Chapter 2 - First day in the alternative universe

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So here is the second chapter, please comments, it always feels good for the writer to know the ameliorations need to make or the appreciation of the readers.

Arriving there, it was identical to their memories. Both entered the academy and walked to their class. They needed to maintain their young personality for the sake of the students around them who expected them to act a certain way. The only thing they could be waiting for was this drowning and boring class to end. Not that Iruka-Sensei wasn't a good teacher, but they knew these definitions and explanations already. They still had their minds of nearly seventy-eight years old. Indeed, they grew very old in their first world and had retained all the experiences and pieces of information from their previous dimension.

Naruto and Sasuke sat together while Sasuke was taking the course diligently. Naruto decided to fall asleep as he was supposed to do in his old life. It was a dull class.

Sasuke decided to nudge him. Naruto screamed:


Everyone turned to look at him. He met the face of his classmates more like friends since they all had been there from the beginning. Some had an amused smile. All we're trying is not to laugh at his expense. However, he saw Iruka in front of the class frowning at him. He was massaging his bridge nose, probably irritated at the disturbance Naruto was making. From the corner of his left eye, he saw briefly the twins who looked at him in disgust. Their face was twisted.


"Yes, Iruka-Sensei?" he answered in the most innocent tone.

"What is chakra since you seem to find this class boring."

"It's the basic technique. You can use it with hand seals, and it can be controlled and manipulated to create an effect that would not be possible otherwise. Some methods utilizing the energy called chakra could be walking on water, exhaling fire, or creating illusions. Chakra is ordinarily not visible to the unaided eye unless it is highly concentrated or manifested in large amounts."

"Correct. I see you had done your homework," Iruka-Sensei was surprised by how he answered. He twitched his eyebrows but quickly recovered to continue his speech. "Tomorrow, it's your final exam to become a Genin. After, you will be given your headband if you pass. You will head back to class to choose the chief, the second-in-command, and the third-in-command. It seems unusual, but the Fourth Hokage decided to put this regulation after the last war. These three people will be chosen by you well those who passed. It has to be the majority. They will be responsible for the Genins in this promotion. You can be independent or ordered to become independent if you don't feel good being in the group. The chief will establish the rules that you as a member will have to choose."

As he was finishing his phrase, it rang. Everyone took their things and left the class. Sasuke and Naruto parted in different ways. Sasuke went back to his home while Naruto worked in the field to practice.


In the Uchiha Compound

While Naruto practiced in one of many areas this village possessed, Sasuke went back to his home. He crossed the Clan's compound and faced his home. He opened the door; he went into the living room to find Mikoto-San, Fugaku-San, Itachi-San, and his cousins and uncle. Obito-san, who supposedly should be dead but Kakashi, even went back in time to save him and, in the same way, save Rin. Indeed he is the only "adult" from the old world to know. He hasn't told Naruto because it's a surprise for him. Next to Obito-San were his older brother Shisui-San and his father, Jiro-San.

"Was I late for something?" he asked.

"No, we want to talk to you about tomorrow," his father stated, way too calm. His tone led Sasuke to understand it was the calm before the storm.

"Tomorrow?" he repeated, confused. Did he forget an event that would occur tomorrow except for the Genin Exam?

"Tomorrow, it's your exam deciding if you are a Genin or not. We want to make sure you understand the importance as one of the heirs of the Uchiha Clan. As you are aware, you are the last member for now. And we need to know if you are thinking about being the chief of the year because you are the Rookie of the Year."

He tried not to sigh, Fugaku-San would be mad. He approached the sofas where were they sitting.

"Well, father, I will do a perfect score on my test, and as for the chief position, it's a vote for those who passed the test, so I can't decide for the others."

"You seem so sure about your test."

"Indeed. If you excuse me, I need to work in our practice field."

Fugaku-San nodded. He turned on his heels and left the room. He got off the hook just in time! What a day! Sasuke left the house and joined Naruto, who was already training. He was shooting a kunai at a target, and he did the same, and then they fought in a small battle. Well, short action, it was a friendly one even if we were using powerful Jutsu. A thick Genjutsu covered the match for more than four hours of fighting. They were both panting and sweaty.

"Our bodies are definitely not used to the extreme we were used to training daily," Naruto voiced out with difficulty because he was breathing heavily. He thought that their new body was suddenly put to the extreme limit in this new dimension.

"Indeed, well, more you than me."

Naruto just nodded before gulping water and replied:

"True, but your chakra is used in a Genjutsu."

"Do I need to make you remember who's the master of Genjutsu?"

"No, because it's your brother Itachi," Naruto replied with all seriousness. He tried not to let the corner of his lips twitch and a laugh that wanted badly to get out. Sasuke looked. "Are you serious?" He couldn't hold it any longer and burst out laughing.

Sasuke smiled at him and shook his head, amused by his friend's antics. Naruto was rolling on the floor, shaking uncontrollably. One thing was sure, Naruto's spirit hasn't disappeared even with the horror of the experience in his life. The water came from his chakra, which he used to bring a pouch of water. Outside, the dark was already settling down. Sasuke left Naruto at the field and head home. He sneaked inside till he got to his room, opened the door quickly, praying it won't creak, laid down on the bed and fell asleep.

The next morning, Sasuke was up before his family. He sneaked out of the house and went to school. He sat under a tree and opened a book. He also wondered what if Naruto didn't have that kind of spirit to attract the 'good' in each person? Would it be the end of the world? A few hours later, it was time to be tested. Every year, the future Genins were watched by their friends and their family, even by the Hokage. His eyes landed on his family, then on Naruto's family. He also saw Kakashi acting as a guard for the Hokage and his family. He was standing next to Obito and Itachi near the Hokage. Sasuke saw Jiraiya-San and Tsunade-San sitting in the crowd, probably been asked by the Hokage Minato to come and observe.

He and others passed with a perfect grade making Iruka's jaw drop. Naruto had asked them, " No holding back, but don't display too much power or knowledge when you cast Jutsu. So no one suspects us. Good luck."

The only missing ones were, with no surprise Naruko and Mito with an eight and nine, respectively. They didn't listen to the class, and they used Minato's position to get what they wanted. They were blackmailing Iruka-Sensei with no reprimand or punishment for disturbing the class.

Everyone from Head Clans and Sakura passed. No civilians survived the test this year, and they were still applause from the adults and everyone in the room. The Genins were now going back to class to choose a chief, second-in-command, and third-in-command. As they all brought the chair in a circle, Naruto sat at a desk and waited for everyone to sit down. He cleared his voice:

"Well done, friends. I want to make this quick before we start voting and everything. Is there someone who wants to make a meaningful comment instead spreading stupidities?"

No one said a word.

"Very well, who wants to be chief?"

"We want to be the chief and second-in-command. We could inverse role but as long as we have one of those," Naruko said with excitement, already imagining how she would rule them. They will be at their mercy, and they couldn't complain because their daddy was the Hokage, and he could expel them from the village.

"Yeah, we are the best, and we are the daughters' and only children's Hokage," Mito added, agreeing with her sister. " Our older brothers are still family, but they are no longer children."

"You do know that Naruto is also a "child" of the Hokage?" Kiba piped out.

"Yeah, but just blood. He is a total nuisance to our family and this village," Naruko sneered.

"Anyway, I will also present myself because most of you; know I can make a good chief and have the qualities to do it. I will always have your back." Except for the twins, he thought to himself.

He cleared his voice.

"So, who is against my nomination?"

Only the twins raised their hands. No surprise! He thought again to himself.

"And those in favour of it?"

Everyone raised their hand.

"Even if it's the majority, I need to ask this. Who in favour that one of the twins become the chief of the year?"

No one raised their hand.

"Then, it's settled; I will be the chief. I will tell you my directive later. Moving on, the second-in-command. Someone would like to have this role?"

Sasuke raised his hand.

"You wished to be second-in-command, Sasuke ?"

"Hn." was his answer.

"So...Everyone in favor of Sasuke?"

Everyone lifted their hand except again the twins.

"And again, even if it's the majority, who are in favour of one of the twins being second-in-command?"

No one raised their hand.

"Okay. Moving on to the last role, the third-in-command."

The twins and Kiba raised their hands.

" If I understand Kiba correctly, you wish to take this role?" Naruto was surprised, Kiba wasn't a leader but more a fighter, so why raise his hand?

"No, I want to propose Neji as a third-in-command. His team and he are still Genin."

"Good idea, but I need the majority for this nomination to pass. Therefore, everyone in favour of Kiba's proposition to nominate Neji?"

Everyone except the twins raised their hands.

"And those in favour of Mito or Naruko to be third-in-command?"

Then, again no one raised their hands.

"Then, it's settled. Please inform everyone to bring their family to Sasuke's house. I will be joining you just being late. I will tell the result to Iruka-sensei and inform him about telling the others. Since Naruko and Mito are Genins, they will be able to bring the Hokage there. The last thing, even if you are Genins Mito and Naruko, I feel that both of you won't be a great element for our team. Therefore, I didn't accept you into the group and asked you to become an independent member. You will both pass a test to evaluate your capacity to be in the group. You will be informed tonight when will this happen. You can decide not to take the test and become independent. If you fail the test, I will force you to become independent. The book that contained all the rules to follow will be given tonight at dinner."

Naruto waited for everyone to leave the class before going to Iruka-sensei's apartment. He knocked on the apartment door, and Iruka-Sensei let him inside. Naruto announced the decision and explained that he would reveal the result to the Hokage at dinner. After leaving his first Sensei, he quickly did a body flick and speed to Mizuki. The man was currently into a powerful Genjutsu, making him think that Naruto had failed. He could offer Naruto the opportunity to steal a forbidden scroll in front of the eyes of everyone.

Naruto chuckled. Mizuki didn't know what was waiting for him. Deep in the forest, far from the people to hear what was going to happen to Mizuki. He delimited a perimeter and soundproofed it. Then, he created at least a thousand Shadow Clones and cast the Genjutsu. Naruto took pleasure in torturing Mizuki for hours; then, he killed him with no regrets about his chakra. Although, not before using his chakras to get the information about Mizuki's plans and the life, he put it all in a recall memory Jutsu on a scroll before putting it in a seal on his right wrist.

This seal was a form of storage that was very expandable. Also, it was undetectable from many Justus. He set fire to burn the body. He looked at the corpse disintegrated into ashes. He extinguished the fire and spread the ashes around the forest, and made sure to leave no trace before he parted in the direction of Sasuke's house.

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