Chapter 11 - Our Kiss

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Erens POV

It hurt getting out of bed, every part of my body was sore or bruised. I had a cut on my lip and bruise on the top left part of my head. I just ignored it and went to school. When I make it to school, time goes by pretty quickly, first block wasn't too long. Me, Sasha and Armin worked together through the whole class and the work we had wasn't to off the charts. When the class ended I make my way to Ms.Zoe's class and as I enter in I see Mikasa, the whole scene of what happened yesterday plays back in my mind and it doesn't settle well with me. I just ignore eye contact with her instead I wave to Jean and nod to Annie. She noticed my bruised face and the cut on my lip, I noticed the left side of her lip, it was bruised just a little. As I sit down I see Mikasa stunned at the sight of me hurt.
"Eren what happened to you?"
"It's nothing, I was just training remember?"
She still has a worried look on her face but I try to not to look at her. I know I need to talk to her about what happened earlier but right now is not the best time. Instead we continue our day without saying a word to each other. Me and Annie get partnered in lab and Jean and Mikasa get paired in their separate lab. Me and Annie start talking to each other and we get along pretty well, a little better then me and Mikasa. I feel like that's my fault though I did make things awkward between us but i guess we need to give each other some space before I hurt her feelings again. Me and Annie just talk about our fighting styles and how I can improve on mine, she gives me some nice pointers and tells me the next training lesson will be on locks. Which I'm excited for but also a little terrified considering she's and expert at it. We also laugh a good bit about how I got thrashed around.

Mikasa POV

Why is he hurt? Did he fight Reiner? No, there would have been words about it around school, then it must have been that "training" of his but I wonder what that consisted of. I get snapped out of this trance by Jean snapping his fingers in front of me.
"Jeez Mikasa can ya stop staring at him for more then 5 seconds. That jealous of Annie?"
"No, I just want to know what their talking about is all."
"Mhm whatever you say."
We continue our work but I can't help still stare at him and get worried at the fact that he's falling for her. The class ends and as I get my stuff together I see him talking to Annie and a huge sense of anger boils in my chest. I get my bag and storm out, I don't bother going to the lunch table instead I go to my brothers classroom where I see him just eating his food on his phone.
"Hey you mind if I eat here today?"
"No but why? Don't you have your own table in the cafeteria?"
"Yeah but I don't feel like eating there today."
"Does it have something to do with your little boyfriend?"
"Huh? He's not my boyfriend." I say blushing while looking mad as hell. It was completely true though, I didn't want to sit in the same table with the girl who despises me. Well honestly the hate goes both ways.
"Yeah sure but anyways I was gonna tell you I've got to leave early today, I have business I have to take care of. You think you can walk home fine?"
"Yeah I can handle it."
"Alright don't get yourself hurt though stay safe okay?"
"Yes sir." I say with the same monotone voice he gives me. He comes over and pats my head then leaves with his satchel around his chest and on his side. I stay in his class and finish my lunch to hear the bell ring and dismiss me to class.

It's the end of the day, I walk out of fourth block and straggle my way to the entrance of school. Until someone grabs the sleeve of my coat, I turn around to see an emerald eyed boy staring at me. I blush a little and look at him in a curious way.
"Yes Eren?"
"I wanted to tell you I'm sorry for raising my voice at you, I understand what you said about the Reiner thing. But, this is something that I can't let go. I can try and try over and over again but it doesn't change."
"It's okay, I understand just....don't let your anger get the best of you." We smile at each other and he nods his head to my request. I hope he knows that the only reason I'm telling him this is because I care about his well being, I don't like seeing him hurt in anyway I just can't bear it.
"So you walking home?" He asks me as we both walk through the gates of school.
"Yeah, my brother has a lot to do today."
"Well I guess I'm walking home today." He says with a grin, I blush and look the other way trying to hide it.
"You don't have to."
"I know but I want to."
We both walk a good bit and talk a lot while doing so, he tells me about his favorite music and tell him mines. We have a good bit in common our music taste is similar but not the same. I tell him I used to play piano and I'm still a little good at it. We continue talking until I feel water drizzling on my hands until I feel the rain come a little harder.
"Damnit, you wanna stop by my place until the rain settles?"
"Yeah sounds good."
We run through the rain and continue on even though by now we're drenched in rain water. We finally make it to his house, it's not huge but it's a nice little house. He opens the door and we both realize our clothes have been soaked.
"Okay so I have some clothes upstairs, in the mean time i can put your clothes into the dryer until the rain stops."
"Okay just show me the way."
He shows me upstairs and into his room, there's a bunch of posters everywhere of multiple different things. It's kinda adorable, he hands me a pair of   pajama pants and a kinda over sized shirt. I go into the bathroom to change, as I come out I go to his room and see that all he has on is his shorts. I start blushing seeing his muscles, they weren't the hugest but they were very noticeable. He turns around and looks at me blushing, I now see his abs and starts blushing even more. He grabs his shirt and throws it on quickly, I hand him my clothes and goes to put them in the dryer.
"So where are your parents at?"
"Both out at work, they won't be back until 5. By that time the rain should settle and I should have you home."
"Okay." I look around and see that there is a piano in the back part of their living room. I make my way over to it touching it lightly.
"Ahh found the piano huh? My mom used to play too. You wanna play a song?" I look at him shy, I haven't played or sung in a long time.
"I don't know I haven't played in a while I don't think I'll be good."
"Nonsense, you'll probably be stunning, hang on I'll be right back." Before I knew it he bolted up stairs and came back down with his guitar. He gives me this smirk, I know he wants to do a duet but I'm extremely shy about things like this that's why I stopped playing to begin with.
"Eren, this is cool and all but-"
"Don't, sing and I'll catch on with my guitar, then add the piano in the mix. I know you'll do great trust me."
I sigh and look at the piano, then I take a deep breath and begin to sing having Eren backing me up with his guitar.

(Insert Song)
"Heart beats fast
Colors and promises
How to be brave
How can I love when I'm afraid to fall
But watching you stand alone
All of my doubt, suddenly goes away somehow
One step closer
I have died everyday, waiting for you
Darling, don't be afraid, I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more
Time stands still
Beauty in all she is
I will be brave
I will not let anything, take away
What's standing in front of me
Every breath, every hour has come to this
One step closer
I have died everyday, waiting for you
Darling, don't be afraid, I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more
And all along I believed, I would find you
Time has brought your heart to me, I have loved you for a thousand years"

I've been thinking about this song ever since I layed eyes on him, and now that he's heard me play my heart out and show him my emotions I don't know how he'll react. I gently take my hands off of the piano and look at him blushing, trying to hide it by not making eye contact. But all i hear from him is...
"Mikasa..." he gets up from the chair and makes his way over to me, he sits next to me and puts his hands around my waist. I make eye contact with his emerald eyes and smile blushing my heart out, I place my hands on his face and close the gap in between us.

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