Chapter 1

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Hey birdies! I know you must all be like: "oh no1 Not another story! how are you supposed to update the other one as well!?" The answer is..I probably will die trying. hahahaha just kidding. I will try to alternate between updates. (these chapters are bound to be short, sorry, it just means I will probably update quicker is all.) Here is the first chapter of my new fan fiction I am writing (no duh) Just a reminder that I do not own ANY of the DC characters. Also, This story is slightly AU, but it will all make sense (well at least in my opinion) in later chapters. 

If you are prone to feels or are weak at heart do to feels: I do not recommend this story. (Looking at you WaveSnitch5449 and Percabeth_Caleo99)  

For those who are ready for a roller coaster worth of emotions:  Hop on this train and enjoy my true evil writer potential!

Sidenote: I dedicate this book to my loving Internet Fiancé FangirlForevz for being not only an amazing person, but an amazing author as well. Love you Baby ;)

Thanks for reading Birdies!


"I do not believe the League would appreciate us sneaking in here for a second time." Kaldur frowned a bit as they walked in the underground tunnels of Cadmus. It was eerily quiet which was unnerving as is, but the fact that they were told specifically not to come back made them even more nervous.

"How else are we supposed to find any information on Supes here? Aren't you the least bit curious how they cloned Superman?" Wally whispered, eagerness filling his voice. as he tried to keep himself from speeding ahead of the other members.

"The last time we were here we got hooked up to pods and where electrocuted. No thank you." Tim huffed a bit following at Kaldur's heels. "Batman is not going to be pleased when he finds out that we disobeyed his orders." Robin sighed, remembering the large lecture Batman Had given them, and accidentally mentioning how the first Robin would have followed orders. Tim never even met the first Robin, but after his death, it seems like all they could do was fill his shoes from the very beginning. Wally apparently knew Grayson as kids, Tim had often tried to ask about him, but no one would ever say his name, as if the name could actually attack them. Jason, The Robin after him, had had the worst of trying to fill the void and earn the acceptance of Bruce being the first replacement, he had to hear the lectures more than anyone else. Jason and Tim may not have ever met Dick Grayson, but they still hated him because even beyond the grave, he held all of their adoptive father's affection. It just was not fair.

"Oh the memories, Though Ja--Red Hood was here too...too bad he could not go down memory lane with us, huh?" Wally chuckled a bit. "Well, at least the G-morphs are not trying to kill us this time around. That's a plus."

"Red Hood Is on patrol with Batman tonight, if he wasn't we would have been found out by now. We are lucky that he is serving as a distraction while we entertain your sudden curiosity to come back to a place we all know as 'off limits'." Tim sighed a bit, looking at the walls as they continued to walk. " Guardian does not know we are here, Does he?"

"The Genomorphs said they would keep an eye on his activity for us." Superboy frowned. "They will let us know if any action needs to be taken to leave." The teen's steps echoed as they walked down the halls of floor 52, finally reaching the lab doors that once contained Superboy. The doors were still open, there would be no use to close them since what they were sheiling away was long gone. Superboy walked up to his pod, bitter memories resurfacing.

"Whoa now, don't get all moody're free now, no one can keep you captive anymore." KF grinned and aqualad put a reassuring hand on the Kryptonian's shoulder, giving a small nod in agreeance.

Robin ignored the team bonding moment and instead was on the computer, typing away to find any kind of answers. "I do not see anything we do not already know. It seems like the whole Kr project was purposely crashed to prevent any of the knowledge to resurface-- wait I found something in the wreckage of the data" Tim mused a bit, focusing on the screen with a bit of confusion, there was a folder but nothing was inside of it when he opened it, perhaps it was just a glitch. No, Cadmus always had a purpose to everything, there was always a motive. Though the folder only had one letter as its title, 'R'. "Superboy, have you or any of the other g-morphs heard of a project 'R' ?"

Superboy frowned slightly in thought, trying to recall all the information that he was being fed during his time as a captive here at Cadmus. It did not ring any bells for the clone, he had never heard of such a project, and he even knew about the first attempt at the cloning of Superman. If there was such a thing as project 'R' ; it must have been extremely discreet if even Dubbilex was unaware of this supposed project. "No, none of us have heard of Project 'R' . Are you sure that it is not just some bug or perhaps a decoy folder?"

Tim frowned a bit. Though the clone did not mean it as such, he took the words as an insult to his intelligence. "There is still scattered remnants of data, there once was something here, I am sure of it." Robin scowled unhappily, fists clenching a little. Sure, he was by far the youngest of the team, but he was not stupid. He could allow being picked on by his brothers because it was all in good fun, but this was just an insult. If Jason were here, he would surely agree with him and help him look for more clues. Robins of a feather as they say...Well at least the devil child was not with them. Tim shuddered at the thought.

"Be calm, both of you." Kaldur walked over and glanced at the screen. "Is there any way to recover any of the files?"

"Unfortunately, no. There is no tether to these numbers, it is basically random numbers." Tim mumbled a bit

"Well whatever it is, it probably was not as important as Supes here, or else it would also be on this level, and we searched every inch of this place." Kf stepped forward to join the others who were staring at the screen , but when he took a step forward, it made a hollow sound. "Hey guys.." Wally blinked. "I think I found a trap door...That or a garbage shoot."The rest of the teens rushed over and looked where Wally had stepped, peeling back the flooring. All their eyes widening in shock as they saw a small shaft leading down to another floor ."Guys...There is a level 53" 

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