Chapter 4: Bonding!

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Logan's slept a lot over these past few years, so he figured he'd cut out the sleep and just sort of take a walk around the school, he's been here a few days now and he's not really sure what to do, his families gone, his friends are gone, he hasn't got anything left, all he does have is his memories except how he got from the War then put into one of those tubs waking up in the 21st century.

Kitty: You lost?

Logan turned around and saw one of the student, he's not really sure of names lately, he's kind of kept to himself, this whole news of the world spinning without him has really hit hard, even for a man like him, who's seen so much and kept on walking, it's not always easy, he has to be honest, there's been a time he fought about just hitting the end button, not because he's depressed or wants to, just because there isn't anything for him here.

Logan: Sort of. How do you all get around?

Kitty smiled over to him, she felt bad for him, she's one of the few, the others in the school have so many different questions, ones that she's pretty sure he's not willing to answer anytime soon, she's not to bothered about what he's done, or how he needed to do it, he fought in the war, to her, he's a hero.

Kitty: It's okay. Everyone gets lost when they first come here. Want me to show you around?

Logan sighed as he looked around, it's late, he's not really sure what time but he didn't mind, it's actually nice not to have someone looking at him like he's an enigma, something that shouldn't be here and honestly, he shouldn't but he's not sure why, maybe those tests Hank said they ran on him didn't work, maybe he's just a very young looking old man.

Kitty: Can I ask you something?

Kitty was worried about asking him anything but in the short space they've been walking through these corridors, Logan's not as tough shelled as people think, the other guys and girls here make it sound like he's just going to shoot them down if they get close to him but he's not like that, he's actually nice, so even though he clearly didn't want her to, he nodded with a small exhale, Kitty nearly didn't but she kind of needs to.

Kitty: Your American. But America didn't get involved in the War till 1917. What were you doing there?

Logan looked to her as he stopped walking, he didn't expect her to ask him that, sure he figured it had something to do with the War but this is new, Kitty stopped as well and thought she did something wrong but she didn't, Logan's going to answer because the question isn't that hard to think about, he made a choice back then and stuck by it.

Logan: I was part of a top secret group called the "Ghosts", they were never meant to know we were even there...

Kitty listened to him as they made their way towards the kitchen, not for any reason, just because it was on their way, while they walked, they talked and Kitty listened, she loved reading but sometimes it's better to hear from the source, he had tried asking wolverine once but he would just growl and light a cigar, apparently two Logan's have two different points.

Logan: ... Only when we got there. We couldn't just sit by and watch. People were dying, men crying...

Logan stopped where he was and looked off into the distance, Kitty walked over to the kettle and started to boil the water, a hot drink never hurt anyone at this time of night, if anything it actually might help them both get some sleep, normally there are actually a lot more people walking around, there's a lot of them, not all of them actually have realistic sleeping schedules.

Logan: ... The American's intercepted a message, mentioning about cutting supply runs to the States. They thought the US was helping them back there. We were just meant to observe and report.

Logan sighed and run his hands through his hair, his demeaner changed while he talked about this, not a sad look but he regretted something, there's something he wished he would have done but he didn't, Kitty isn't going to press though, she's already getting more out of him then anyone else can, even the professor can't get into that head of his.

Logan: It all changed when I watched a 15 year old boy, dying while crying in the dirt, begging for his mother.

Kitty knew about the age thing, boys used to lie about their ages because they felt they needed to fight for their freedom, they needed to be there with the others, Logan however was there and knew that if 99% of them could change their mind, they would have, their all hero's though, never forgotten in the history books, their faces maybe but their names will forever be remembered.

Kitty: That's really sad.

Logan nodded, he remembered that boy, he remembered the day they stayed in the War, disobeying order's to come back, his name's not on the history books, Hank can't find him in any database, he's been wiped clean, Logan Kenway was a top-secret Marine that just vanished one day without a trace.

Kitty: Who made the call...? 

Logan sat down on the stool and looked across to her, Kitty made them both a drink, Logan drinks coffee, no sugar, no milk, it's a Marine's way of drinking it, also in the War they never had luxuries like milk and sugar, they just had to drink it as it came which depending on the day, it was a hidden delight.

Kitty: ... You know, to stay and fight?

Logan watched her and took a second, why is he telling her all this, he shouldn't be, he wanted to keep this all to himself but here he is, talking about it and considering the fact he's pretty sure he's gone past the statues of limitations for not talking about this stuff, they should be fine, besides Logan's deceased, what are they going to do to a dead man.

Logan: Mine. I was promoted in the field to Sergeant. That's only because I was the oldest one walking into hell.

Logan got that look again, that 1000 yard stare, again, not fear, not sadness but regret, she's heard a lot of war time stories but never one like his, then again, why would anyone write one about a man that wasn't even supposed to be there, Logan Kenway made a call, one that made him risk his life in the name of freedom, he could have gone home, to his wife, the daughter he probably never got to meet but instead he wanted to get as many people home as he could, he's a hero.

Kitty: Hell?

A lot of people called the War "Hell", it was rough, so many people killed, so many innocents just because a man killed another man, all those deaths because one nation felt it was hurt by another, it's a tough pill to swallow, that's for the people that weren't even there, Kitty couldn't imagine being there with them, hearing the stories is scary enough.

Logan: We didn't have a mission, we were more like Mercenaries at that point, going from battle to battle, trying to help as many people as we could. Till we were asked to Aid in a small village in France called Verdun...

Everyone knew about the Battle of Verdun, they literally called it "Hell on Earth", so many people dead, for nearly an entire year, the small town was levelled by German bombing, Russian troops, all of it, it's not just "Hell on Earth" but a miracle, some how the French prevailed and won that battle, no one really know how though, Kitty can't lie, she wanted to know but isn't going to push him anymore, there's clearly something up with him when it comes to talking about this stuff.

Kitty: That must have been hard...

Logan nodded a little, it was tough but Logan would do it all over again, he was proud of what he did, he hates the fact people needed to die for him to do it, if he could have ended the War without any blood spilt then he would have, he's not sure why he felt that way but he did, something about people being killed in battle doesn't sit right with him, never did, he only signed up for the War because he didn't actually have any other choice, it was War time and he was ordered to.

Kitty: ... It must have felt pointless when World War two kicked off.

Kitty finished the drinks and sipped at her as Logan looked across to her, it took a second for him to process what she said to him, Kitty didn't think about it, she didn't guess that he never knew about the second War, the War he slept through, he didn't even know how his wife died, he read the file yes but he didn't know about it.

Logan: What do you mean? "World War Two"?

Kitty was now the one to take a second to process what she said, Logan didn't know anything about the second War, he was put to sleep before the first one even ended, there was no way he'd be able to know about WWII, Kitty's pretty sure she messed up and before she could talk to him, Logan left, and by left, he ran out the room, got lost running through the house till he eventually found a way outside, his heart pounding, his lungs felt like they were going to stop working.

Logan: A second War? 40 Million dead wasn't enough, they had to do it again!

Logan dropped to the floor and punched at the ground, he expected his fist to be stopped by the Earth but instead it wasn't, his hand dug into the dirt, leaving a small ditch behind, Logan's not sure what that was about, maybe it was just a weak patch he hit, the odds are as close to impossible as you can get but it's still possible.

Owl: Hoo!

Logan looked around him as he heard whatever it was, it sounded like an Owl but Owl's aren't out this late are they, he wasn't sure but there one was, sat on a nearby fence post looking over at him like it was trying to talk to him, a bit mad of course since Owls can't talk but they are the most intelligent things with a set of wings...

... It's strange as well but Logan fells like he's seen this Owl before, you know one of those moments that you have when you recognise something but you can't quite put your finger on it, well this is one of those times, a normal occurrence though, just a little Déjà vu, Logan smiled and felt his anger wash away, he's not an angry man, it takes a lot to get him angry, apparently hearing that over 40 Million people killed throughout the War, then they jumped into another just to kill some more, that was his breaking point, he's quick to calm down though, quick to think.

???: Urbus...

Logan heard a whisper, it sounded like someone speaking to him but it was probably just the wind, Logan couldn't see anything out here with him, even the Owl has gone now, one more little hoo and off it went, Logan shook off whatever has happened tonight so far but he did want to learn a little more about this World War 2 that Kitty told him about, he figured he'd go to the one person in this place that hasn't looked to him like an outsider and that's not in a wheelchair.

Logan: Hey, Doc. You got anymore tests to run?

Hank looked over to Logan as he walked into the lab, the whole blue furry beast in a lab coat used to freak him out but after being asleep as long as he has, nothing's surprising him anymore, also it's not the worst thing he's seen, fighting in a war that they called "Hell", what's a cuddly blue furball over that.

Hank: I suppose we can test out your combat. Though a Marine Sergeant might not have an issue with that.

Logan was just looking for something to do, he'll go into the library later and read about this World War 2 but before that, he has an urge to fight something, so Hank set up the training simulation they have just down the hall from his lab, Logan hasn't done this since he got here, this is going to be a lot of fun though, Kitty told him about video games, maybe this is like one of them...


{To Be Continued!}

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