Chapter 3 - You are weak

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Here's the third chapter! Enjoy! Tell me, is it different, original, boring? 

A couple of edits on this chapter as of May 19, 2021.


Sasuke headed home, after the Genin exam, he wanted to arrive before his family who came to watch him be evaluated during his test. He entered the home and went directly to his room. As he walked, he remembered to put down a package on the table in the entrance. Soon, his mother will arrive and be working on preparing the food for tonight. After all his sweat he needed to change himself. Next, he went downstairs as his mother, Mikoto-San enter the house and went straight for the kitchen. He waited a bit in respect for his mother to be in the process of  cutting the vegetables or mixing something. 

"Sasuke-Chan, did you change your mind? Have you consider becoming the chief of this promotion? Is that the reason that you want to cook?"

"You will see tonight. I am only here to help into the preparation. We are the host tonight," Sasuke confirme to his mother. "We are to receive every Genins of this promotion and their family. This year it's different... I need to see Father."

The Uchiha family were chosen to  host the Genins who passed the exams and their family. The tradition was that the new chief of the new batch of Genins would cook and invite every Genin to his house. 

"Ok, Sasuke-Chan."

While his mom was continuing to do the preparation, he remembered to take the package at the entrance of the house. He unwrapped the clock and placed it on the wall of the living room. Then, he was about to see his Father's office; he saw a Naruto clone. He was supposed to help without people in this house knowing it was a Shadow Clone.

"Good! Set up the table."

Naruto's clone nodded to signify he received and understand the order before walking out. The youngest Uchiha chuckled; it was fun to order Naruto around even if it wasn't the real Naruto. There was still a part of him in each clone. He recalled how Sakura, Ino, and Hinata had taught all manners to have a Head Clan's an essential manner as Naruto had no education because he was an orphan. They showed him simple things such as settling a sophisticated or standard table, washing his clothes, etc.

He and Neji were dying laughing as they watched him trying to grasp the meaning of this style of living and the routine that came with it.

He stood in front of Father's office door and knocked twice before waiting for a reply. He grunted as he would need to act as a talkative host, so why did he agree to host again?

"Come on in!"

He opened the door, inside were not only his Father but also my family. Sasuke stepped in and stood straight, looking at his Father.

"What do you want, Sasuke?"

"People are coming tonight. I cannot tell you if I'm the chief of the new batch, you will found out with everyone. I need to know if you are coming to eat and if Jiro-San, Shisui-San, Obito-San, Itachi-Chan, and Mikoto-San are also going?"

"We will be there," Fugaku answered back.

It was a short answer, and it's all he needed to know. He bid his goodbyes to the family and went to make sure everything was ready for the guests. In the dining room, many chairs and tables were placed together to ensure everyone had a seat. In front of each place, a small card with the person's name. Chakra designed a little attention, each card with the name. You could feel the chakra emitting from them. Each design was unique and perfect.

He sighed tiredly but treading to the kitchen where his mother cooked.

"How is it coming, mother?"

"Great, when are the guests suppose to come?"

"In a few minutes, I'll be waiting for them at the entrance," he responded. As he said this, a small symbol appeared on the wall. It was a symbol of the chakra. Each Genin had a particular symbol. The symbol on the wall was from Kiba.

"What this? Sasuke?" his mother, who was behind him, asked worriedly. She was unsure of that strange symbol appearing on the wall of her house.

"Just an indication of who's at the door without the need of knocking to bother other people in the house."

More a security measure for us. Knocking was something for the strangers, Sasuke thought.

He passed through the entrance and opened the door; like he suspected, it was Kiba and his mother but nowhere was his sister. She was probably on a mission. He helped them and sent them to the dining room. I closed the door and followed them.

"Something to drink?" he offered like a good host. 

"No, thanks," Kiba said.

"Yes, some water, please." Kiba's mother answered.

He nodded and looked at his mother trying to say can you get it now?.

Two symbols illuminated the room. He went again to the front door to fetch the new incoming guests. This time, it was Neji Hyūga with his cousin Hinata Hyūga and their family Hinata's father Hiashi Hyūga and Neji's father, Hizashi Hyūga. The only one missing was Hinata's younger sister Hanabi who was too young to go to this kind of dinner (in reality it was a disguised meeting). Their grandfather was dead saving Hinata in her near kidnapping saving her uncle's life and her's.

For the next forty-three minutes and thirty-six seconds, he went back and forth to greet at the threshold of his house. He guided the Genins and their family in the dining room of his home. A few Senseis came to observe their future apprentices.

At the same time, his mother offered a drink and served those who requested one. Later, his father and the rest of the Uchiha  males went downstairs and greeted the guests. The two last "group of guests" to come was the Hokage's family and Jiraiya accompanied by Tsunade. The two twins, the brothers, the Hokage and the Hokage's wife stepped in and followed Sasuke to the dining room. The only one missing was Naruto, he was somewhere. 

The guests were starting to sit down while he and Sakura help his mother to serve the people and placed the food on the table.

As he sat, he voiced out innocently to the Hokage Minato-San.

"Where is Naruto?"

"Probably wandering around... I really don't know," Minato barely cared for her brother. 

He frowned after hearing this; he knew where went all his children but not his youngest? Sasuke let them finish eating before clearing his voice.

Everyone turned their head to look at him.

"Sorry to interrupt this delicious food and conversations but you haven't been asking only to eat here. Affairs are always coming first. That being said, I have to tell that in the classroom, this afternoon we had decided who was the chief, the second-in-command, and the third-in-command. Before I tell the people who will hold these position, I would like to remain you to stay calm and polite even if you disagree. If someone wants to say something, please wait until I let you talk."

Seeing he got the attention of everyone, he continued:

"The chief is Naruto, I'm the second-in-chief, and the majority had voted that Neji as the third-in-command."

While some had their jaws dropped other were too stupefied.

While some had their jaws dropped other were too stupefied. He saw Kiba trying to get his attention. Kiba muttered:

"We need to break the seals on the twins."

He nodded. From the corner of his left eye, he saw one of Naruto's Shadow Clones was hiding in the room listening. He could barely see his hands as the movement was too quick for the eyes, but he saw a small flick. He could feel the clone's eye looking at him to indicate that the seals were off the girls and that they hadn't remembered about it. Sasuke wasn't eating with them; instead, while waiting, he let his chakra circulate the house and around to make sure no shinobi were hiding. Only sensing the different Shadow Clones, Naruto left in the area to protect, watch and learn. He saw his father's expression, interrogation.

In a formal tone, Sasuke voiced out the silent question:

"What is bothering you, Fugaku-San?"

"If Naruto is the chief. Why isn't he here?"

"See. I told you Naruto isn't a good chief but no... You didn't listen to me!" Naruko said, annoyed.

"First off, Naruto is currently patrolling in the village, making sure it's safe even if Anbus are doing surveillance. It's is the job. Second, as the chief, he had to do his job a priority, not serving and telling the news. Thirdly that's my job, and I have an important role as the second-in-command more than you can think to answer your second question. Fourthly, responsibilities have been divided differently than the previous years. Does this answer you can question Fugaku-San and Naruko-San?"

"Yes." both said.

"Good, also, please refrain from doing these comments, Naruko, it would badly reflect on your reputation. Any other question?"

"Yes, I have one, normally only the Genins are task to go to this first dinner as a group and to create links and get to know better. Why are we here? I mean us, the adults as the family and the Senseis." asked Kiba's mother, Tsume.

"Well, that a good question, even if we are Genin, you still need to see these documents," he said as he produced a stack of paper which was given to each family a copy.

"These papers were already signed by them, but you still need to acknowledge it so you can understand that things can happen and you can't pursue us for whatever happens. These documents are about what could be happening and what commitment they are going through. The last section about private life is more important to take in knowledge because many are heir to a Clan here. If any questions, just ask me, and I will answer you."

He waited a few minutes; everyone was either reading or letting the knowledge of the forms sink. It was filled with a relaxing silence only the flipping page could be heard. He could foreshadow the reactions of the people in this room when they would reach the end of the document where the private life was the subject, an uproar would come.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, but something needs to be said. Tomorrow, if the twin Namikaze-Uzumaki would be tested to know if they are with us or not. If not, they will be declared independent. Being independent doesn't mean following these documents." His gaze went around the group. " You all come here with other people. They are more than welcome to read and be aware of the consequences. You can choose to retract yourself, not be tested and declare yourself as an independent of this promotion."

"Ugh!" Mito growled, her eyes tried to pierce into Sasuke. "Even if you are an Uchiha and second-in-command! You have no right to tell me how I am going to pass this test. Absolutely not that I am going to fail this or that I am not taking it. You think girls cannot handle a small test? You savage man. NO!" She shook her head with a devious smile. "No, no, not a savage. A pig, that is what you are." As she got louder and angrier. " I will do this dumb test of yours! I will do it with success." Mito concluded. 

"Don't speak to my brother like that!" Itachi intervened furious by how bitchy the twins were, and they seemed to be on his brother's case since the beginning never letting him.

"Respect!" Sasuke barked angrily.

These two were so annoying! He could feel the Hokage and his wife trying to burn him with their stares. An exclamation came out of nowhere dragging Sasuke out of his observations about the wife and the Hokage. He turned to respond and looked where this noise came from. It was Hiashi-san.

"What is it, Hiashi Hyūga-San?"

"How could this be possible?! I mean not allowing to have a sexual relationship or even a loving relationship," Hiashi was indignant by the circumstances.

"Their top priority is to protect the village, not to procreate. They  choose to become a ninja. They dedicate their life as a ninja. We required from those who choose this path to have no attachment to any other individual. Cut all ties, except to other ninjas." He reminded the content of the scroll. Many manifests their disagreement and were about to voice it out loudly, Sasuke intervened just before: "There's no need to yell in protestationbecause all the Genins except the twin had signed these files. You just need to be aware. These copies can stay with you. I just need to complete this with a vow that you took in consideration this document. Therefore, you cannot go against it."

Again, they nodded in agreement and move on to sign the papers.

"So who's next to question?" 'My authority'thought Sasuke internally.

"Me, as Kurenai, I would like to know why the Senseis are here?"

"It's quite simple, after getting our team which tomorrow morning at ten at the field 22 it will display a list with the sensei and his team. I know, you should do a test to pass them, but since we are near a time of war, the rules changed. The chief as in Naruto decided to do it differently. The SenseiS will go against us the Genins, and you will evaluate us. Of course, you are task to evaluate your own team but let's not worry about it. Tomorrow rules will be given out. The families members are also invited to either watch or joined to see how their child is doing..."

Suddenly, the lights flashed in a red color. Several symbols all red and words were forming around them on the walls. All the genin got up, Sasuke quickly took control of the situation and shouted his orders.

"Shikamaru and Choji cleaned up the table. Ino, Sakura, and Hinata prepare you medical tools. Tsunade, you help would be appreciated. Neji with me. Let's see what is going on. Kiba, you are on watch and give me updates on every change."

He and Neji went outside and saw a horrifying situation. Ninjas at a low level who were working for the Akatsuki were fighting Naruto. Seconds later, they came to his help and entered the battle.

Forty minutes passed, and they had killed most of them. They were still some up when Sasuke saw it:


Under his loud command, Neji dropped on the ground, Sasuke launched a kunai, and it planted itself in the neck of the attacker.

"Neji! he called. "Retreat now!"

While Neji was getting inside to get treated, Sasuke fought the last two ninjas standing before getting to Naruto. He was bleeding badly, and it didn't look right. I picked him up and went inside.

The girls were stitching Neji.

"Girls! Naruto!"

Hinata and Sakura, quickly ushered the girls  to place him on the table. Tsunade began to help Sakura treating Naruto. While Ino was finishing Neji, Hinata approached Naruto and treated him as well. The girls were efficient.

While he was bandaged, he asked Neji:

"How are you? Can you finish the night?"

"Fine. I can still survive the evening. I just got a little bit banged, but it's okay."

Sasuke nodded and asked Sakura, who was tired and in desperate need of a cup of tea.

"How is he?" he asked, watching Naruto barely breathing.

"As always, a fighter. He is going to wake up in a few moments. He shouldn't, but you know how stubborn he can be."

He nodded. Tonight was deemed important.  He flexed his index to indicate to Ino to get the desserts. He stood up and surveyed the room, the atmosphere drop of a few degrees.Some guests, mostly the parents, remained stunned  about the events that occured. This was going to be the last time to happen. He sat on a chair next to a tired Neji. They waited in silence.In the kitchen, Ino  opened the boxes containing the desserts. It was cupcakes, and everyone had desserts. Naruto groaned from his position and said:

"Well, that went well."

Sasuke and Neji stood up to help Naruto to stand and support him into the living room. Leaving Sasuke to do the talking... Again. He hated talking; why couldn't he just do onomatopoeia.

"What you did see tonight won't be the first time that it will be happening. Everyone had received a clock placed in your household. The clock is used to get to know where each Genin is. Ino will give you a cupcake to eat in the living room. It's a tradition. Thanks for respecting this."

A faint sound of a piano playing could be heard echoing throughout the mansion. He smiled, hearing the few notes of the song, and relaxed as he leaned on the wall. He was still watching everyone like a hawk. It was easy to read through those who never heard Naruto playing; they were mesmerized, which made them weak. They don't acknowledge anything else but the music. He doubted they were sufficiently alerted to repel the strangers in case of an emergency.


Hi, thanks for reading this third chapter. Do not get hard on me. I have been inspired by the WEASLEY'S CLOCK IN HARRY POTTER! This clock has other features you will discover.

The night continued in the next chapter. What kind of tradition did Naruto and his friends have? What type of test will have to pass Mito and Naruko? Will they succeed?

Edits on May 19, 2021 - Dialogues changes (rephrase)

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