Chapter 17

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The day of updates is upon us

Rejoice. For today is Bongo— I mean update Day!
On another note...WOW! This story has reached 10k views. You all are amazing, thanks for the reads! It makes me happy to know that all of my fans are enjoying themselves when they read my stories. Hope my updates make your Mondays a little more bearable.
Happy reading,
Dick watched the TV screen absently as he kicked back on the couch and ate one of wally's hidden stash of potato chip bags. He accepted his fate of 'house arrest' for now, but when it came down to it, he knew that if need be he will leave. Luthor has apparently gone on a 'vacation' leaving the League to go on a man hunt while he just sat there. It was frustrating, but he kept to himself, knowing if he acted at the wrong time, he would be in a whole lot of trouble. Wally would often come with updates, but he was also busy with the 'mini league' which left him alone for most parts of the day. Bruce would occasionally stop by, but there were always few words exchanged and the tension was thick and almost suffocating.

Dick only saw Jason once. Needless to say that the second he got within range, he punched him right in the gut for drugging him. However, in the end he forgave him. There was really no point in staying upset with Jason, it would not get him anywhere. But he did threaten if he ever tried to pull that again, he would strangle the other in his sleep.

A few times he sat down with Connor, though the conversation was not even that. It tended to be more of a staring contest. However, words did not need to be spoken Dick knew that the other supported him and would gladly fight at his side to stop Luthor. No words were spoken, but the two had a close bond as they sat together and watched static or news on the television. Dick didn't mind, he enjoyed company when he could get it.

Another week passed and Dick was becoming restless again, stir crazy was more like it. Being once the partner of the world's greatest detective, he soon obsessed with locating Luthor, who was currently still off the grid. His room had become flooded with papers and articles. There was not one square inch of floor to be seen.

Wally had taken notice of this and knew that it was a bad sign. If this continues Dick might decide to take things in his own hands again. He lightly knocked on the door before entering. " Dude, when was the last time you got some sleep?" He stared at his friend, who seemed thinner and had the darkest circles under his eyes. This was not healthy, Dick needed to get out and get some fresh air and take a good nap.

"Well since none of the League can seem to find that bastard, I thought that I would lend a hand. And since I am stuck in here, research is the only thing I can do at the moment." Dick muttered, picking up a few sheets of paper off the ground and staring at them for a brief minute before tossing it back to the floor. " And I slept yesterday... I think.. All the days are mashed together ever since I was stuck here."

"Hey.. Why don't we go out for a bit?"Wally asked. Dick was not allowed to leave, but this was just plain unhealthy.

"You know very well I can't leave." Dick scowled.

"Well, not like that you can't. You are in serious need of a shower. You stink."

Dick snorted a bit. " You don't smell like roses either Walls."

"Hey! I just got back from a mission, it's not my fault that it was in a rainforest with hot temperatures and bugs the size of your fist." Wally shivered a bit, remembering a centipede he found on the tree next to him that was almost as long as his arm. Not that he would put his arm close enough to it for scale. "Just hit the showers. We are going out to get some air."

Dick rolled his eyes slightly but gave a short nod. "Fine... I'll play along. But so help me if this is some sort of prank–"

"Dick please, we are not twelve anymore." Wally grinned "Would I ever prank you?"

"Yes." There was not even a second of hesitation in Dick's reply. Though a smile was forming on his face. "Though I will take you seriously only because it's been far too long since I have seen the actual sky. Of course it hasn't been seven years like last time..but still.." He smirked " Though I will state again that I am not the only one who needs to shower and wash his clothes a good ten time to get the stench off them."

Wally nodded, glad to see the other was being cooperative. Although if the league found out that he let Dick outside of Mount Justice.. He might as well hand his head over to the bat now. "Yeah yeah... I'll hit the showers too.. Shut up." That's right, this was about Dick. Not him. He needed to get out or else he will just obsess more. This is for Dick's health.

"Man this feels great." Dick took in a deep breath, smiling. He was beginning to wonder when he would get the chance to breathe outside air again. "Sure I'm still stuck in Happy Harbor, but at least it's outside."

" Want to grab a bite to eat?" Wally asked, knowing the other hasn't eaten much lately either. " I'm pretty hungry myself.."

"Dude, you are always hungry." Dick chuckled a bit but shrugged " I'm not all that hungry... But we can stop for food I guess."

"I'll pay this time, so you don't have to worry about that" Wally joked and walked to the nearest fast food location, ordering 10 burgers for him and one for Dick as well as two sodas.

" I told you I wasn't hungry " Dick frowned as he looked at the burger Wally set down in front of him, his stomach churning slightly.

"Dude, it looks like you haven't eaten in days. You need to eat something" Wally looked up from his already half eaten pile of burgers. He was beginning to worry about the other and his lack of appetite.

Dick sighed and managed to eat about two bites of food before the grease began to make his stomach go in knots. "...I'm done I can't.." Dick pushed the burger aside.

Wally noticed the pale and sick expression on his friends face and sighed " fine, but when we get back to the cave, we are going to get you something else."

"You're killing me Wally" Dick groaned " I don't need a mother figure looking out for me."

" Who you callin' 'mother figure'?" Wally snorted, trying to hide his look of worry for the other. " I'm the manliest person alive." Though right now, Wally knew that Dick needed some sort of parental figure. He needed to talk to batman when they got back. " come on..I heard the arcade is still open, let's go."

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