Chapitre 7 - Why did we skip C?

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Hi, people! I'm sorry for all the notifications. I did a lot of edits on my IPad for the past chapters and hadn't finished them. Big thanks ❤️💛💚💚💙💜❣  to Ali-007 and all those Votes. It made my day! Also, for those who add my story to their reading list is very great. So thanks to everyone!

* It will contain a few swears, so be aware *

Edit note: First published around 2016. The style is different if you read my other works. Furthermore, I can conclude, none of my edits registered :(

A couple of edits on 05-19-2021


The Genins reassembled in their secret place in the Uchiha compound for a meeting. Everyone was sitting on the chairs around the table except Naruto. They were chatting with each other. Naruto was leaning against the wall, his arms crossed, and one of his legs bend and lifted, touching the wall. He was observing them with dark eyes. He had let them sat and took a few minutes to talk before the meeting debut. He cleared his throat and said:

"It's been nearly three weeks; we had an official meeting. Two weeks we become Genins officially and be placed into teams."

"Same as our original timeline," Sakura added. 

"The twins are out of our way. We need to plan ahead and resolve a few questions. Therefore, it's a big meeting. First, I insist on saving Zabuza and Haku. For those who don't agree: raise your hand."

Silence, everyone exchanged glances to see if someone raised their hands. No hand was up. Naruto added:

"Since we delay the massacre, we need to know what to do with them officially, and Kabuto what do we do kill? Let alive? Or leave him rotten in jail?"

Naruto let everyone process everything he was saying.

"Kabuto is dead. Sorry but not sorry he is a real nuisance," Kiba said.

A few nodded came along his saying.

"No suspicious, we make sure during the Chunnins Exam, he needed to be inside, and one of the team take him and kill him."

"Everyone agrees with this? Raise your hand."

Everyone raised their hands. Sasuke was playing with a pencil, looking bored and very disinterested by the current event. 



"Sasuke, what do you think we should do with your family?"

Sasuke sighed and said:

"As for my family. We let a few alive. I will identified those who aren't a nuisance for our final goal."

The rest muttered in agreement; now looking for ideas and strategies to see how and what was the best way to make a nearly entire clan disappeared.


Team Seven had done many missions Rank D and were getting sick of it. They were currently waiting in the Hokage office to ask a mission Rank C. The Hokage was sitting on his chair looking at his pile of papers. 

"So if I understand you would like a mission Rank C?"

"Indeed, Sensei, " Kakashi said.

"Well, I'm going to grant you a mission Rank C who just arrive. You will be accompanied by Sensei Kushina and her team and with Jonin Shijo because Obito is on a mission with Itachi and Shisui."

In each of their mind, team Seven and Kakashi were rolling their eyes, to be with Kushina's team equal spending time with the twins. It was going to be a pure joy. And just what Naruto needs! A big brother to watch him. Since the test, Naruto's brothers seemed to insist on spending time with their little brother. In the beginning, it was great, but now it was getting annoying.

"Let's Kushina, Shijo, Mito, and Naruko come inside."

They came in and stood next to theirs. For once, the twins seem to act respectfully, maybe because they knew how important it was.

"You will escort Tazuna back to his land which is Land of Waves. You will depart in two hours at the gate.

They nodded and bid their goodbyes to the Hokage. They packed their things and waited at the gate well Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura.

"Kakashi-Sensei is again late!" Sakura exclaimed faking to be angry.

"Probably spending time with the client," Naruto said bored. "We should get them before the banshees come around. I would hear their screeches again. Stay here Sakura. Sasuke with me?"

"Hn," Sasuke only reply before pursuing Naruto.

Naruto and Sasuke left to get their drunken friends - well, Tazuna wasn't their friend yet, but in their original timeline, he became their ally from the Land of Waves. Sakura was waiting for her team, and Kushina's to come at the front of the village. She crossed her arms and started to tap her foot on the ground. As long as the guys weren't to be late like the other team. A few moments, Naruto and Sasuke were finally back dragging by the arm Tazuna, and Kakashi both seemed drunk. As Naruto saw Sakura, he just nodded at her. He took Tazuna and Kakashi arms and closed his eyes. Sasuke and Sakura stood alert making sure no one will bother Naruto will he use his chakra to absorb their alcohol. A few seconds after, Naruto opened his eyes and let go their hand. He passed a hand through his hair and said as nothing happens:

"Did the other arrive or started the trek already?"

"Nope never saw them, neither did that I felt them."

"So....does it means that they are more late them Kakashi-Sensei?...that would be a record to remember." Naruto was trying to suppress a chuckle that was about to explode.

The three Genins laughed, in a good and generous laugh. Meanwhile, Tazuna was just frowning and looking at the tree Genins like they were crazy. The three Genins could feel Kakashi pouting even with his mask on.

"Ok, you know if they are not there in the next ducking five minutes. We are leaving without them, and we will send one of the kids to tell the Hokage."

"Calm down little bro, are you bipolar or what?" Mito said.

"I knew you shouldn't become a Genin. You will be a danger magnet" Naruko screeched out.

Naruto just signed and turned to Kakashi who was all back to normal.

"Can we just go?"

Kakashi nodded before leaping out of the village into the path to their assigned mission. He was quickly followed by Sakura and Naruto. Sasuke was holding Tazuna by the arm and was pursuing very quickly to reach the others.

They stopped letting everyone catch up their breath. The other team except the Sensei were panting heavily. They continued their path walking calmly. Meanwhile, Sakura was pretending to eye Sasuke and Sasuke was being bored by the mission. Naruto was listening to his brother Shijo.

They made a small talk but nothing more. Naruto had sent a few clones to go forward and killed a few nuisances. Nothing really happen because of the clones. Until they had to face off Zabuza; quickly Kakashi took in charge of the situation and yelled:

"Genins, protect the client. Kushina and Shijo with me."

The twins could only obey since they were terrified.

Naruto couldn't wait to do something to help them.

"Who's...who's that?" Mito stuttered aloud.

Everyone snapped their head toward either Mito or Zabuza.

"You don't know me? You are still a young kid. I'll tell you about who I am. I'm Zabuza Momochi, Demon of the Hidden Mist, one of the Seven Ninja Swordsman," he said proudly.

"You forget to be a missing-nin because of you blowup a full classroom if we could say like that." Naruto intervened, he couldn't wait any longer doing nothing, he needed some actions.

He did a few Jutsus, readying himself to help out the Sensei. Sasuke and Sakura had sadly been mandatory to protect Tazuna and the twin since the twins were very useless in this situation. It had taken only a few minutes before he was falling and as predicted a young masked person came as a hunter-nin. Team seven exchanged a look meanwhile Kushina was making sure her twins were alright. Shijo helped the client to be on his feet. Kushina decided to question their client while Naruto decided to use a small knife who came out of nowhere to cut his hand infected by some kind of poison.

Tazuna was genuinely afraid about the redhead, and he soon revealed in stuttering about Gato and his group. About how he needed their help because this group was terrorizing young kids and were stealing everything.

Kushina immediately wanted to abort, but she just crosses the glaring eyes of Naruto to know that if she wanted to a favor

They arrived at the harbor and stepped inside a boat.

The ride was quiet unless you count the chitchatting that team seven were trying to block out the annoying sound.

They finally arrive at the land of waves officially. Tazuna was soon greeted by his daughter and Inari.

"My daughter! Inari! I'm so happy to see you again."

"Us too father...come inside and you also dear guests it's seems the only way to thank you for helping us."

They came inside the humble home; it was like in their memory for team seven. They let the woman served them some rich food. Tazuna explained his trip to his family, and then with all her tact, Mito questioned:

"Do you know where's Gato and his men? We could easily help you out and..."

"Why do you want to go and killed these people? You just going to end up dead!" Inari exclaimed angrily before leaving.

The others merely watch him retreating from the room and hear him going upstairs. Naruto excused himself to follow Inari. Mito and Naruko were about to say something, but Kakashi put a hand as a sign of leaving it.

Half and hour after, Naruto came back and thanks, Tazuna's daughter. Next, Naruto approached Kakashi. He whispered something in Kakshi's ear making Kakashi's eyes bulged out.

"Tsunami, your food was excellent. We need to talk. I mean the Genins and the Sensei you know where we can talk?"

"Of course, take the living room, next to that door on your left."

They let their hosts and went to the living room. Naruko crossed her arms and said:

"What's so important! I want to sleep! I need my beauty sleep!

Naruto sighed:

"I have some suspicions that Zabuza isn't dead!"

"What?!" Kushina said surprised.

"Don't be silly mom and the other Sensei defeated him. We all have seen him fallen if you were actually watching the fight" sneered Mito.

"Yeah, but the one who took the copse declared himself as Hunter-nin, and if he were really one, he would have already slashed in front of us his head."

Naruto took a deep breath before saying:

"Instead, he took the copse and disappeared."

"You're right," Shijo said making the twins look at him wide eyes, "your suspicion is believable."

The twins mouths were just wide open, looking at him in shock. He, their older brother, a Jonin, has just agreed with this Baka! How? Why? Everything their little brother should express should be nonsense. This was not going in their favour.

"If you are right Shijo, Kushina said smoothly; I believe we have to train you to prepare ourselves."

"We can't forget Gato and his men," Sakura piped out.

A few nodded.

"Okay, so tomorrow each team will be training around this house. Team seven, I need to talk you a bit longer before your going to bed," Kakashi said.

Everyone retreated upstairs except team seven. They had locked the guest door's room before Kakashi asked up about the clone that Naruto had to send to observe the camp.

"The clones are regularly reporting about the camp Gato had settled. Since he kidnapped a few villagers, we will have to rescue them, but not right now; it will sound way too suspicious," Naruto said.

He continued talking; they let him talk as he was considered the mastermind of everything:

"Tomorrow, We will "play" around while you read your porn."

"It's not porn!" Kakashi exclaimed indignantly.

"Sure," Sakura said sarcastically.

"Now, let's go to bed," Sasuke added.


Over the few days, teams even were fooling around by "playing" with some Jutsu, relaxing but most importantly strategizing about how to save Haku and Zabuza, rescues the few villages missing and killed Gato and his men without raising suspicions. Naruto had bonded a lot with Inari spending a bit time with him. He also sent many clones to help the bridge to built. The villagers were very grateful for the aid. Meanwhile, an illusion was displaying them learning how to walk on the tree and the water.

Team Seven would watch at noon the "memory of the twin practice." Indeed, Team Seven would reunite in Naruto's mind with Kurama, and they were all watching the twins practice. Sasuke who rarely laugh was ultimately disappointed and found them very funny. For the past days, Naruto would send a few clones to observe and scan the twins training.

They training was calling for pure desperation. It was hilarious or perfect flop muttered more than one time Kurama. It was a total fail, the girls couldn't walk on a damn tree, and they were more worry of broken a damn nail and Kushina wasn't the greatest teacher. She was more acting like a mom than a Sensei. They felt a little bit sorry for Shijo who had to support all this and tried to make the twins get better in their training.

On the third day and two days before the attack, if Naruto's calculations were correct. He did try to stick with the original timeline. Shijo completely snapped at the twins and acted like a strict Sensei with his help; the twins could immediately start to show some progress. Team Seven watch as the practice ended the tree girls were going leaving Shijo alone.

"I'm so sorry, Naruto, for using you; it seems to be the only way that they could practice. You are a good leader! I can't believe we let them pass; I will have to have a serious talk with mom."Team Seven just stays silent, not knowing how to react, especially Naruto. Should he forgive Shijoi? Or wait a little bit?


The J day was the day everything would turn into chaos or more " a fun time" for team seven. Naruto called out sick while Kakashi explained the real situation to the other team and how they planned on how protecting the village against Gato and his men. Sakura and Sasuke were liberating the villagers while the clones were distracting and creating a great massacre.

While the real Naruto was waiting in his guest room in Tsunami's home for the two men to come inside. When he heard some loud noise, he got down, and in no time, Naruto intervened and gave a kunai to Inari to protect the mother.

Naruto leaped out of Tsunami's house and went to intercept Zabuza and Haku. He saw Sakura and Sasuke and a few clones bringing back the villagers into Tsunami's house.

As he was searching for the duo, Sasuke and Sakura joined him. Naruto ordered:

"Sasuke and Sakura, go find Hak and bring him near the bridge. I'm getting a hold of Zabuza and talk some sense with him. Don't get killed. Kakashi and the others should be protecting the bridge against Gato and his men..well those who alive and haven't already left."

His teammates nodded and disappeared trying to find Haku. Naruto found Zabuza.

"You again. What will a kid do against me?" Just asked Zabuza.

"I'm not here to fight but to knock a little of sense in you," Naruto said.

"It won't work kid. Give it up and just fight."


Zabuza broke down as he crouched on the ground and cried. Hard. Haku and Naruto's teammates appeared. Haku stood unmoving with dull eyes facing Zabuza. Zabuza said:

"Thanks for opening my heart, Haku, I bring you to a bad path, but it's now time to correct my wrong... but I'm still a missing-nin and...."

"You will be safe in Uzushiogakure. I'll make sure but before adjusting your staying there. I need to finish one thing with Gato. Are you with me Zabuza?"

"Yeah, kid. Haku and I are in debt forever saving our lives.

Naruto nodded and joined Kakashi and the other team on the bridge. The others followed him.

"Gato" Naruto hissed.

He gave a quick glance to Zabuza who nodded and both fight against Gato. Well, they were more destroying him. Naruto with Jutsu and Zabuza with his sword. Seeing, the other men leaving screaming out of their view. Naruto gave a small chuckle to a fear Gato. Naruto pinned Gato down and give another glance to Zabuza.

"May I?"

" Sure."

"Be careful, Sochi!" Kushina screamed.

What a great way to get distracted and get killed, Naruto thought as he took the sword and said:

"Any last word?"


"You are going first so goodbye."

In a swift movement, he did a precise cut, and the head of Gato felt. The twins screamed in disgust, but their screams were soon covered by the cheers of the villagers. Naruto turned a look at the loud cheering crowd. He smiled before letting clones taking the place of the Team seven including the Sensei Kakashi and with a Jutsu, he brought a little farther Haku and Zabuza.

"Now. Here how it will work. Not a lot now and wish that it stays a secret. I'm the Kage of Uzushiogakure. There you will be in pace for a while."

Naruto created a few clones.

"One will guide you there in safety. The others are for security reasons."

He took a small parchment and used his chakra. He duplicated the parchment and gave one to a clone and the other in Zabuza's hand.

"Have a nice trip. You should depart now."

Haku and Zabuza nodded not before hugging and thanking Naruto for everything. When the duo was out of their sight, the quartet made their appearances discreetly in the party, and Naruto canceled the clones. 

That night, they named the bridge in honor of Naruto's name while the twins were muttering badly on how unfair it was. How dare the villagers to not have any recognition for their part in "saving" the villager.


A few days later, the twins spend their time to work on their skills to reach the standard and show off upon their return to their father the Hokage. 

Team Seven were satisfied with how the village will run and that it was in good hands.They trekked back to their village. 

Kakashi and Sasuke were deep in their thoughts. The other team was just chitchatting like a real family. Naruto and Sakura bickered for a while until Sasuke and Kakashi-sensei told them off. At that moment, Naruto continued to walk and stopped responding to Sakura. He was in deep thought. Why weren't they giving the chance to do a mission Rank C? Why did the mission turned to into an A. 

He turned his head and asked Sakura:

"Sakura why did we skip C?"


Thanks for reading. Don't forget to Vote and Review! I'm excited; in a few chapters, I might get the 1K views. Isn't that great?

Also, as you could have seen, I'm not good at Jutsu, so very sorry. I also change Naruto's speech. In the following chapter, it won't follow the story, and many changes would be made.

Anyway, the next chapter is called "Happy Birthday."

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