Chapter 2

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"Maybe we should contact the League about this..." Tim frowned, looking uneasy. "There is not even any lighting... who knows what is down there."

"Tim, dude, it is level freaking 53 , meaning there must be something good down there!" KF protested. "I wonder what kind of technology they are hiding."

"You are like a kid in a candy shop" Superboy sighed a bit and kneeled to the floor, planning on climbing down the latter. "There might be something about me down there, so I am going. I am not going to be shooed away from this place a second time because of the League."

"It is risky my friend, perhaps we should heed Robin's words and contact our mentors, surely they did not know of another floor" Kaldur insisted, whatever Cadmus was hiding down there, it had to be pretty big for all the precautions they had for hiding an entire floor in an already very well hidden underground lab.

"Well, I'm with you Supes." Wally grinned and also crouched to the floor, a grin on his face."Who knows, maybe they have a clone of Black Canary who is super hot!"

"If Artemis was here, she would give you the slap of a lifetime." Tim sighed a bit and shook his head, looking at kaldur "We are too deep in anyway, any transmitter signals would be far too weak, we might as well entertain the idea that we could learn something important on our own." Tim really did not want to go, but Wally's enthusiasm was slowly getting the better of him and his own curiosity of what could be down there. "We will need a light source however, it is far too dark to be wandering that floor without any sense of surroundings."

"Don't you have something in your handy dandy utility belt?" Wally asked

"Only one flashlight, which would mean we would have to stay close together."

"I knew I should have brought those glow-sticks along but nooooo "Wally muttered

"Convenience store glow-sticks that are meant for children parties would give little to no light in this situation Kid Flash, and I am still questioning why you bought them in the first place." Tim sighed and shook his head.

"Will you two shut up and come on already" Superboy barked at the rest of his teammates before starting to climb down the latter, the clang of his footsteps echoing as he descended down "Meet you at the bottom." he called.

"Hey, Supes wait up!" Wally grinned and followed presuit, giving Robin and Aqualad a dramatic salute before following after superboy.

Tim looked at Kaldur before sighing. "They are being far too rash, they are not even the ones who have the flashlight." Tim crouched down to the latter. "Let's just get this over with before I return to my wits and change my mind."

"We all seemed to have lost our wits." Aqualad replied before also starting to climb down the latter, being the last one to have reached the bottom of their newly found floor."

"Yo Rob, hook us up with some light will you?" Wally whispered, bumping into Tim which made him jump. Not soon after he spoke, Robin's face was illuminated with a warm yellow light. Wally grinned, more excitement building up inside of him. For some reason, he just knew that they were going to find something good.

Tim scanned the hallway with the flashlight. There were no doors along the sides, no extra rooms, just a very very long hallway in front of them. "One way way out..Perhaps to avoid would be risky to have to encounter any fighting situation on this floor."

"Well I am going to see what is at the end of this hallway."Superboy interrupted, soon beginning to walk ahead of Tim.

"Hey! Wait up! I have the flashlight!" Robin frowned and rushed along the side of Superboy with Kaldur and Wally also following quickly after.

The whole group was silent as they continued to walk forward. Their steps echoed throughout the underground channel, their anxiousness swallowing them as they thought to themselves what could possibly be at the end of this tunnel.

"Robin..turn of the light ." Superboy ordered, voice quick.

Tim blinked confused, why would Connor want him to turn off their only lightsource? "Why--"

"Just do it!" He barked.

Robin sighed and flipped the switch off, deciding to humor the clone. As he turned off the light, he was surprised to see there was a small rectangle of light a few feet in front of them, like a light seeping through the cracks of a door. Well this place is certainly full of surprises.

"Dude,,another hidden door." Wally whispered, vibrating a little bit in excitement. "This is like a mad scientist lab treasure hunt..totally rad."

"We should proceed with caution, Robin turn the light back on." Kadur advised, looking to where he hoped Robin would be situated, though not really sure do to the dark.

Robin turned back on the flashlight slowly walking over to where the panel was seen. He peeled off a layer of the wall to see a door, with a finger scan lock. "No good, there is no power down here to even hack into the system."

"Dude, you forget we have have a teen with super human strength." KF grinned and gestured to Superboy. " Well Supes? Care to do the honors?" Wally said but then frowned. "Wait a second, If this place has no power..where is the light coming from on the other side?"

"There could be a separate generator, perhaps we could use it to turn the rest of the lights on." Kaldur suggested.

" It is unlikely to have a generator in a single room, if so the lights would be on in the hallway and the lock pad would be functioning. Besides, there would have to be someone here to even start a generator, and this place seems to look abandoned for at least two good years, going by the dust and lack of circulated air." Tim frowned, unable to get this eerie feeling out of his head. Something was definitely behind this door

"Well whatever it is. we are going to find out. Now." Superboy slammed into the door a few times, causing huge dents as he continued. It only took about four or five times until the door flew into the room.

It did not look like a lab more to the team's surprise. It looked more like a run down bedroom with a very small closet. The room was lit up with one very small light bulb, which let off a faint glow.

"Dude...there is nothing cool in here at all! laaammmeee" Wally whined, obviously disappointed. "Maybe there is more? like...maybe there are more secret doors and--" Wally was cut off by a groan coming from a dark corner of the small room, the sound of shuffling and a creaking springs of a bed.

"Who the hell are you?" A raspy voice called out.

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