side of things, he's breathing on his own without the help of an oxygen mask or wires jabbed in him.

Beast: ... I believe Rogue said something about a file there. Might I ask what it said?

Hank turned to face Scott after landing back on his feet, he prefers to work upside down, helps him focus, so when the blue fur man landed, Scott glanced at him, still facing the boy with his arms crossed over his chest, seeing Hank wearing his usual white lab coat and glasses which where taken off when he looked to Scott.

Scott: Uh, most just him being a male, "Project Syphon" and a date.

Hank hummed as he felt the name "Project Syphon" was familiar to him, he's not sure where though, it could be from a story book or even a past mission he went on as an X-Men, all things could be possible but he needed to know everything before he could make an exact determination of where he's heard it from.

Beast: What was that date? Written in the report?

Scott hasn't really been thinking about it all too much with all things considered, sure he wants the boy to live but he's still really concerned about what he's capable of, he's here in their home, with their loved ones yet they know absolutely nothing about him, other then the fact he can't remember anything, the one thing they know is that he doesn't know.

Scott: Um... December 18th... 1917.

It wasn't a hard date to remember but it was in terms of history, December 18th 1916 was the day the longest battle in World War I ended, the Battle of Verdun, it raged from February 21st to that date, so remembering the date the file said was easy but getting the two dates mixed up is easy to.

Beast: Hm, interesting.

Hank pondered the idea that maybe this was something else, you think Steve Rogers was the first person they tested the Super Soldier serum on, the Captain and his team are still finding these old Hydra bases to this day, all filled with failed test subjects and other military experiments, Hank wondered if "Project Syphon" is just that.

Beast: Ah, finally... well, now this is odd...

Scott glanced over his shoulder to Hank who went over to the computer when it notified him about something, apparently what he saw confused him since he finds very though things odd, so Scott turned his back to the boy, long enough to go over to the computer and see what Hank was seeing.

Beast: ... Apparently, his name is Logan Kenway and he's no mere boy at all...

Scott is reading the same thing as Hank is and couldn't believe it, according to this, he died back on "April 7th 1916", if he died back then, how can he be here on this table, breathing and alive, Hank is right, this case is odd but while Scott looked over to the boy, Hank was still reading the information that's taken them so long to collect.

Beast: ... He's a United State's Marine Sergeant.

Things were starting to get interesting for this guy, well, Logan, Scott now knew he could trust him a little, what powers he has, that's not on the screen but the idea that he's a Marine settled him a bit but he's pretty sure the others have to know about, so Scott went to go and get him while Hank tried to find more out about Sergeant Logan Kenway...


Scott informed the Professor about Logan and the fact that he died over 100 years ago, they couldn't go right away since it was in the middle of school day, so they needed to wait for the students to go on their break, that meant the Professor, Scott, Storm, Jean, Kitty, Laura, Matt, Magik, Rogue and Simon could go to the medical lab where Hank is waiting for them, hanging by his feet as usual.

Rogue: Was he supposed to stay asleep this long?

Rogue asked while looking to Logan, Laura thought it's a little weird he has the same name as her old man but that wasn't really important, what is important is trying to figure out why he was locked inside of a container for apparently over 100 years.

Kitty: Who even is he?

Scott told them his name, Logan Kenway, but that was about it, he told the Professor that he was in the military but other then that, their in the blind just as much as Scott is, so while they all got a good look at the new addition to the school on the bed, Hank dropped back to the floor, this time with all the information in his hands.

Beast: Sergeant Logan Kenway, promoted in the field for outstanding bravery, his team was captured in France on March 15th 1916, assumed K.I.A on April 7th 1916.

Hank read through all the things he managed to find out about Logan via their system, it's the best in the world but what happened to him after that is all undisclosed and why wouldn't it be, he was dead so more information after that point would be pointless and their shouldn't be anyway.

Matt: So this is the guy that asked for help? I have so many questions.

They all did but they couldn't have any till he woke up, Logan's the only one that's been through it all, he's the only one with the answers but he isn't waking up, Charles has tried to communicate with him some more over these past few days but just like he was in the tube, Charles can't get through to him.

Charles: Have you finished the tests?

The Professor asked Hank talking about the basic tests to make sure Logan here was okay and not damaged in anyway, Hank nodded to the Professor while walking towards the bed Logan's laying in, using a flashlight to shine into his eyes, the girls looked to see if Rogue was telling the truth about his blue eyes and she was, although they couldn't get a great look from this angle.

Beast: Of course. He's in remarkable shape for a man born in the 19th century.

That caught a lot of them of guard but he had to have been, he's record say's he's 24 and died in 1916, that means he was born in 1892, Laura chuckled, her dad's old as shit too, they share the same name and are both born over 100 years ago, maybe they have the same attitude as well, that would honestly suck.

Charles: Jean. Could you take the students out please. I'll try and wake him up.

Charles is the one who put him into a sleep so maybe he can wake him up again, Jean agreed and directed, Matt, Simon, Illyana and Kitty all out of the room, their not sure what to expect when he wakes up, a former Marine that's been locked away since the first World War, anything can happen, so once the student were out, Charles moved closer to Logan, Scott and Storm are ready, Hank watching nearby but before Charles id anything, he figured something might be for the best.

Charles: Maybe you two Henry. Wouldn't want to give him a scar now would we?

Hank agreed and excused himself from the room, only waiting outside for now just in case he's needed but with Scott and Storm here, they should be able to control him, or at least keep him under control till they calm him down.

Scott: Professor?

Charles calmed down Scott, he understands his worry but he didn't need to be, this man asked for help for a reason and it's their job to help those who can't help themselves, this includes the Sergeant, so once Storm gave a nod to Scott that she is ready, then Scott looked to the Professor, Charles looked to the sleeping man then moved his hands to Logan's temple's once again, this time trying to bring him out of the sleep he placed him into days ago.

While Charles was trying to wake him up, Logan's heart rate picked up, getting faster and faster, Scott, tried to get the Professor's attention but he was focused on waking Logan up, a couple more shouts to Charles till Scott put his hand on the Professor's shoulder to pull him away, Charles struggled to get through to Logan, all he was seeing is death, fighting, explosions, his dream state put him back on the battle fields in France, Logan's not dreaming, he's in a nightmare.

Scott: Get back!

Scott pushed the Professor back towards storm when Logan's eyes shot open and jumped off the bed, opposite to the Professor and the two X-Men, Logan looked around him and didn't know where he was, he didn't recognise any of this, the room, the people or the technology, he was scared and it showed.

Logan: Where am I? What's going on here?

Logan backed away a little but Scott was already holding the rim of his glasses ready for anything, Charles tried to talk to him but before he could, Logan grabbed at a tool nearby and tossed it at them as a diversion, Scott dodged the projectile then turned to incapacitate him, shooting a beam at him which he dropped to avoid.

Logan: The fuck?

He asked himself as he panicked looking around for a way out, he didn't see one but he did see a window off to the side of him, he just needs to figure out a way to get over there without this guy shooting whatever he shot at him again.

Charles: Logan. It's okay, we're here to help you. My name is Charles Xavier, we aren't going to hurt you.

Logan tried to lay out his options, trust this guy and possibly end up in the same situation he was in a couple of weeks back, to Logan, he's only been asleep for a few weeks, as far as he knows, these are the same assholes that used him as their own personal guinea pig not people who are here to help him.

Logan: Yeah? Tell that to the asshole shooting at me.

Charles tried to assure him it wasn't with lethal intent but that didn't work, instead Logan looked around and saw a metal tray on the floor, he didn't know if this would protect him or not but he didn't see any other option and got ready moving to one knee, the tray in his left hand which he moved to cover himself when he ran out from behind the bed, Scott did fire at him again but only hit the tray which was then thrown at them.

Logan used his entire body weight to break through the glass, not caring that he's got no shirt on, the cuts from the glass will just blend with the scars he's already got, Logan ran through the corridor's not sure of where to go, he was just kind of running till he found the way out he was cut off though by a voice in his head.

Charles: Stop, Logan...

Logan did stop and looked around himself, the halls were empty, no one here but himself, he didn't know what was going on but he knew he needed to get out of here, he just needed to find the right door, he's not sure he did but he ran through an open one only to be stopped in his tracks by what he saw...

... There's also a giant metal man either loading boxes or unloading them, he didn't know and didn't want to know, Colossus looked over to him just as he started to walk back towards the door, only this time it was Charles, Scott, Storm, Jean and Hank that came running back in, Logan was smart enough to know this isn't the same world he was in weeks ago, the plane, the metal man, a guy that can shoot laser out of his freaking eyes, then a dog that can walk and talk.

Logan: Where am I?

Charles and the others came to a stop as they looked to him, the glass from the window did a little number on his but not enough to clearly bother him, Charles smiled to the man as the others watched, all will be explained in due time, first they need to make sure he's okay, if not physically, then mentally...


{To Be Continued!}

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