Chapitre 6 - Clan & Sensei Vs The new batch of Genins Part 2

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Hi, People! Thanks for all those Vote and review. Thanks to (I removed the usernames, as I fear it would just bring unnecessary notifications as I work on the edits - April 6, 2022).

For the Votes! And sorry if I forget someone
Don't forget to Vote & maybe five reviews on this chapter at least? It will make my day!

I decide to do a small challenge the first person who give a review other than "update please" or something similar, is going to be dedicated the next chapter. Sorry about my hard demand! 😥 I just at least one review to know if it's good my story and your thoughts? Now on the second part of the chapter!


Team Seven POV

They were hiding in one the highest tree of the field crouching down each on a branch of the tree. They were enjoying the view. They were watching their friends fight against their family and Sensei. Naruto gave a small smile looking at this. In a kind of way, they were bonding with their relatives in a way that they couldn't in their other life. Many lives were lost and here it was a miracle like a lovely dream.

Two hours had passed and yet their opponents had found them. Well except for Kakashi but it was normal. After all, he was like them from the other universe. They each took time from the different battle that was taking place underneath them to chat in minds with Kakashi.

They witnessed how Ino, Chōji, and Shikamaru defeated and brought out of the field the opponents. Kiba and his dog beat his mother. The two cousins, Neji and Hinata, and their respective teams combined to defeat their 'enemies.' Neji and Hinata completed each other's to beat their fathers. The rest of the rookies did the same.

As for the twins, even with the training of their parents, Minato and Kushina. They were easily spotted by the trio. The twins chatted about clothes. For God of sake, it was a test. Naruto decided to spice up things and experiment on them. He sent snakes simulating the possibility of being bitten by them. He watched as the twins struggled to fight against the snakes. Naruto sent a copy of himself bleeding and asking for help. They had no reaction, seeing that the twins had defeated the snakes but still didn't care about the Naruto copy. He simulated Kushina's scream and let a copy of her body on the ground hurt in the stomach. Immediately, it got their attention and they tried to help. He sent other snakes and let them struggle. He would have no more mercy for them after what he had witnessed.

A few minutes after, it was the team vs. their Sensei except for the Team seven. It was time to play a little bit. Don't you agree?

As they jumped from their branches and landed in from of the group, they quickly took a fighting stance

"It's been two hours; the test has started. You had difficulty to find us?" Naruto asked.

" It seems so," Fugaku grumbled.

"Let's separate. Sakura get a look to our opponent who had been defeated with Kakashi. Then, you toy him a little bit and we as Sasuke and I will come back for more fun. Sasuke with obviously your family and me as well," Naruto ordered.

Sakura nodded and left with Kakashi to check out on the opponents in case they sustained any injuries. Sasuke, also nod before guiding his family farther from their position.

With Sasuke

Sasuke brought his family far from everyone. Fighting against his family was strange. Especially his father and his brother. After all, they were way more different in this universe than him. He was never confronted in a battle with his mom; it was the first time.

"You versus me, " Sasuke affirmed as he stopped and looked at his family. He immediately started to analyze them and took notes.

It was a trio but well trained he had to defeat. It wasn't the first time he was fighting against a small group of shinobi. Indeed, after the Four Wars in their own universe. As in Naruto and their friends and allies, they had managed to submit a treaty amongst the five nations. They were able to revive Uzushiogakure. It was now a home for old ninjas who wanted to spend quality time on a safe vacation. While Naruto took place as the Hokage of Konoha and Uzushiogakure, Sasuke had been his right man and bodyguard. Still, some lone wolfs (ninjas) who tried to revive into a smaller organization, the Akatsuki. Therefore Sasuke and many other shinobis went on a mission to stop it. They separated to do more damage. 

Knowing Mikoto was a good shinobi but hadn't practiced for a long time. He decided to use his Gengetsu on everyone except her. He was attacking them one by one and would get them tired enough for them to defeat them quickly. He couldn't show as much skill as he would like because it could be suspicious, but he could still play with them. He launched many shurikens at his mother.

The fight began.


With Naruto

"So where are the twins so we can start playing? After all, it's against family and friends," Naruto asked crossing his arms.

"We don't know. They probably hiding and they do it great," Kushina said with pride.

"You do know that if Sakura, Sasuke and I haven't dropped, you wouldn't be able to find us?" Naruto made the remark to her. "Now, let's bring them here."

Naruto used his chakra to bring the twins. He dropped them next to Kushina and Minato. They were both trying to catch their breath. They seemed exhausted. His brothers looked curiously wondering what would be the outcome of it.

"Kushina-San as the new Sensei. I'll step back and not fight you because you need to test the twin before they pass out of exhaustion."

"Sochi, maybe we could wait a little bit? Look at your sisters. They endured a lot this morning." Kushina said.

"And I and the others were into an intensive training if you had to watch it. You would have known this. "

"But..but..but. Sochi be more merciful for your sister."

"Listen! I'm giving you the opportunity to test them here and right now. If you don't take this offer in the next five seconds, they would be brought back outside of this feel and be told as "kill" and they won't pass their..."

"Asuma passes his team of Genin composed of Ino, Chōji, Shikamaru." the sky boomed.

"Pass like Asuma's team," Naruto said after the message.

Kushina could only sigh. The twin had to pass, and it would be ashamed if they didn't. She frowned, and something flashed into her mind. Even though she had to pass them, no one had said something about which particular test the Sensei had to use to evaluate the team.

"Doing an easy test for the evaluation won't help them at all. If someone divulged how easy was their test...its up to you!" Naruto voiced out as he was trailing her thoughts.

Everyone backup letting space for Mishima to test the twins. She asked them to show some easy Justus. Meanwhile, the twin were executing the task. The sky started to boom a lot:

" Kurenai pass her team Kiba with his dog Akamaru, Hinata and Shino."

"Sasuke "kill" his clan Uchiha."

"Thirty minutes left"

Naruto knew his team needed to pass before the time was up. He send a few clones that would take their place with Kakashi. He explained by telepathic mind and chakra his plan to his team. He also got Neji is another right man about the current situation. Tenten, Lee and Neji didn't need to pass so test because they were already had passed it a year ago.

Kushina seemed to took to long to evaluate the twin and Naruto was clearly losing his patience.

"Hurry up!... You know what? I will start with my brothers and then you Minato and Kushina"

His brothers were all new to their rank, young and powerful. Naruto couldn't show off and defeated them without showing suspicious. He would have to be more subtle. He needed to drain them fast. This fight will only be base on strategy.

"Kage No Bunshin no jutsu" yelled Naruto.

Mikio, Shoji, and Arashi combined their strengths against this flood of clones. Naruto threw himself into the mixed. He appreciated the battle. It was fun fighting against your brothers was a strange feeling though Naruto. It was the first time; he was in contact with them. They were his older brothers, and from his memory, he didn't have the opportunity to pass time with them, and their fight style was entertaining. Arashi was a water type, Shoji a fire type, and Mikio an earth one. They tried to combine their elements to stop the Naruto. Naruto was genuinely enjoying himself surround by them. He tried not to laugh at his brothers trying to work against the mass because five others were created every time a Naruto died. He wouldn't have a chance to play with them. Another time, perhaps. Naruto came back to reality and analyzed the situation. It was way to funny, and he just started to laugh. He felt down, rolled and was clutching his stomach because he was laughing a lot and starting to hurt him. The only problem is that is laugh was very contagious. All the Naruto was rolling on the ground laughing out in a few seconds.

The three orders brothers were amused by Naruto's antics. They thought that maybe they should spend more time with their little brother, get to know him, and create a stable bond. They stopped their fight and just looked to the flood of Naruto laughing. Mikio tried not to laugh, but Naruto's laugh was contagious. He laughed, leaving Shoji and Arashi trying to suppress their laugh but couldn't. Naruto was only thinking about one thing. "It's a first, stopping a fight because of my laugh maybe I could use this technique in the future."They heard Kushina saying proudly.

"You passed, girls."

Mito and Naruko started to cheer and jump up and down happily.

"Kakashi pass his team Sasuke, Sakura and Naruto."

"Kushina pass her team Mito and Naruko."

"Time up."

Everyone was transported back to the field. Naruto clapped his hands to get everyone attention.

"Before letting you go rest and pass time with your family or get some nursing for your injuries. I would like to say that I wish you had passed a great time in this test. I'm happy that everyone pass and for those who didn't understand how Team seven passed, after all, Sakura and I were two places at the same time. I just need to say that we put an illusion somewhere. I can't tell you where but that what I'm just gonna say."

Everyone dispersed with their family. The Senseis regrouped and left chatting about their experiences. Sakura came to Naruto and gave him a full report of the injuries and then left to see her family. Naruto waited for everyone to leave.

"Aren't you coming Baka?" Naruko asked exasperatedly.

Naruto gave a last glance to the field. The illusion imposed in everyone minds and on the field was gone. The field was as normal as before. He turned and followed his family. Surprisingly, Arashi, Mikio and Shoji decided to chitchat with him and talked about his battle and life.


Next chapter: "Why did we skip C?" Hope you enjoy it!!

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