Chapter 18

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Lex Luthor slipped between the fingers of the League, that was not really a big surprise to Dick. A man with that much power and money, he could get out with just a snap of his fingers. Dick leaned against the wall of the of the abandoned apartment he once lived in, glancing at Wally and Connor slightly before getting up. "I'm going to get a drink. Do you guys want anything?"

Wally shook his head but kept his eyes on dick as he moved. "Dick, you know we can't keep this up right? I mean this is not what we are supposed to do. Maybe we should call Bat--"

"We do not need him!" Dick snapped at, fists clenching to the point his knuckles were white. "He let him slip away! He promised me that he would bring him to justice and he did not!"

"Whoa, I'm just saying maybe it's time we tell them -- Connor, a little help please?" Wally gave a desperate pleading look to the kryptonian for some kind of help.

"I have questions I want answered too." Connor scowled, siding With Dick.

"You two are insane! We can't keep him chained up in the next room like that forever you know!" Wally knew he had promised to help his best friend, but what he was doing was not right. This was not justice at all. "If you keep this up, you will become just like Luthor! A bad Guy!"

Dick flinched slightly but then gave Wally an icy glare, his blue eyes cold and filled with vice. " Never. Compare. Me. To. Luthor." He glanced back at the door to the next room, where his 'guest' had been staying. He grit his teeth. "You promised me KF! That if the league did not succeed, that you would help me! And so far the only one who has helped and stayed by my side is Connor. I need to know EXACTLY why I was brought back. There must be a reason!" He started to sound desperate, the madness of the whole situation was bring him to his own breaking point. "I said I was not going to kill him, I just want my answers."

"Well your way of getting them involves beating him to the point where you ALMOST kill him." Wally snaps back at. "Dude, you are acting far worse than the bat!"

Dick ignored his friend and turned to Connor. "Hey Supes, keep a lookout while I'm in there will you?" He started walking to the door and opened it, glancing back at Wally. "Well are you going to come and watch to make sure I don't kill him? Since you obviously don't trust me not to do so."


Chains rattled at the impact of the punch, and the chair jerked onto its two hind legs before falling back forward by a steady hand pulling it back. The stains on the carpet seemed to grow as the days went on of the questions. Questions that seemed never to be answered.

Apparently, beating questions out of people was Batman's thing after all. Sure, It helped with Dick's rage, but it got him nowhere with the man bleeding out in front of him. He was getting nowhere. And soon the league would close in on him and find out what he was doing. He would surely be reprimanded and probably locked away if he killed this man. IT was not worth it. He glared at the bald man, his luxurious suit now in tatters and covered in so much blood it might as well have been red. "I Do not have Time for this. Tell me what I want to know!"

"I don't know what they have in store for you, but if you can't even kill the man who tortured you for those years." He trailed off, spitting a glob of saliva mixed with blood onto the floor. He looked up, giving a slight smirk. "Whatever are you going to do when you actually get your answer? They do say ignorance is bliss."

"Who told you to do it? Was it the LIGHT!?" Dick shouted at grabbing the back of Luthors chair and pushing it back so it was on its hind legs once more. "I am tired of these games Luthor."

"Tsk tsk, you have about as much manners as that brute of mentor you have. You catch more flies with honey than vinegar--" Another punch to the face cut him off

"Do not bring my mentor into this. This has nothing to do with him." He glared.

"Dear Richard, It had everything to do with him. After All, you would not have been in this situation if not for him, your death could have been completely avoided and it would certainly cause less trouble for me and the expensive suit you completely tarnished."

"Dick..we should stop, I think you broke enough of his ribs." Wally stood horrified in the corner, still not liking the fact that his best friend was beating someone to the extent that there where welts not only forming on luthor, but Dicks hand as well from repetitively punching. " This has gone too far!"

"I am not finished yet!" Dick growled returning his attention to Luthor. Who is this 'They' !?" His voice rose, punching the other again, but this time he did not stop the chair from falling backwards. Instead, he let Luthor land back and head first into the floor. He placed his foot directly on one of the the villain's broken ribs and gradually steps into it.

Luthor let out a gurgled hiss of pain, choking on a bit of blood and struggling to breathe. He gasped for air but could not find it, his mouth began moving but no words came out.


"He is going to tell me, so shut up!" Dick snapped at, not once removing his gaze from Luthor. "Tell me and I will let you live your miserable life, if not.." He pressed harder, feeling the rib underneath his foot shift and hit something. "Punctured lungs are a slow and painful death." He paused just before he added enough pressure to do so, waiting for the other's reply.

"C.....C..." Luthor spat out, wheezing intensifying as his air supply dwindled from the compression of his lungs. He tried to move away to get some air to speak, but his restraints kept him from doing so.

Dick slowly removed his foot, his cold glare remaining. "Who.brought. Me. Back?" Is voice colder than ice.

"C....Co...Cobb." Luthor choked out. " W-William.....Cobb."

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