Chapter 5: Visitors!

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It's been a couple of days since Logan found out there wasn't just the War he was in but there was an entirely different War that was just as bad as the one he witnessed, there was the Cold War which apparently had no direct deaths linked to it so that might be the least terrifying War in human history, the Vietnam War... which just made no sense, all those people dead, all those years of fighting and it ended the exact way it started, that's just a couple of these things he read about while he was asleep.

Hank: Sergeant? What can I do for you?

Logan made his way back into Hanks lab, he likes it here, there aren't student looking at him weirdly, there aren't questions he has to answer, well, he hasn't got to answer but he feels like he needs to, this time though, he's been spending a lot of time in the library because since the other night, one thing has been a constant in his life right now, not the questions, not the looks but one word, all the time running through his head.

Logan: Doc, I said to just call me Logan...

Hank dropped from his little perch and watched as Logan walked in with a book in hand, his hand flicking over the pages like he's looking for something but he clearly hasn't found it, so he sat down in a chair he tends to sit in most times he's in here and sighed, closing the book and looked at the Doctor.

Logan: ... Have you ever heard of something called "Urbus?"

That's what Logan's been looking for, he's been trying to find whatever it is since he heard it the other night, it could have just been the wind but it sounded to clear to him, it was like someone was right beside him and whispered it, so it might have been the wind, it might have even been his mind playing tricks on him, he hasn't been sleeping all that much lately and it could be because of sleep deprovision.

Hank: "Urbus"... Hmm... can't say I have. Can I ask why your searching for... whatever this "Urbus" is?

Logan just shrugged to be honest it was mostly curiosity but since he can't find it, he's really starting to believe it might have just been the wind, that's not all though, he's read through his file, his wife, his daughter all the stuff but he's not sure if it's his, reading it, it has his name on it, his hometown, his family but something about it just read right, almost like he's reading a story or something.

Logan: Nothing. I just... I feel like I'm in limbo, like I'm not where I'm supposed to be.

Logan has got comfortable with the people around here, Scott still seems like he doesn't want him here and that's fine, Logan doesn't want to be here as much as they want him to be, he just wants to figure out who he is and why he was kept alive for so long, that's all but he can't find any answer's just more questions.

Logan: Hey, did you follow up on my wife and daughter?

Hank turned to him, thought about it for a second but then realised, they didn't, they read his file, they found out their names and how they died but that was about it, they never dug in anymore and just sort of left it as that, Logan however has a nagging feeling that he needs to make sure of, if he's wrong then greater but if he's right then even better because each side gets him one more step closer to figuring out who or what he is.

Logan: Can we take a look now?

Logan asked since he has nothing better to do, all his days seem to consist of is reading in the library and bugging the good Doctor here, Logan still hasn't quite come to grips with the technology and stuff these days, like the Tv, that blows his mind, the mobile phones as well, crazy things, not to mention that thing that Kitty told him about the other day, the Internet or something, he's not sure but it's a crazy thing.

Hank: Of course. I have a few moments spare.

Logan smiled while getting up and joining the Doctor over by the computer, Hank tapped away at a few keys while adjusting his glasses but then stopped as Logan looked over his shoulder the whole blue creature thing really doesn't bother him anymore, it didn't seem to bother him when he first saw him either, almost like he's seen this sort of thing before.

Hank: Huh... this is most peculiar...

Logan wasn't sure what the Doctor is seeing over him because honestly, all these computers, phones and Tv's it's a lot to take in so he doesn't really get it, sure he can read and stuff, he'd actually much rather have a bookcase in that room that's apparently his till whatever time comes, then a big giant Tv, he's not even sure how to turn the thing on.

Logan: What? What's wrong?

Hank hummed and pressed a few more keys on the computer, apparently they never looked into his wife and daughter, they just got his info and left it at that, they didn't want to go to fair right now because it can't have been easy for him to have woken up after such a long nap, however, Logan's getting a feeling that somethings off and he's trying everything he can to find out what happened to him and where he came from.

Hank: Well, apparently. Diana Kenway never married... she was engaged before her death but her soon to be husband didn't make it back from the War...

Logan sighed still thinking about this whole World War II thing, makes it seem like all those men and boys that died during the first meant absolutely nothing, he hates it and if he was around then, he would have done everything in his power to stop it, which wouldn't have helped much since he is only human but hey, he could have giving it a go.

Hank: ... If I didn't know any better Sergeant...

Logan tried to understand as much on the screen as he could but most of these medical terms weren't a thing over 100 years ago, he hasn't got a clue, it's almost like reading a foreign language, it's not an easy thing to do, although during the War, Logan did try and read a book that was French, he didn't get every far with it, this seemed a little more serious though so Logan snapped out of that memory and paid attention back to the only man who actually seems like he wants to help him.

Hank: ... I'd say someone's tried to make you someone your not.

Logan looked to Hank a little confused by this, why would someone do that, he's just a man that wanted to fight in the war, the bugging thing is he can remember Diana, he can remember her clear as day, he can't his daughter but that's because he never got to meet her, but every time he does think of Diana, it's like he's looking at her in a picture or something, like the memory isn't real, he's not sure why or what's going on but if he's not Sergeant Logan Kenway who disobeyed Orders to fight for freedom, then he want's to know exactly what he is.

Logan: Why would someone do that? I'm just a guy.

The idea that someone has screwed with his life, his mind, has really freaked him out, the idea off what's really real is running through his mind, "is this real, am I actually talking to a giant blue furball?" is just one of the things but this is something that Hank has never seen before, it would take a power that no one could possible have, to re write someone's entire life, to wipe his mind like it was a hard drive and fill it with more crap is a terrifying thought, if there is someone out there with this ability then they need to find them and fast.

Hank: Yes, "just a guy", but a guy that was locked away for over 100 years. Someone doesn't want to be know who you are Sergeant.

Logan was about to ask more questions but before he could, an alarm started going off, Logan didn't know what to do other then follow the Doctor, he knew this was a bad alarm because when the got back up into the main school area, the kids and teachers are running all around the school.

Hank: I think we best find the Professor.

Logan couldn't have agreed more as they both joined the rest of the school in a run around till Hank found where Charles is and not just the Professor but majority of the school either pilling out the front door of the building or looking out through windows as Charles sat with Scott, Jean, Wolverine, Colossus, Kitty, Matthew and Pyro all standing between the school and four people walking towards them.

 Charles: This is a peaceful place. If you have hostile intent we will defend ourselves.

It was a fair warning as Logan and Hank sort of joined them, Logan stood between Kitty and the Doctor while looking over to them, he could swear he knows them, not that he's met them but he's seen a picture or something of them before, they all stopped when the Professor called out to them, not a threat, or even a challenge, just a friendly heads up that they aren't going to just sit by and let these guys do what they want.

Baqir: We've come for Urbus!

Logan's breath hitched as Hank glanced at him, it wasn't that long ago that Logan was asking about this "Urbus" and couldn't find anything on him, the odd's on this name being asked about twice now in such a short space of time is unlikely unless this "Urbus" means something, Logan never said a word though and just waited while looking over them, the one who just spoke is a about 6'4, his shoulder length hair looked darker then the night sky without stars but the part that troubled most are his red and black pupils looking over every single one of them.

Scott: We don't know what an "Urbus" is!

Scott called back while they four of them laughed about something, maybe this is Logan's chance to get some answers, not by calling out to them because by the looks of things, these people couldn't care less that he's even here, so maybe he just needs to watch and observe for a moment or two, learn more things about this "Urbus" character he's heard so much about these past couple of days.

Shiklah: Foolish humans. Urbus isn't a thing, he's the God of Battle, youngest Son to the God of War, Ares and the Goddess of Love, Aphrodite. His life force would make us all that much more powerful.

Logan looked to her as she stood tall, much taller then the rest of them, she was a clear 10 or so foot tall, purple skin and pitch black hair much like the man who spoke before her, the others near her aren't as tall but their all pretty big in their own right, no one here seemed worried about her height though, apparently creatures with multi coloured flesh is a normal thing around this place.

Jean: That's impossible. We'd know if a God is here.

It's at least good to know that they can talk this through, no need to shed blood but Logan still wants to hear them talk about this "Urbus" man, why is he hearing the name of the God of Battle in his sleep and stuff, that doesn't make sense, then again, nothing made sense to him since he joined the War, that was easily the worst choice he's ever made in his life.

Jenny: We followed his sent. It's faint but he is here. Give him to us, or we'll take him by force. That's your only warning.

With that they turned away and left, Kitty looked up to Logan on her side, his mind was running through all of this, could he be this "Urbus" guy, is that why he was locked away, to hide from these creatures, he didn't know but one thing he did want to do, is he wants to go and see where he was found, maybe that can give him more answers to the questions he can't seem to understand right now...


{To Be Continued!}

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