Chapitre 8 - Happy Birthday!

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Hey there! 1k views can you imagine!!! Omg, I'm about to go crazy! Here's a new chapter of "A new beginning." Hello to all the new readers!!! Thanks for reading Voting! It's greatly appreciated! Love you all! Thanks to those who put on their library or reading list! Enjoy! Don't forget to Vote and Review!


As they returned to Konoha, they were immediately ordered to go to the Hokage office to debrief about the mission. Team 7 was dreading about the lies that were going to come out of the twins. They stood in front of the Hokage, the Senseis explained what happened, and Kushina added about the twins' practice; how they were progressing really well. Naruto couldn't stop rolling his eyes. Like was that really important? Lucky for him, no one caught him. Minato nodded at them, but Shoji surprised everyone by talking about the heroism and courage from Team 7 and put back in their place the twins at some point of their debriefing. They all heard the Hokage muttering.


He cleared his throat and said:

"I heard enough. I'm sure that Sasuke and Sakura need to go home soon...your parents are waiting for you and as for Kakashi. I think you need to see a few of your Jonins friends. Shoji, the twins and Naruto, I expect you to be at home to dinner with us."

It was his way to dismiss everyone with the intention to stay in his role as the Hokage. Everyone bid their goodbye politely to the Hokage and left his office; as intended by the Hokage, Team 7 parted each in different ways. Naruto could just follow behind the twin and his Okaasan with Shoji tailing him.***

With Naruto

At night, in Naruto's house. They ate ramen and other food placed on the table. The twins were chatting non-stop about what they did on their first mission.Therefore, like always no one seemed to care about him; he was eating in was deep in his own world not caring about what was going on in reality.

"Naruto..Naruto..." someone called.

"What?!" Naruto answered by blinking his eyes and looking at the one calling him out it was Arashi.

"Stupid Baka" Mito said shaking her head.

Arashi wanted to include his little brother and decided to question his part in his first mission. Since, Arashi called out Naruto, silence fall around the table and everyone was looking and ready to listen to him

Naruto sighed internally and started to talk. He explained some Justus and tricks; followed by how he helped his Sensei against a few bad ninja without putting a lot of details. His voice was monotone with no life. It worried his brothers meanwhile his parents just nodded and smiled but made no comment on it.

Naruto excused himself and went to sleep; he didn't want to spend some useless time with his family.

With Sakura

Sakura returned to her house. She surprised her parents when she came inside. They were quite happy to see her. It was a fun night; they chatted about her mission and what she had learned from her sensei. Sakura just happy to spend time with them it's been a while so.

Her parents were quite proud of their unique child. They made a cake and hugged her a lot. It was getting late and tomorrow was going to be a new day. She went to sleep.

With Sasuke

Sasuke walked to the Uchiha Compound, no one paid attention to him as he conveniently avoided everyone. He opened the door of his house and heard everyone in the living room. He walked to the living room and found them there as he had though. They greeted him by small nods except his mother who hugged him and made him turn around to check for any injuries. Mikoto quickly prepared food. They sat around the table, As usual, questioned Sasuke and waited for the questions to fire. How many time when Itachi came back from a mission did he have to answer to their father's question. They started eating and then asked him finally about his mission. Instead of answering them, he decided to explain about his first real mission. Everyone was listening with a great attention. His brothers and his cousins complimented him time to time.

"So what do you want to do for your birthday? Mikoto asked.

"My birthday?"

"Yes, your birthday. It's coming in a few days and since you came back in one piece, we will do a big celebration."

"So my friends can come?"

"Why not?" Mikoto said, glancing at her husband.

"You need to make sure they will be civilized; we're still Uchiha with pride and honor."

"I know, father, may I talk about it tomorrow with them?"

"I guess, but you will need to have the family member at the party."

"Well, the people at the table."

"You're sure you want us around?" Itachi asked.

"Well, I'd rather have you around then the Elders for my party," Sasuke answered.

"Well, that's it. I'll favorite some other things." said Mikoto happily already forming a plan in her head of all the flood and how it was decorating, the tables and the chairs placed around.

Meanwhile, for Sasuke, he was already thinking about the need for lists and plans for something. Something darker than a party for his birthday.


A few days after their return to Konoha

In the past days after their arrival in Konoha and spending some with their family, they do a few missions D to stay alert but mostly active.

All Genins were preparing themselves to go to the Uchiha Compound. They had been invited to celebrate Sasuke's birthday. Since the test, slowly the clans were accepting the fact that these Genins were friends and often put themselves to the test by inviting each other to the clan. They trained in the training place of the compound of the clan. They talked and debated on some strategies well. That's what Obito remarked when he was invited to watch a practice session when the Sensei didn't need them for some mission D or practice some jutsu.

It was a major surprise for everyone, not just the clan members but the entire village to see the Uchiha clan slowly changing.... it's seems that Minato finally did a really good job... or was it really him?

***Happy birthday Sasuke***

That night, at Sasuke house

Slowly people fill the house. The guest were composed of relative members of Sasuke, Sasuke's friend even the twins were invited well mostly force and compromised by Fugaku and Mikoto and yes, they were also the older sibling of his friends to talk to Itachi and his two cousins. Obviously, Mikoto and Fugaku won't die of boredom because Sasuke's friends parents were also there chatting about kids, politics and thing about clans. No one except the adults were really paying attention on these things. Since the Hokage was there and his family, a few Anbus were guarding around inside and outside.

Inside the house, there was a lot of greeting and hugging. People had brought gifts that each put on a table on the side of the entrance. Everyone was chic for the night. Each group had taking a spot in the house. The Genin were in the living room, the olders kids were upstairs and the parents in the kitchen. They was a nice chatting flooding inside the house. Kiba and Shino excuse themselves and come back a few minutes and gave a small nod to Naruto.

The diner went slowly but in a tradition for his birthday. Once in a while, a duo of Genin would excused themselves and come back only a few minute.

Sasuke said:

"If you excused us, I need to show Naruto something."

The duo left and went in Sasuke's room. There, they locked the door, changed themselves, Naruto made a few seal in the room and made a few movement of hand to create an illusion of them talking and Sasuke showing Naruto something. They opened the window and closed it after being both through it. They walked around the Uchiha Compound, they make sure no clues were left behind making accused of something. They went in the Elders room and gave a look and use a kunai and a few jutsus to kill them.They came back a few minutes later, changed themselves, burn the clothes, make sure it wasn't smelling burn in Sasuke's room and left .

"I'm going at the bathroom, I'll join you after for the gift time." Sasuke said very loud for a few people to heard what he said to Naruto.

"Ok but hurry, teme."


Naruto went downstairs gather everyone in the living room for the gift time where the guest give to the birthday person their gift. A scream came from upstairs. All the adults ran to the scream with the Anbus ready to strike. The Genins followed quickly behind.

"Sochi!" Mikoto screamed before pulling Sasuke in a tight embrace and in the same time from the scene.

There five dead bodies laying on the floor. Quickly Fugaku and Minato started giving orders to the Anbus and everyone.

"Someone, get the children out!"

"Gather more Anbus!"

"I need someone to security the Compound and check on everyone on the Compound."

Other orders were given. Fugaku being in the police force of Konoha make a call to gather more people to investigate and help the Anbus out. The Genins were taking by their Sensei and their older sibling in the Hokage's house in the living room. Six Anbus were escorting them there (Hokage's house) and left to the older siblings and the Senseis except Kushina to take care of the Genins until the Hokage was back and gave new orders.

Meanwhile, in the Uchiha Compound, people were everyone and the Head Clan were helping the Hokage and Fugaku to cordinate everything. They inspected each house of the Compound and found many bodies even babies were dead. It was a pure massacre. Mikoto, Fugaku and Jiro were holding their tears. Uchiha don't cry but it was a massacre. They slowly gather the bodies and started identify everyone with the register and list of names. They had been slaughtered with no mercy.

"Fugaku take care of your wife and your brother. All you need to do is identify the bodies with them. I'll take care of everything else, "Minato said in a full support mode not just because he was the Hokage but also as a friend. Indeed, younger, there was alway a rival it's between those two but the events will bound the clans to support each other out.

"Thanks, Minato," Fugaku said before taking his wife in his arms and hugged her.

In the next couple of hours, the identification was coming slowly but most of the bodies were tagged and had a sheet over them. No survivors except Obito, Sasuke, Itachi, Shishui, Fugaku, Mikoto and Jiro for the investigation, it wasn't giving a concrete result that the Hokage and Fugaku had wished. No clue was found, yet but it wasn't looking good at all.

The Hokage left the Anbus continuing their investigation and went to his house with his wife, the other parents of the Genin and the devastating trio of Uchiha. The other parents told their condolence to the trio Uchiha and the kids Uchiha (even if Sasuke was the only child) they quickly took their child and left the Hokage house. The Sensei left after making sure everything was okay before leaving and telling their condolence leaving in the house, Anbus the twins, the Hokage, his wife, Naruto and the survivors of the massacre.

"What happen?" Sasuke inquired.

"Bad thing happen Sochi." Mikoto - San said in tears.

"Someone or a group had massacred the Uchiha clan. The Uchiha in this room are the only survivors."Fugaku said..

Naruto held Sasuke to steady him. The older sibling and cousin to Sasuke were not better, they quickly sat down in pure shock.

"They ...they...they are all dead!" Naruto said in shock and added looking at his father. "But how?"

"We don't know, neither the motives and how it happens, not much clues were left but I know the Anbus are doing their maximum to find something. The investigation is still on and will give a personal look in it.

"But where are they going to sleep?" Naruto questioned.

Fugaku gave a look to Jiro and Jiro nodded.

"We will be sleeping tonight in Jiro's house which is outside of the Uchiha Compound and for the first time in my life I feel grateful for your decision. Tomorrow, we will gather what we can recuperate from the other houses and if we can take a thing from ours." Fugaku-San said giving a last look at his brother.

"Great. That's marvelous." Kushina said optimist at this prospect.

"Well, we better go. It's late and the kids are getting tired especially Sasuke. Thanks for the hospitality." Mikoto-San said getting up.

Everyone got up and they hugged the Uchiha clan survivors and gave their condolence again. Naruto turned and looked at Sasuke. He called out Sasuke as he was leaving with his family and said:

"Happy birthday, Sasuke."

Thanks for reading! It wasn't the best chapter, but I try my best😉 and again 1k views 🙀 love u! Don't forget to Vote & Review. 😘

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