Naruto's Birthday

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Hinata's POV-

It's Naruto's Birthday Today. What should I get him ? Should I even get him anything ? What if he doesn't like it ?! Sakura will probably get him something better.. I shouldn't even try. But I should never give up. That's what Naruto taught me. I'm going to go congratulate him.

I get dressed and walk through Konoha. It's a nice day.. I get interrupted my Sakura. "Hinata! Lady Tsunade summoned us head to her office quick !!" And she suddenly dissapears. I blink and remember Lady Tsunade summoned me I dash toward her office. When I get there I realize I'm the only one left. Sakura, Sai , Ino , Kiba , Shino , Shikamaru , Choji , Neji, TenTen, Lee, Naruto! I take my place beside Choji and Kiba.

"The Village Hidden in the Leaves is under attack . We need back up forces to the East and West. Once I tell you your positions you are to go immediately ! Now The Akatsuki is here two of them one is Itachi Uchiha, Sasuke's older brother, a Sharingan user, very powerful and is capable of black flames known as the 'Amaterasu' those flames will stop at nothing to kill whatever it has touched until there is nothing left. Be aware of that. He is in the east gate. Now you are to stay there and capture him if possible the main goal is to stop them from invading, understood?! "Yes ma'am !" Everybody said in unison, Lady Tsunade.. "Now Lee, Neji, Ino , Sai and Kiba GO!" Everyone rushed out and the rest stayed.

"Our next apponent is Kisame Hoshigake he has a very strong blade whom is named Sharkskin, and by that I can assume he his a chakra nature is water. He is in the west. That's all I know on him now your mission is to capture if possible but atleast put up a fight so he won't invade. Sakura , Shino, Choji, TenTen, Naruto and Hinata GO!" We all fled to the West gate.

I hope this goes good... "BYAKUGAN!" I yell as vains pop out of the side of my eyes. I look around and point "there!' Everybody turns to where I indicated and suddenly I sence another Chakra. "Wait guys ! " everybody stops and looks at me " I sence another strong chakra over there probably a shadow clone but still it has an immense chakra sensation.."

Naruto POV-

"Thanks Hinata!" I yell and she said "mmhmm" and nods. "We better hurry and split up!" She says and I nod. " Okay guys if I call you name you are to head to where Hinata is pointing got it !?" Everybody nodded and I felt like a leader when suddenly Shino said "And who said you were in charge Naruto?" I grew a vain. "JUST FOLLOW DIRECTIONS!" Everybody yelled. "Mhmm" I nodded. "Now TenTen, Shino, and Sakura go!"

Hinata POV-

I jump. That means I'm going to be with Naruto-Kun! "Hinata we need your Byakugan so stay alert okay?" I heard Naruto say. "Got It-t!" I said back. "Then let's go!" We all ran across Konoha.

I hope this will end good. I don't anything happening and especially since it's Naruto's Birthday.. I need to show him my nindo, my ninja way! I'm not gonna be a burden this time I'm going to FIGHT!

Were running as I sence the Immence Chakra getting closer, Ah! Hess really-y strong-g!
How are we going to beat him!? His Sword Sharkskin.. It's feeding of Chakra!! Can that even be possible-e!?

"Naruto!" He turns and looks at me still running. "That sword he has, Sharkskin, it feeds off Chakra-a! " he looks at the sword those blue eyes.... "Hmm ok then close combat isn't goo--" I cut him off "Actually he's better at Long Range Combat! So it would be risking a chance but maybe we could beat him with close combat!"

"Your right Hinata! Okay.. Now let's just focus on getting there!" We were almost there just a minute...

When we got there he had already injured badly some of our jounin. This is bad.. Naruto rushed in like usual but he hit him with his sword right in the stomach so Naruto landed hard and couldn't move. "Naruto-Kun!" I yelled that made him turn his attention to me. His face.. It was blue and it looked pretty much like a Shark. It even had Whisker carved in I guess. And his Sword.. It fed off some of Naruto's Chakra.

"Well hello there!" He told me in a raspy voice. "One of the Hyuuga huh? This should be interesting.." My heart was pounding. *bump, bump! bump!*

Sorry for the short chapter I wanna save the action for the next one.
But I promis I'll make them longer^_^

Anyway what do u think ?

Comment please/-\

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