Chapter 17: Brothers

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Hey! People! I have seen a decrease of reading is it because it's too long? Or boring? Anyway, I'm trying for the #Wattys2017! Enjoy Brothers 😃👨‍💻👩‍💻

⚠️ ⚠️ New edits are being done (if Wattpad allows us to saved and publish those changes) - This is a note as of April 6. 2022.⚠️ ⚠️


Brother: Itachi Uchiha

Itachi Uchiha had always followed his cousins (Obito and Shishui) footsteps not attached to the hips, but both were considered from a very young age as his role models. With his intelligence, he was recognized for his skills. He was very young went Sasuke was born, but he had the guidance of his cousins to ensure to make Sasuke was happy. He knew because of his reputation that Sasuke had been affected by it, his otouto was in his shadows, and their father didn't make it better.

A little time before his otouto entered the Academy to become a Genin following the Clan's path. Sasuke was harm nearly assaulted by a man (who is dead) because the man wished to test him to see if Sasuke was as powerful as Itachi and maybe used him as leverage against Itachi. Just the thought of it made Itachi curl his fists that this son of a bitch tried to use his brother as leverage. He wished he could destroy him, but he was found dead choking in his own blood, their father had told in private Itachi. Since that moment, Sasuke had been a bit neglected by their father. His younger brother was given equally if no more attention since the incident. The maternal instinct from Mikoto made Sasuke go a bit crazy because she was over him like a newborn baby.

He was friends with the three older sons of the Hokage; they were around the same age, and he hung out with them and his cousins. They were a pretty good team to watch out for during missions. His otouto always acts weirdly since his entrance into the Academy. He had become quieter, more into his studies and even colder than their father. Their mother Mikoto always thought that the bastard had done something to his otouto to damage him purposely. When he faced off his otouto during the test, he could see real potential in Sasuke; he was slightly excited to do missions with him, same with their cousins. 

It did not take long, not even letting him to have a mission with his otouto, Sasuke achieve the Rank Chunnins due to being useful and a valuable asset during the mission. Which explained why Itachi was observing his otouto carefully, hoping that he would make it successfully. The first task wasn't difficult, people weren't allowed to watch the first mission, but with the Hokage part of a Clan, it gave an absolute advantage. They could watch them; his brother was bored like he didn't care about the first task. Then, during the second part, it became tricky. In the Forest of Death, no one could ensure their security of them. No contact between the mentor and them was allowed. Itachi remembered Kakashi not being worried about his team but alerting their Sensei when the trio had finished. All the blood was nearly dripping from their clothes as they marched out to see the Hokage. The third stage was looking forward to their father. Itachi was watching the scene above a balcony with Naruto's brothers. He chuckled as he watched Sasuke giving no mercy to one of the Hokage twins. In fact, he looked bored with her and kept taunting her until he snapped and blasted her off before leaving the stage under the crowd's gazes.

Itachi didn't know what to feel. Yes, he was proud of his otouto, but he didn't spare one of the Hokage girls. The Hokage's wife was already about to murder Sasuke, but he wasn't fazed at all by her. At home, their father was ecstatic by how Sasuke handled the battle. Sasuke's face was blank of emotions, and had just stated that he was off to bed. The second and third round was held on the same day. Again Sasuke didn't let his opponent much time and killed him. His battle against Naruto scared the shit out of him especially went they blasted their chakras out off the stage. Then the battle outside made his blood boil, as did the rest of the team, consisting of his cousins and Naruto's brothers. 

They slammed the doors off the buildings as they ran out toward the noises. Upon their arrival, the battle was ongoing, and the Genins were spreading out, covering every inch of ground they could. Each fought with no mercy against their guests, who seemed to choose to destroy them. They joined the fight. Itachi knew his otouto had no mercy and was doing his best. As his older brother, it was his duty to reach him as fast as he could, as he blasted Jutsus after Jutsus. He was acting like someone thirsty for blood. It was a pure massacre; the invasion seemed to have taken only a few minutes because of the Genins' efficiency. 

Soon, everyone who was nearby and in the capacity to lend a hand to rush the survivors with injuries to the hospital of the village. It was to ensure they hadn't been poisoned or hiding some wounds. The Hokage granted all the Genins who survived this ordeal the Chunnins Rank, even the twins. Sasuke had cussed out a few times, bewildered by the twins being granted this rank. His otouto was pissed, very pissed off. To make it up and to ensure Sasuke felt better, Itachi offered to battle him a bit on their one of the fields in the Uchiha Compound. A one-on-one.


"What the fuck? Is he playing favoritism or what? They don't even deserve the title of Genins how do you to have them survive in a mission especially after their first and last mission above the Rank D!" Sasuke raged out frustrated during the ceremony.

"Hey otouto! Do you wish to have a friendly match between you and me? Our cousins would be the judging!

"Why not but don't go easy on me because I won't,"Sasuke smirking.

The four Uchiha came in front of a field of battle. They were a few chairs and trees to cover the area or to watch the match. Shishui and Obito went beside the chairs and stood in the middle to let the match start. Sasuke and Itachi went to a rectangle field designed to be the only place to battle to protect the rest of the Uchiha Compound and its people. Itachi was more than happy to battle his brother for the first time without their father giving his input or having their mom worrying and fussing over them. Both gave their best, and in the end, they were both panting hard. The field seemed to have been under a tornado. Everything was torn; they made sure to use the battlefield to their advantage. Itachi felt pride knowing his otouto had a lot of raw potential. All Sasuke needed was experience and time to learn how to canalize everything.


One night, Sasuke made a declaration that he and a few now Chunnins were going on a trip to see if the Waves Villages needed help, maybe scout around to report to the Hokage and do some bonding to have a more diplomatic relationship in time of war. The war hadn't yet affected them; it was just a matter of time. So when the Hokage himself came to their house to announce the state of his brother/cousin, Itachi felt a surge of the rage of madness pulsing in his veins; he didn't know how to call it. But enough was enough! He will make sure; he will have input on which mission Sasuke will have. He spoke with Shishui and Obito in a lower tone while waiting for the medical-nin Tsunade to tell them it was okay to see him. There were too many coincidences going on; they agreed that something was definitely wrong with the Hokage or at least with how Sasuke ended being in the worse scenario. He was barely twelve years old, for Amaterasu's sake!

Tsunade came, and they entered the room. His mother nearly collapsed at the sight of Sasuke. Tsunade and his father made her sit down near him. Itachi, Shishui, and Obito approached his bed. Sasuke was hooked up to many monitors and was covered with a white bandage. Some of them were already soaked in blood. A monitor was indicating his chakra, which was less than ten percent of his full potential. Another was watching his blood and his heart making a soft constant beep. He was pale and breathing with a machine to help to breathe nurse came inside and suggested they wait outside. None of them move. All of them wanted to know what kind of pain was their youngest member was on. The nurse carefully took off the bandage, checking the surgical suture on his wound. She tried to hide Sasuke's body as much as she could so they won't keep a bad memory of him.Now, they could only wait for him to heal surround by them and hopefully, Sasuke would be able to explain what happen there.


Oldest Brother : Arashi

Being the first-born child and son become complex for Arashi over the years. He was the first to grow, try to live his life and do his own experience. At the same time, he had the responsibility to be a model and guide for his younger siblings.

He was very young went his brothers Mikio and Shoji, being born. The closeness in age favor a better bond between them. They still fight but would always have the back of each other. Came along as the three brothers grown up, the twins, two girls. Kushina, his mother, and Minato, the Hokage and his father, were ecstatic by the news. They couldn't believe it. The boys old enough to no longer be always fussed around, and they welcome the twins for taking their places. The twins were the most precious princess for his parents, and everyone would give their attention to them. Which left more freedom for the three boys. One year later, another sibling came into the family; it seemed that his parents couldn't keep off their hands from the other.He was the final child of the family, yet, Arashi didn't know a lot of him. He was either trying to achieve to become a shinobi Rank SS or on missions, same with Mikio and Shoji, they weren't able to spend much time with than the twins. Kushina ensured the three oldest to take care of the twins and helped them gained a bit of advance for the Academy. 

Now as he was looking at Naruto's state in the hospital bedroom, he realized that the twins became quite demanding and needed more of their time and always distract him or Shoji and Mikio from spending time with Naruto. As Arashi recalled his memories of his time with his family, he remarked that his mother was always making sure, the twins had a lot of attention and weren't missing anything. All the contrary with his otouto Naruto where he couldn't find a single memory of his mother with him. Even only a few memories where his father was spending time with Naruto, but he was always preoccupied with his duties as an Hokage, and if not, Kushina was 'ordering' him around. Did his mother really want Naruto out of the family? Why? The fact that she soon left after Minato left the room. She said that she needed to make sure the twins were safely home. His brothers Shoji and Mikio spoke breaking him from his thoughts of the past.

"We seriously need to talk to father!" Shoji declared.

"And find what's the deal with, mother. I can't believe her! Naruto is nearly on his deathbed or very injured, and she left to "make sure the twins were alright," Mikio quoted out and ranted out with rage, "the twins are old enough to take care of themselves. At their age, we spent most of our time out of the reach of father and mother and took care of ourselves. Look at Naruto, he's a lot more mature than I thought, and I regret not knowing him more. It's unbelievable! Did you see them? They couldn't even fill his forms as a patient because they knew nothing! Our otouto barely speaks during our family time when it is time to eat! He is always with his friends. He never voiced his opinion or fussed over something like a normal kid, like the twins. We got to do something; the twins are going too far!"

"We are part of this mess. We need to take part of the blame and take our responsibilities," Shoji muttered. "True, it has been ongoing for a long time, but we were blind. 

"More like we choose to ignore the situation." Arashi rectified. 

"Indeed while he recovers, I wanted to make sure he has all the necessities, and we needed to redeem ourselves and  start acting like older brothers for him like we do for the twins."

"Agreed," the others chorus.

Silence. As everyone went back to their thoughts, their father hadn't arrived, and their mother must be at the estate fussing over the twins.

"Do you think we neglected him? I mean not just us but mom, dad, and the twins?" Shoji asked timidly at his older siblings.

None of them respond.

"Did you know the twins received many complaints from shinobis and senseis who tried to work with them during a mission? It was a disaster - was what I heard - I never went on a mission there, but it seems unbearable, and they are asking to retrograde them," Mikio mentioned in order to break this awkward silence.

"It could help in their ego!" Shoji mentioned. " Obito wanted to murder them during their training as Genins; he chuckled out.

He didn't mention his time with the twins because the two others had heard about it- well, his version- a few holes were in the twins' story, but they let it slide but no more.

"So I have heard at the bar," Arashi said, nodding.

The silence came back in the room as a nurse came inside carrying on one side full of bandages and the other hand gripping the handle of the cart of instruments. She approached him and checked the monitors where Naruto was hooked up to and wrote on a small board, changed his bandages which were soaked in blood, and gave him medications before leaving the four Uzumaki-Namikaze alone again. A few minutes later, their father entered the room and wondered where their mother was.


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