Chapter 18 - Chaos and Stubbornness

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Hi, new readers. It's a pleasure to meet up. Hope my story is still up to your standard. Enjoy! Unedited - I know as of 2020 that since chapter 16, it took an ugly turn!

Minor edits on the chapter on May 19,2021. Additional edit made on April 6, 2022.


Sasuke in his hospital bed

Waking at the hospital is not the most pleasant sight to have. Especially, when you are used to be treated in the headquarter than in the Konoha's hospital, also, having your supposedly "dead" family near you is not something you see every day. Sasuke made a small grunt alerting the rest of the occupants in the hospital room lifted their heads toward him.

"Oh, Sochi. How are you feeling? Do you need something? Can someone alert Tsunade?" Mikoto asked worriedly first to Sasuke, then second to any members of the family to move their ass.

"I'll go," Fugaku declared.

Either he's uncomfortable seeing this, or he was acting like a real loving father. And for Amaterasu fuck sake, his mother was stupid, 'I just woke up, dehydrated of my throat and about my feelings well let me settle down and processed why are they are all here and then, I might answer you the famous "I'm fine"', thought internally Sasuke trying not to banged his head. Thanks, Tsunade came back and started checking the monitors around him and vitals. She gave him a small cup of water which she helped him to drink by holding the cup for him.

"Your chakra seemed to be back to normal; your wounds still needed to be treated and watch for the next two weeks. No straining exercises and you will be able to discharge tomorrow morning if the final test which is tonight work. I'll let you with your family if you had any questions, please used the button on Sasuke to alert a nurse."

"Wait what about the others?" Sasuke inquired in a raspy voice.

"Oh, Kiba and Neji woke up two days ago after weeks of in and out, barely being awake. It didn't take long and are currently discharged. For Choji, Shino, Akamaru, Lee, and Shikamaru; it was report that they had minors cuts and left three weeks ago from the hospital. And the girls are resting since they help me to heal you guys and take care of them"

"So it's been three weeks," Sasuke stated emotionless.


"What about Naruto?"

"Naruto...," she took a deep breath and exhaled before informing Sasuke. "Naruto's condition has not worsened but didn't improve as in his cognitive activities. His chakra is still low. The good news is he is not moving; his wounds have time to heal properly. He hasn't wake up yet."

Sasuke sighed and closed his eyes while Tsunade left. He didn't want to face Fugaku-San, who would act more as an investigator than a father if he questioned him. He knew what they would give them a hedge for a few weeks. He was glad the rest excepted Naruto was out of the woods. It was the risks as shinobis, but it's always a relief as a superior rank that you haven't failed your men (in this case) and your women. It was absolutely normal for Naruto to be still sleeping. After all, he was the one who always took the reckless moves to either protect or give him an edge in war.

After being discharged, Itachi, Shishui, and Obito took care of their youngest member of the Clan. He was brought back to his room, and even they had modified inside the house to accommodate him. After placing Sasuke in his bed comfortably, so he doesn't injure himself more, the others sat near him with a small cushion under their butts.

"Nii~san, would you tell me what happens in the village since we came back?"

"Yeah, sure do you mind if Obito and Shishui stay?"

"No, maybe they will add a few details."

"First, the village's security is at its maximum. We established a curfew for those who are not officially active shinobi or kunoichi. Second, the civils isn't aware of what happened to you, so try not to mention to them to not scare them off. Thirdly, it's the most exciting and chaotic thing ever happening. A few Head Clans had given their complaints to retrograde the twins, the Hokage's daughters, and they were severely punished in front of the population. At this time, the village residents rejected and distanced themselves from the two girls. Avoiding to be associated with them. Yet, it was not considered the worse!

Internally, the Hokage family was facing a crisis where it had divided into two clans. One, the three males Arashi, Shoji, and Mikio and the other clan, the twins Naruko and Mito with their mother/wife of the Hokage and the Hokage who's in between."

"So the Hokage hasn't taken any side, and I presume both groups are pressuring him."

"Indeed, plus the population because Kushina-San is trying to show off the twins as perfect angels and excellent kinuichos, yet they keep getting humiliated by your classmates. They have no mercy for them, and none of the villagers dare to complain about it because it will lower the twin's ego."

Sasuke made an inaudible sound. Thinking, it was great that Naruto's brothers had woken up from this nightmare and had their eyes opened to the reality of the twins. The problem was that the rift between the family members could seriously cause harmful effects on the population within. None of them deserve to have this in time of war. Yet, since the Hokage can't decide, someone can constantly challenge his position because of his inability to make a concrete decision and apply it.

"What do you think about?"

" Well, as you know," Shishui voiced out," we are friends with the Uzumaki-Namikaze brothers and we support them in their decision. It's been a while we've been telling them that their younger sisters were spoiled brats with the civilians. It gave uncle a lot of headaches between choosing to punish the twins of his best friend of the Hokage or not. We spoke with the three brothers and they are currently living out of the Compound and have built their own estate. They are trying to obtain Naruto guardianship with your father and our father are recommending and supporting in favor of the three brothers. The Namikaze-Uzamaki doesn't have the right to be in the meeting nor Naruto's brothers but its seemed to be in their favor."

"When will they know the answer?"

"At the end of the week, it's a Head Clans affairs, but there's a bigger chance the brothers win."

"Who has challenged the Hokage position?"

"No one! I doubt it will happen, everyone is so caught up in the war and with the incident happen. Many shinobis teams had been dispatch around the territory trying to alert the other villages and gain their alliances."

"Nii~san, are you going to leave?"

"Yes, we are the investigating what is the damage and what happens when you were attacked and if we can find something to explain why they attacked you. Your cousin, the trio brothers and I are going."

"Careful," Sasuke muttered getting more and more sleepy. " Who's going to take care of Naruto? The three brothers are leaving."

"He's going to live here until they are back but it's sure that he would not go back to his home until further notice," Obito declared. " Shishui and I will be leaving you two, we are going to check the supplies and equipment for the mission and check on the brothers and gave a last look at Naruto's condition."

The two cousins stood up and let the two brothers there in silence.

"How mad father is?"

"It's not at you. Mother doesn't take the news well but she will survive.But he really wants to know what happens there and so I."

"I rather forget about that so much happen in a flick of a second."

Sasuke tried to fight against his sleepy state, and the medication that he was mandatory to digest with other potions were getting him drowsiness.

"Go to sleep Otōuto! When I'll be back, we will spar again, and I might give you the recommendation to have some higher mission with us.

"Favoritism like the Hokage."

Itachi looked hurt, well, more like feel hurt by the emotion radiating from his body. Sasuke had his eyes closed and just let himself merge into sleep.

" I hope you are joking because I do not look nor act like the Hokage. Oh, Amaterasu! What are my colleagues are going to think?!"

"Who knew you could doubt at a simple affirmation. Now go, before someone come in the house to drag your ass out, and for mother screamed about her floor freshly polish being all dirty again."


Naruto in his hospital bed

Naruto woke up in the hospital, his father tried to see him but he was refused by Tsunade and a restraint order for him, his wife and daughters against Naruto. Everyone seemed to be aware of this restraint order. Only a few days, his brothers and Sasuke's brother/cousins had left Konoha, he was transferred to heal in the Uchiha compound under Sasuke's mother supervision.Mikito took care of both boys while Fugaku and Jiro were both out meeting with the other clan.

Still not fit to fight, Naruto was stubborn to be the one to challenge his father's position. He entered the office and declared.

"I, Naruto Namikaze-Uzumaki challenged Minato Naikaze on the Hokage's position."

As an Hokage, he couldn't refuse. He stood up where shinobis were waiting at the feel. It would be an easy win; his son was still weak, Minato thought.

" You are a disgrace to the village as a Hokage. Your favoritism toward the twins is sickening, and your lack of paperwork had delayed a lot of things. Many complaints were filed, and none were answered, the civilians council and the others are tired of this. Today, I'm going to end this, your reign, your power, your superiority, your house, everything you cherished and was used to will be strip. I nearly consider expulsing you and your family to no longer be a Clan family and be considered as civilians It's still under probation. Now don't go easy on me, because I won't even in my current state."

Both took stance and started with their favorite technique the Rasengans. The collision of the two Rasengan gave momentum for Naruto to materialize thousand of himself creating Rasengan. It could let the fight go longer but with the war and all necessary to be prepared because of his genitor's lacking, until he chooses a side, he will be called "genitor". A short and sweet fight. Ending the match seconds after. It was safe to say that the ex-Hokage had been humiliated and destabilize by his own son potential.

"I believe, I won which make me the new Hokage. I decide to take this position immediately which will take effect from now on. Rookies 12 with me and..." Naruto declared loud and clear to everyone, he did a quick Jutsu cleaning and putting the field back to normal. He turned his back to the crowd and left followed by his friends.

In their hideout, Sakura immediately attended herself to rebandage his new and olds wounds. She mildly scowled him for not waiting longer but understood his reason. Sasuke just smirked the all time since Naruto had won. Kiba and Neji had left to inform civilians and the Head Clans of the change. Naruto had gain notoriety and respect from both sides of the population which shouldn't give too many oppositions.

Even if they were not fully back on their feet, Naruto just did a strenuous exercise, and Sasuke was still healing from his wounds. They started to work; that's what they were used to doing, that's how things went in their dimension, and that's what they constantly donned. Clones were scattered to attend to many tasks; cleaning the office was an absolute disaster; papers were everywhere on the ground or in a pile that wasn't even corresponding. The clones took all the predecessor or genitor lacking paperwork. Half the day, the paperwork was done and given to the right person, and the office looked less messy. A few seals were opposed but had weakened as the years went by.

Sasuke was assigned with Neji's team. During the following days, they were tracking, dispatching and repatriating the shinobis gone on missions who were unreasonable. They held a gathering where they informed the population of the evacuation road in case of necessity. They explained how the attack during the Chunnins exam wasn't a coincidence and that it was the first blown to show they would be a war. They spoke with the civilians asking if they wished to be relocated for their safety and happiness. The Konoha village no longer held civilian only shinobis and headed clans, and still, that was debatable.

A few traitors were caught and transferred to a pleased Ibiki and Ino. An investigation opened for the civilians to check on their needs and necessities, like shops and places to eat. The old complaints filed years ago and never been answered had been taken care of at the end of the week. For the first time, the civilians were enjoying a Hokage who was dedicating time to them and was efficient. The village was buzzing vividly. Damm, you, Minato Uzumaki. The civilians had been slacking a lot because of the last Hokage, leaving them to develop bad habits, which led to several conflicts amongst the civilians. He needed to be corrected and fast before they assisted in their own destruction.

Sakura and Hinata were in charge of written a full report on the medical wards, the staff members and patients and the equipment, etc. The Rookies were harbouring their robes proudly and didn't stop until all the lack of the Hokage, which was a lot. It even made Choji banged his head; yes, you read correctly, it was that serious. A calculation of the population and the disbanded of the civilian council because of the war. They listed everything to keep a register of everything.

Naruto had to have full control of the village.

They checked on the slacking guards requiring other tasks. All division, team and shinobis ranking were being revised. Kiba was checking on all the pets and summons contract animals.

The Rookies 12 planned the attacks to lead a part of the Akatsuki members in the village. Where they will destroy on site. Naruto sent Chōji and Shino to do a few scouting out around the village. If they saw either a team of shinobis from their villages or other villages, they would be brought immediately to the towns without waiting. Ino, Ibiki and Ino's father were deeply torturing their prey, gaining a data database that could be quickly reviewed. As the Kage, Naruto made sure his parents and twins lived in hell by pushing them out of the house to have no luxury and had to work like everyone to gain something. He gave a smaller house far but still in the village, the interdiction to leave the village and that they were the first to be in the front of the battle if a war or a fight occurred. Rookie 12 felt great. Now in control of the village like they used to and knew what not to do. They knew how to run it smoothly, especially in times of war. It was chaotic since their trip to shake things up with the enemy, but now the boys were enjoying themselves. Sasuke couldn't even stop smirking or looking with a glint of bad intentions. Mikio, Shoji, Arashi, Shishui, Obito, and Itachi have a surprise when they come back. Chaotic before the real storm begin.


Thanks for reading! So what did you think? Enjoy? Questions? Excitement? Is anyone reading these messages or they just skip to the next part?

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