Chapter 15 - The Aftermath

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Erens POV

Damnit my backs in so much pain it's not even funny, a lot of the kids in my first block were just steady staring at me. Sasha finally decided to bring what happened up.
"So.....You fought him?" She whispers to me curious to know.
"Yeah, I did." That's all I said and all I was gonna say on the matter. I didn't lose but I wouldn't count that as a win either, if Bertolt didn't interfere I wonder what would have happened. I get taken out of deep thought at the sound of Mr.Ackermans school phone. He answers it having a quick discussion with the caller, he steadily eyeballs me while continuing the conversation.
"....yeah, I'll tell him. Eren bring your stuff, we're going to the office. Class one word while I'm out and I won't be afraid to give you all detention." I grab my stuff and walk out of the class with him. As soon as I walk through the door he closes it and pulls me to the side for a quick chat.
"So you fought him? What'd I say about controlling that anger Eren."
"I'm sorry but he had Connie and Armin on the floor, I couldn't just stand by and-"
"Eren I don't care about how it started I wanna know how it ended."
"I hit Reiner and he fell to the floor, then Bertolt Hoover came behind me and hit me in the back of the head. I was gonna get pummeled by him but Annie Leonhart stopped him. Then we went on with our day." He looks at me, in a disappointed manner. It's like he was upset how it ended.
"That's a punk way to end a fight but it's best it happened that way. Listen there gonna suspend you, Reiner, Bertolt and possibly Annie." I widen my eyes, what have I done. Annie doesn't deserve to be punished for my wrong doing, she stopped it from getting out of hand and now she's getting punished for that? Levi continues planning the whole situation out.
"Annie won't get suspended hopefully but she will get charged for interfering and especially for threatening one of them. That's if they find out she challenged them to a fight. But listen I'll try my best to get you out of this, the best I can do is throw in a good word though." I nod to him and just stand there still comprehending the circumstances of what could happen.
"Eren, Im gonna get a sub to watch the class, I'll be there in a minute. Don't get bullied into talking about what happen tell them the story but leave Annie out of it. I'll be there soon to help you out. Okay?" He tells me having a hand on my shoulder still looking concerned. I'm glad to have Levi here for me, he's my girlfriend brother but he feels like a older brother or better yet a father figure in my eyes.
"Thanks Levi, I appreciate the help."
"No problem, just pray that Mikasa doesn't give you so much hell about it." Damnit I forgot about Mikasa finding out and especially since this was filmed and everything, she's totally gonna find out and get on my case. I nod to Levi and make my way to the front office where two ladies were waiting for me.
"Are you Eren Jaeger?"
"Come this way."
They lead me to a room where there are about 5 administrators sitting in chairs. I sit in mine and they talk about the events that happened this morning. They ask questions about it all and I answer them all, then it got to them asking about how the fight ended.
"What exactly happened at the end of this conflict?" I look around the room, damnit I'm not gonna tell them about Annie but what do I say.
"We get stopped by a few of the other kids and then we go our separate ways."
"I didn't know any of them personally, they were the kids around us watching."
"Is that so, what about Ms.Leonhart stepping in on your side telling Mr.Bertolt to fight her?" Damnit who the hell snitched, it was probably Bertolt.
"Nope I don't remember her getting involved in the subject, ya sure it wasn't a little rumor that was said around."
"Hmm I suppose it was a rumor." Good Annie isn't caught in this but now that I let them know about how this whole thing started they're probably gonna target Connie and Armin. They let me out of the room for a few minutes to talk to the one and only Bertolt, as we walk by each other I give him same anger filled glare I give Reiner. He's a little on edge by it continues on into the room. I sit in one of the chairs and wait for a while, but as I'm waiting I see Levi walk in through the front door and sit next to me.
"So how'd it go?"
"I gave them the full story but left Annie out of it like you said."
"Alright good, hell looking at the circumstances if all goes well it may look like you walk out of this with ISS."
"I don't know I fucked Reiners face up pretty bad." He laughs under his breath and sits patiently with me until I have to go back inside. When my name is called to go back in Levi follows through, he's stopped in the middle of it but tells them that he's just here to help me. He stands in the corner of the room avoiding all the looks from the other staff members. The only ones that are here are me Reiner and Bertolt, looks like they didn't get anyone else involved.
"Reiner Braun and Bertolt Hoover, for both assaulting Eren Jaeger and two other class mates you will receive out of school suspension for two days. This includes having you both taken out of Friday's game. Understood?"
"Yes ma'am." They both reply looking pissed as hell.
"As for you Eren Jaeger, you saw two of your fellow classmates being bullied so you tried to stop it which was good but the way you intended on doing so was prohibited. So you will be facing in school suspension for two days." Levi smirks while propping up on the wall in the corner. I have the most weight lifted off of my shoulders hearing this.
"Oh come on! He started this thing and-"
"Three days Mr.Braun?" Reiner gets cut off by the main administrator, he then looks down still pissed.
"Alright then, you all are going to be released for the day. We'll inform your parents about what happened." Everyone got up from their seats and left the room, me and Levi walked out into the front of the school. He pulls out a pack of cigarettes and starts smoking one.
"I don't think Mikasa would like the sight I'm seeing."
"Hehe, she's never gonna see this. I quit a while ago but I started not to long ago, it helps release some stress on my shoulders. Told ya everything would work out, now it's not exactly a happy ending but it'll work."
We chuckle a little and I see my mom pull up, I've never seen her this mad before.
"EREN JAEGER! What is this I hear about you being involved in a fight?"
"I'm sorry but he was messing with my friends and I couldn't look the other way."
"I have not taught you to be this rebellious young man."
"I know." I look down and she pulls my ear hard as hell.
"No sir don't look upset when you had a hand to play in this." We both see Levi laughing under his breath and taking puffs of his cigarette.
"I'm sorry, who are you?"
"Mrs.Jaeger, I'm Levi Ackerman. I'm your sons math teacher, I just want to let you know your son was doing what he thought was right. Know if it was the best approach? I doubt it but he did step up for his friends when no one else would." Levi states still taking hits of his cigarette then throwing it on the floor, smashing it under his foot.
"Hmm thank you Mr.Ackerman, me and Eren are gonna head home now." My Mom waves bye to Levi and me and him exchange a head nod. Him and Annie saved my ass today, glad I can count on them. I pull out my phone during the car ride home and see 12 messages from Mikasa. One of them was
"You god damn dumbass, I told you to stay out of trouble." I laugh under my breath, the rest were her terrified and worried if I was okay. When I got home I went to my room and laid there still thinking about how I beat the hell out of Reiner. I couldn't believe that actually happened, I grab my guitar and practice a little while waiting for my friends to get out of school.

Authors Notes:
Hello, sorry if this chapter wasn't to interesting but there will be more action filled chapters later. And when I mean action filled I mean ACTION FILLED 😁. By the way the book has reached 500 reads which is AWESOME. Thank you guys so much.
Btw more Levi coming soon 😋

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