Chapter 7

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"God Grayson! I did not need your help!" Jason hissed at the other boy, cradling his arm as he slowly stood up. "I could have handled it on my own"

"Sure you could." Dick patted Jason's uninjured shoulder. "I just got bored watching and thought I could entertain myself." 'Nightwing', as he was now known as, smiled, before examining Jason. "There is no exit wound..meaning the bullet is still in there." Nightwing sighed a bit, moving closer to the gunshot wound. "By the look of the lack of blood, it did not hit any major arteries... Jay you are lucky."

Jason gritted his teeth slightly, glad that his Red Hood mask his his pained expression. He did not want to look weak in front of the first Robin...more he wanted to prove that he was up there with him in skill. Dick has been Nightwing for a month already, time has passed rather quickly having Grayson around. Batman still did not know he was alive and Jason was beginning to believe that Dick was stalling as much as he possibly could. "Luck had nothing to do with it" Jason grumbled. "But I will have to get Alfred to get this bullet out, and then get a lecture from bruce on how I was not being careful enough." Jason stood up and started walking to his motorcycle, Dick following at his heels.

Dick chuckled. "It sounds like he cares a lot for you though... His scolds are his way of saying he cares...Well I liked to think that when he used to scold me."

"Batman scolded you? "Jason scoffed.

"Yeah?" Why wouldn't he? I made mistakes all the time"

"That is hard to believe, he always made you sound like the golden child."

"Dick laughed. "I was far from it ,Jay. I never listened to orders..and that was what overall caused my demise."

"Speaking of demise" Jason stopped, using a serious tone. "When are you going to tell him you are alive? You cannot hide at my apartment forever and I am tired of Wally eating all of my food. It has been a month already, don't you think that it is time?"

Dick sighed heavily "It is not like I do not want to tell him..It is just that I don't feel like I have the right to barge into his life again. He grieved over me already Jay..I don't want that wound to resurface again."

"Telling him would heal the wound!" Jason frowned under the mask, and gripped onto Dick's uniform with his good arm. " I bet there is nothing in this world that he would want more than to have his son back alive! You are hurting him more by keeping this a secret!"

Dick looked down at the ground, letting out a shaky breath. "And when I do tell him I am alive..for now several years..he will ask why I did not come back home. Do you think he would like to hear how I was trapped underground and basically experimented on every day? He would feel guilty for not looking when we all know it would not be his fault because he did not know. How do you think he will feel then Jay? And then he will ask how I am alive..and I cannot answer that because I do not know..that terrifies me..and it would terrify him as well."

Jason let go of Dick, letting out a groan of irritation. "Still. We can figure this out." Jason took out his phone.

"Who are you going to call?" Dick frowned.

"Ghostbusters.." Jason rolled his eyes even though Dick could not see it. "I am calling Tim and telling him to meet us at the manor." Jason held the phone up to his ear, listening to the phone ring a few times before Tim's voice answered.

"Jason? What's up?"

"Meet us back home, It is time we tell Bruce." And with that he hung up.


"Jason I still don't believe this is a good idea.." Dick said, still wearing his Nightwing getup, mask and all.

"Stop being a pansy. We are getting this done tonight like it or not."

"Can we first fix your arm up?" Dick asked hopefully.

"Quit stalling" Jason sighed as Tim walked into the batcave, Jason was sitting on a table, still cradling his arm. "About time Tim, Is bruce upstairs?"

"He is..along with the demon spawn"

"Demon spawn..Oh you mean Damian.." Dick sighed. "I have not met the kid yet, but you two make him sound like he is the reincarnation of satan."

"He is." Both Tim and Jason said in unison.

"Tim can you at least tell Jason to fix his arm up before we go through all of this drama? Get Alfred down here."

"Grayson for the last time, quit your stalling!"

"Jay..I think he is right, we do not want to cause anymore damage when Bruce beats the crap out of us for not telling him."

Jason sighed, giving up. "I already don't like the idea of you two ganging up on me. Fine, get alfred down here."

Alfred was soon called down with the medical kit along with Bruce who heard that Jason was injured. Batman's eyes narrowed when he saw someone else in the cave with them, an older teen in almost all black with a blue bird-shaped 'v' on his chest. He took it this must be Nightwing. Batman was glad that he took the time to put on his cowl before heading down, but that does not excuse the two boys from the punishment they were going to get for letting an outsider into the cave without his permission. "Why is he in the cave?" The one known as Nightwing flinched slightly when bruce spoke, but said nothing, his eyes immediately finding newfound interest in the floor."

"Long story..But I promised both Tim and Nightwing that I would fix up my arm first."Bruce scowled deeply, giving a batglare at Jason for saying his brother's civilian identity , but Jason ignored it, focusing on Alfred getting the bullet out of his arm and stitching him up. The silence lasted a good ten minutes while Alfred did this and when he finished, Jason looked back up to Bruce. "He already knows who we all are, I would explain but I think it is best coming from him not me." Jason gestured to Dick who looked like he wanted to run away."

Bruce turned his attention to the new vigilante who had stood quietly this whole time. Something seemed off about him but he could not put his finger on it. "You better start explaining, because right now I am finding it hard to find any reason why you should be here."

" is hard to explain myself.." The hero muttered in a tone that was barely audible. "But I guess I will have to start somewhere." Nightwing slowly rose his hands to his face, peeling of his mask and looking at Bruce with newly revealed blue eyes. "Hey Bruce...It's me.."   

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