Chapter 10 - Training with Annie

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Erens POV

It's the end of the day, I let Mr.Ackerman know that I can't go to tutoring today. As I leave from his class Mikasa stops me in my tracks.
"Eren why are you skipping tutoring? Don't you need the help?"
"Huh? Yeah I do but I have something I need to do and it's gonna take a lot of my time after school so I'll just have to schedule my training around tutoring."
"Wait, what training?" Damnit I didn't mean to tell her training, once her curiosity starts building there's no way to get around it or avoid the subject.
"Yeah just working out ya know." She saw through my bullshit right after I said that.
"Yeah I don't believe you, what so ever, what are you doing this for anyways? Please don't tell me it's because of Reiner. Eren you gotta let that go, just give up on challenging him."
"No!" She gets shocked with my retaliation, I look at my phone and see it's 3:50pm and I need to make it to the entrance of the school to meet with Annie.
"Whatever, I'll talk to you later." I say as I storm off still pissed with what she said. How can I just let it go? She wouldn't understand. I get to the entrance I see Annie sitting in her truck with her arm sitting outside of the window just patiently waiting. I walk up to the truck and give a grin.
"Hey, everything alright?"
"Huh, yeah I'm good do we need to stop by your house for clothes?"
"Yeah if you don't mind." I hop in the passenger side of the truck and we leave the school.

After I leave my house with the clothes in a sports bag and get back into the truck, I get a text from Armin.

From Armin: "Hey did you get mad at Mikasa today?"
From Eren: "Yeah I raised my voice a little at her and left, why?"
From Armin: "She's kinda upset about it and came to vent to me. She said she didn't want you being mad at her for putting her little two sense into something."
From Eren: "I might have been a bit harsh to her but I got things to do I'll talk to you later."

I look up from my phone and Annie gives me a quick glance then back at the road.
"So what's with the sudden need to train, what are you trying to prove?"
"There's something I have to do and I need help accomplishing it."
"Fair enough."
She doesn't ask anymore questions after that, we finally make it to the gym and it's deserted. I look around and everything seems a bit dusty.
"The man who owns this place doesn't really use it, he's good friends with my dad so I got a key to use it whenever I want." She shows me to the boys locker room then she goes to the girls one. I switch to some Nike joggers and a tank top. I thought the joggers were comfortable so I usually just wore them around the house, I guess they're gonna be used for something else now. I come out of the locker room and I see Annie in a sports bra and leggings. To be completely honest she's ripped, strongest looking teen I've seen in a while. She has us do a bunch of exercises and weight lifting, I'm not a complete and uder rookie to working out, I kept myself in shape just not the greatest it could be. I'm basically exhausted from the workouts considering we weren't taking breaks, then she has us come over to mats and punching bags.
"And here's where the fun begins Jaeger." She then grabs two pairs of boxing gloves from her bag, and tosses the black pair to me and kept the red ones.
"The weight lifting and exercising was a warm up, the main focus is fighting. I want you to box me and don't hold back I know I won't."
We both form our stances, hers is a bit more different from a usual one but it doesn't matter. I go for the first punch and then she side steps it and nails me in the jaw. I take a few steps back and endure the hell of a punch she just landed on me. I shake it off and go back in I start throwing a bunch of punches just to have her dodge each and everyone of them. After the last one she lands four powerful blows to my face and ribs. At this point my adrenaline is taking over and I eat the hits and keep trying to land a blow to her. She trips and falls to the floor, this is my chance, I try throwing a punch to her face but she moves her head out of the way. My hand hits the plated floor with a lot of force, I feel the pain even though I'm wearing gloves. Damnit how hard did I hit the floor, she kicks me off of her and we both get back up. Both of us are breathing heavily and can tell that the other is extremely exhausted but we persist on fighting. We continuing fighting for another hour none stop.
"Come on Jaeger, would have thought you'd hit me by now." Annie says still struggling to stand up, I can tell she's exhausted even if she's technically winning the fight.
"Hehe, I'm still standing though so what does that say about you?" Now I think I hit a fuse with her because she gets serious and goes back into the stance she had earlier. I go back into mine and the trashing begins again. Everything I throw at her she dodges, this feels impossible. The more we fight the hard it gets to stand, I feel my knees giving in I don't think I'll be able to go anymore. She then hits me in the ribs harder then she has the entire match, I fall to the floor and cough blood.
"I think this is over." She says panting a little and turning around and about to walk to her bag until she's surprised by me getting up.
"I'm not.....finished yet." I say with determination in my eyes, getting up and going back into my stance. She sighs and goes back into hers, she tries punching me in the face but each time I maneuver around them and start picking up on her punching rhythm. She throws one over my right shoulder and I curl my right arm over hers and nail her right in the jaw. She steps back and spits some blood out of her mouth.
"Persistent bastard aren't you?" We both smirk at each other and go back at it, since we were both exhausted all of our hits were either blocked or dodged so no one got the last hit. The match only ended once we both fell to the floor from exhaustion. We get up and walk over to the bench and drink some water.
"You're one hell of a fighter Annie, I only got to hit you once."
"Landing hits only matter if they affect your opponent, either I'm weak or you just never know when to give up." We both laugh and get up to go home. She drops me off and tells me to text her when we want to do this again, I wave her off and go inside to see my mom look at me shocked.
"Eren did you actually go and workout?"
"Yeah me and a friend, went to the gym."
"Well good for you honey, go upstairs and take a shower and come down for dinner. This time actually make it down here okay?"
"Alright will do." I go upstairs and take a long hot shower. I'm still in a lot of pain but it feels good in a way, I get out of the shower and down stair to eat dinner. Then after that I go back upstairs and automatically crash in my bed, I don't know how I'll be able to get up tomorrow.

Authors Note:
Hello readers I'm happy to say I've reached 300 reads which makes me extremely happy. Thanks again for taking the time and reading this fan fiction, it's going a little slow now but later on it's gonna have a lot of action trust me I've thought of a bunch of ideas. By the way if I need to improve on anything or if I'm doing a good job feel free to leave a comment I don't mind feedback. Also if there's any characters you want to have more time on let me know and I'll be happy to put more attention.

Thanks Gumby

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