Chapter 14 - Reiner This Ends Now

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(Time Skip)
Erens POV

It's been about a month of nothing but tutoring with Levi and working out with Annie. It's also a month with the girl I now love with everything in my heart, I couldn't bear living without her. Our little group consists of Me, Armin, Jean, Marco, Connie, Sasha, Annie, and Mikasa. Me and Annie have clicked very well together over the past month, if there's someone I need by my side for anything it's Annie for sure. She's like my right hand man, I know Mikasa is still a bit jealous of how well we are together but they have been getting along pretty well so she doesn't mind it too much. Connie and Sasha finally admitted to going out after so long. Jean still flirts with whatever girl he see's but ultimately ends up getting rejected as usual, he also quit football after the first week of school. Making that asshole Reiner number 1 on the team, he gloats throughout the whole school making him even more obnoxious then before. Me and him haven't went at it for a while, I think Jean had told him to back off of me. Levi has been helping me with my school and the anger I have dwelling inside me, for some reason he understands it completely which makes me feel good because I know I'm not the only one going through it. He proves to be a mentor to me, teaching me things even off topic to school. Things like my relationship, after school, jobs, money, etc. Things seem pretty good, I know this feeling could only last for a certain amount of time.

Me and Annie are finishing up the training match, which consisted of me trying to get out of all the locks she had on me. This bit of training also made me practice on my evasion and dodging hits, trying to learn how to counter them. My body has become a lot more tone and a bit more muscular. Thanks to Annie's help I've become a way better fighter, almost being able to beat her in hand to hand combat but that's like the hardest challenge man can face. After a hour or so we decide to call it a day and go home. During the car ride Annie becomes curious with my motives.
"So Eren, I think you've finally come to the point where you're ready for a fight with basically anyone. You still hell bent on getting back at Reiner?" I pause for a second looking out of the window and at the clouds, it was a gloomy day so they were dark and muggy.
"Honestly, I'm not sure anymore. Things have gotten a lot better for me to the point where I have my anger under control and I don't freak out every time something dealing with him happens."
"Understandable, but you still want to be ready just in case anything does happen."
"Smart move jaeger."
Annie says smirking and continuing her drive to my house. I'm glad she's stop being such a introvert and got to know us, she's not as close to everyone else as she is with me but it's a step in the right direction. I get home and automatically get in the shower, text Mikasa for a bit, then crashed.

The next morning I make it to school and see a few people huddled around in a circle like there was a fight. I make my way over to the circle and see Reiner hovering over two smaller guys on the floor, I take a second look to see those two guys being Connie and Armin. I bust through the circle and make my way to my friends.
"What the hell did you do to my friends!?" He laughs and with a big grin responds to my question.
"They weren't showing me the kind of respect I wanted so I showed them how to give me it."
My eyes widen, I turn to see my friends hurting with bruises on their faces. I can feel a spark in me, the one that Levi was talking about one day, the one where all my anger gets unleashed uncontrollably. I get up and ball my hands into a fist.
"I'm gonna kill you!"
"Is that a threat Jaeger boy?"
"No it's a promise asswipe."
I go into my stance showing how much I've improved in the past month, it hasn't changed much but I'm more confident in the stance. He shocked to see me challenge him but ultimately gets in his stance as well. It was sloppy, improper at that. The only thing he has going for him is power, which is what I'm lacking. But he's lacking speed which is something I've utilized perfectly. He makes the first move coming for a right hook off the rip. I move under it pulling my right arm through his arm and around his neck, I grab hold of my arm and trip his leg pushing all my force toward tripping him and lugging him across the ground. This is a technique Annie showed me, if I can't out power him with my attacks then I'll just have to use the locks Annie showed me. Still having him in between my arm, I squeeze tight trying to make him gasp for air. This works for the first few seconds until he over powers me and throws me off, having his hand around my neck. I grab the hand real quick before getting thrown off and lock my legs around his neck. We're both in a bad position, I'm on the ground vulnerable, and he's trapped in between my legs and is getting suffocated and it's making his breathing harder and harder. He tries pulling my legs off while he gets up, but I quickly twist his hand and wrap my legs around his face and push his face straight into the concrete sidewalk. We roll off each other and give each other a glare. There's a lot of blood dripping from his nose, he wipes it off and comes rushing at me with a full running force. I'm back up to the wall so I can't move around it, he trucks me into the wall. I fall onto the floor and have the wind knocked out of me, he tries to punch me in the face while I'm on the floor. I avoid all of the hits bobbing my head left and right, I maneuver my legs around his and trip them getting off the ground. He tries going for another tackle but I give him my strongest right hook, as soon as my fist connects to his face he falls to the floor trying to get up. I try going for another punch but I get hit in the back of the head and fall straight to the floor. I look up to see Bertolt, Reiners best friend. His eyes are as angry as mine, he tries to go for another blow on me but gets stopped in the middle of it by a blonde haired girl with a hoodie on. Looks like Annie got here just in time, my saving grace.
"I think it's time you and your friend get the hell out of here before a administrator comes and gets you both suspended. Or better yet me and you can go for a few rounds?" Annie tells him going into her stance ready to fight Bertolt, he backs up and gets Reiner up and out of the area quickly. Annie helps me up and looks around at the bunch of people who are still in the area with there phones out looking at the videos of the fight that just broke out.
"Well so much for having this on the down low. So I guess today was the day huh? The day you finally kicked Reiners ass." I give her a half assed smile, still recovering from the pain. Me and Annie go and check on Armin and Connie, they both look at me stunned at what they just witnessed.
"Holy shit Eren, you kicked his ass." Connie says looking at me with gratitude for defending him and Armin.
"Id say it was about a fair fight." I reply back still scratching the back of my head, that bastard hit me super hard.
"Thanks by the way Eren he was being a huge jerk gloating about him being the best on the football team. Me and Connie made a smart remark and he heard so he tried to pick a fight." Armin explains looking down at the floor still sad about putting me in the position of fighting for him.
"You don't have to explain yourself man." I tell Armin reassuring him that he's okay.
"Dude Mikasa is gonna get on your ass about this."
"Yeah she will if she finds out, I'm sure she'll hear about it but for now let's not tell her." All four of us nod our heads and get to class. Annie and Armin help me get to my locker. I was still a little shook from it all, I didn't realize the back lash that I would get later on for this fight and I'm not just talking about the pain.

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