Chapter 6

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Jason slowly opened the door to his apartment, looking around to see if anyone was watching the two Robins.

"Well if we do not look look suspicious before.." Dick chuckled softly, stepping into the small apartment. "hmmm...looks cosy."

"Yeah well, this is what I have to offer. You are sleeping on the couch." Jason grumbled tossing his coat to the side. He was exhausted, he went from patrol right to the medical bay and he was running on fumes at this point. He yawned grabbing his phone to call Bruce. "Just shut up for a bit okay? I need to report in...stay here and don't do anything stupid."

"Sure thing.." Dick plopped onto the couch, turning on the television "Ohhhh sweet has been far too long."

Jason rolled his eyes and slipped into his bedroom, closing the door before calling Bruce. He wanted to make someone else patrol tonight..he just wanted to be dead to the world for a few damn hours so he could actually sleep. Drake owed him one anyway for keeping this time bomb of a secret at his place while he recuperates. When Bruce did not pick up, Jason sighed heavily, knowing that if there was no answer there would be a --his phone vibrated... text. Jason looked at the screen and grumbled.

'Meet me at the cave.'

Shit...he is pissed off about something...did he find out already? Jason gulped and peaked out of the door to see Dick still flipping through channels. Well..There was not a bat barging through the that cannot be it. "Dick, I gotta go and run some errands, Promise not to do anything while I am gone?"

"You do realize that I am the eldest right? I do not need a babysitter." Dick laughed, turning to face Jason, his blue eyes already having more light in them from when he first woke up. "But when you get back, you should get some rest, you look dead."

"Yes mum." Jason rolled his eyes and grabbed his coat before leaving his apartment and heading to the nearest zeta tube. When Jason arrived, he was greeted with an equally nervous Tim Drake.

Batman walked in. "You two are hiding something." It was not a question. Jason was reported to be at the medical bay along with Tim, who brought in a civilian. That alone is against protocol, but the doctors on staff said the civilian's condition critical and the teens had said that mount justice was quicker than the public hospital. He watched as both the teens paled when he made the comment, Bruce's eyes narrowed , a bat glare forming. "Explain, now."

"Explain what?" Jason tried to play it off, for all he knew this could be a trap into admitting guilt, there was no way bruce knew about Dick, or else he would not be here doing nothing. "If is this about the pink Bat-mobile..It was not me."

"I already plan on punishing you for that, but that is not what I am talking about. I am talking about you two bring a civilian into the mount Justice medical bay? You put a lot of hero identities in danger with that alone."

Jason had to think of something, and quick that would keep them out of trouble. "He was not a civilian okay?!" Jason snapped at, causing Tim's eyes to widen and stare at Jason for admitting that. Jason took a deep breath before continuing. "He is a vigilante." Jason finished a bit. It was not a complete lie, Dick at one point was Robin...but Bruce did not need to know that. "He is a friend of mine and got into some trouble..Tim knew of our relations and notified me after he found him in critical condition." Tim managed a small nod to what jason said as if agreeing with him. This was the story they would have to stick with now, there was no going back from what they said.

"What is his name? " Bruce's eyes narrowed.

"We do not know his real name." Jason lied, trying to sound as calm as he could.

"What does he go by then? I will need to do some research on this friend of yours and then I will decide your punishment."

"You won't be able to find anything on him" Tim interrupted, panicked that Bruce would find out they were lying to him. "I searched..but he mostly does small crimes in Bludhaven and stays well was a surprise we even found him at all." Once again..not a complete lie, but Bludhaven was not at least that is an excuse on why Batman has not seen him.Tim looked over to Jason, who smiled only slightly as if to say 'nice save bro'.

"You are stalling..His name." Bruce commanded.

Jason looked at Tim, who was completely tongue tied. They just had to make up a random hero name right, how hard can it be. "I do not know if we should give out that information...I promised him I would--" Jason drawled out, trying to think of something to say, his mind reeling.

"Jason" Bruce warned.

"Nightwing..his name is Nightwing." Jason panicked, saying the first thing that came to his mind.


When Jason walked back to his apartment, he found that his pantry was raided. That either meant that Dick all of a sudden got the munchies or... Jason walked into his living room to see Wally munching on his potato chips and Dick sitting next to him, laughing and chatting. Wally looked up at Jason and nearly choked on his chips.

"Dude when did you get back? I didn't even hear the door open!"

"Young bats are silent." Dick laughed and looked over to Jason, waving. "Finish your errands?"

"Yeah, about that, we got a problem..." Jason mumbled a bit, sitting on the floor next to the others. "And I mean a big problem."

Dick frowned, a look of concern forming. "Did something happen?"

"Bruce happened."

"Did you tell him about me?"

"Sort of.."

"Dude! You promised not to tell anyone!" Wally accused, cutting off the conversation.

"Shut up and let me finish!" Jason snapped at, causing the speedster to instantly shut up. "I lied to him..saying there was a new vigilante in town..."

"So what you are saying is..." Dick grinned again "I am back in the family business?"

"You are still recovering..I don't think it is the best idea Dick.." Wally frowned, looking at Jason for help to convince him not to go back just yet.

"We do not have much of a choice. It is either play hero, or get killed for keeping the fact that you were alive a secret."

"Sooooo...What lame name did you give this 'new vigilante' that appeared?"

"It is not a lame name! I'm sorry that I was forced to come up with something right on the spot, I was feeling the pressure okay?" Jason grumbled. "HAve you forgotten how terrifying the bat-glare is?"

"Ahh the bat-glare..good ol' times..." Dick chuckled. "Fine fine..just tell me my new name already"

"Nightwing" Jason sighed

"Hm...that actually is not completely terrible..I kind of like it." Dick grinned. "Well I guess I am Nightwing now, where do I pick up my hero license and registration" Dick joked, earning an eyeroll from both Wally and Jason.

"This is going to be a long next couple of days." Jason pinched the bridge of his nose. What was he getting himself into?

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