Kisame Hoshigake

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I don't own Naruto/Shippuden or any characters

"This should be interesting.." My heart was pounding. *bump, bump, bump*

Kisame was walking towards me when some Jounin attacked him from behind. He saw that coming though and dodged them. He slowly kept making his way towards me. I put myself in postion to fight when Choji said "Stay back Hinata." He got in front of me and made his hands huge.

I saw as Choji tried to wrap his arms around Kisame but he just kept cutting Choji's hands. It's no use.. I need to help. I turned to see Naruto still blacked out.

"I hope your watching Naruto-Kun I'm doing this for you-u!" I ran towards Kisame thankfully he was busy with Choji but he still saw me coming he turned but not fast enough I yelled "8 TRIGRAMS 32 PALMS!" He widened his eyes as I hit his Chakra points. His sword Sharkskin fell. "8 Palms! .... 16 palms!.... 32 palms!" I backed away exaughsted .

I watched as he tried to make Signs but it didn't work. "What did you do to me little BYAKUGAN brat!?" I was still breathing hard. "I..attacked 32 ... Of your... Chakra points. You have 64 in total. So half.. Of your techniques won't work anymore"

He widened his eyes. "You're gonna pay." He grabbed his sword and walked slowly towards me. I was shaking.

No Hinata your not gonna be afraid anymore! Stand up and face him! Show him your Nindo, your Ninja Way ! I stood up straight and looked at Naruto he wasn't there anymore...

Then I faced Kisame again. Choji was by my side. "Let's do this Hinata" I nodded and said "Hai!"

We both ran to him and I threw Kunai with was a big mistake cause he just blocked them with Sharkskin. Choji yelled something and turned into a ball and rolled towards Kisame. Kisame couldn't move. I looked and noticed, he was caught up in Shikamaru's shadow possession Jutsu.

Choji crushed him and he lay in the ground looking blacked out. Shikamaru approached him and stared at him. He seemed harmless to m- "BACK AWAY!" I heard Shikamaru yell I bounced back.

Kisame was standing up again. I guess that's why they're in the Akatsuki. They're so strong.. Choji's Jutsu was so hard on him..

"Water Style:---" Kisame was making hand gestures when Naruto-Kun came and said "Hold it right there!" He had made a Rasengan in his hand. Kisame turned and swung his sword at him. Naruto got hit once again. But got up almost immediately. He was injured pretty bad, not to mention even with so much Chakra he still had less way less than he began with. Oh Naruto-Kun..

He needs those wounds he had earlier healed quickl-- There already healed !!? I turned to see Choji he was okay Shikamaru was read to go fight but Naruto told him to stay back. I turned to see Kisame and saw a black object getting closer.. And closer and my eyes widened I closed them. I guess this is how it ends.. (Kunai)

I didn't feel any pain. I opened my eyes and saw Naruto on the floor with a Kunai in his stomach. "Naruto!" I ran towards him and knelt down. "Hinata, your alright." He gave me a weak smile. Blood was coming out of his mouth. He was out of breath. He was gasping for air I turned to look at Shikamaru and Choji but they were busy with Kisame.

I suddenly realized what I had to do. CPR.

I bend my heads towards Naruto and opened his mouth. I put my mouth over his and blew air. He smelled like Ramen. I kept blowing air until I felt him cough. I took my mouth away as he opened his eyes. "Hinata?" He said standing up. "Uhm. Naruto! Kisame-e is still standing-g and-d is fighting with Shikamaru-u and Choji-i. " he got up and said "THANKS HINATA" he gave me a thumbs up and ran towards Kisame.

He opened his eyes as I was taking my mouth away.. Did he realize what I did!? It was nothing bad.. I saved his life?!

"Hinata!" I turned and saw Shino coming with Sakura and TenTen. "They're still in battle with Kisa-ame !" I yelled as they were coming closer. "Nevermind that are you okay?" Sakura asked. " I'm fine." I said. "Okay then let's go ! Cha!" We all ran towards Kisame.

--------- AFTER THE BATTLE WITH KISAME ---------

Kisame escaped with Itachi saying "This won't be the last time you see us.."

We all left to Lady Hokages Mansion. She thanked us all and we were to rest. I walked home alone. I didn't feel like company at the moment. "Wait up Hinata!" I turned and saw NARUTO!?

"I was wondering if you could tell me the whole battle.. You know since I.. Blacked out and all.." He was rubbing the back of his neck when he said 'blacked out'

I kept walking and said everything, everything except where I did CPR on him..

"But Hinata I remember you were really close to me when I woke up. -the second time..- " he said I blushed a lot. "Uh well you see.. Sinceyougothitwiththekunaiyoualmostdiedgaspingforairandihadnootherchoicebuttodocpr!" He looked at me puzzled trying to repeat every word slowly. "" "I have to go see Neji!" I sad as I ran.

Naruto's POV

I was almost done trying to figure out what Hinata said ""

I widened my eyes .Did she really? I touched my lips, they were soft..

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