Chapter 4 - The night is still on

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It's a small chapter and not the best, but it needs to be done and let you guys have an update on the story. Thanks for voting and reviews, it always makes me happy to know I got a vote or review on the story.

Tiny edit on Feb. 14 2021.


Ino and Sakura handed out a small cupcake on a plate to each guest. Each guest took their plates with the cupcakes and gathered in the living room. It was a large room where everyone could fit. Some adults were sitting on comfy chairs, others on the floor, the rookies were all scattered around. Sasuke was leaning on the wall with his cupcake looking at everyone on high alert. Hinata, Sakura and Ino were sitting on the same long chair looking at the piano. The rest of the rookie were either sitting or leaning on the wall.

In front of everyone, a grand piano was there. Naruto was on a small black piano bench. Naruto pressed in the keys of the piano and played soft music soothing everyone in the room. While the music was playing, everyone felt more appeased, more relaxed. For more than two hours, Naruto kept playing on the piano. While the last key sounded in the room, Naruto faced off the guests.

"For those who want to sleep now, you can go. Tomorrow, will be the biggest day; you will face many challenges. Rookie 12, you know when I want you to be up. Mito and Naruko, you should go to sleep to recuperate in time for your tests."

"You are not the boss of us!" Mito interrupted angrily. She stomped her feet and crossed her arms over her chest.

"I can overrule you, but not your family because they are the adults, but I strongly suggest you to either decide when it's time to leave to have enough energy for tomorrow test. I'm pretty sure you would want to participate in it," Naruto continued without acknowledging what Mito said.

The first to leave were Kiba and his dog Akamaru and his family left, Sakura and the Hyûga left also. The Sensei exchanged looks debating if they should follow Naruto's advice. After communicating with the eyes, only Kakashi decided to stay and the others would go to sleep. As the other sensei walk-out followed by Lee, who decided to leave at the same time as Gai-sensei. Naruto crossed his arms over his chest and frowned. He seems to analyze what was going on in the room.

Ino walked around to take the empty plates. She approached Naruto and whispered in his ears something in response Naruto only nod. Ino just skipped out of the living room carefully not to drop any plates on the floor. The calm returned, everyone took back their position.

"Anyone else wants to leave? It's time. When I start playing again, you won't be able to get out."

Chōji, Shikamaru, Shino, Tenten talked to their family saying that they will come back after the next recital. Shino and Tenten rearrange the room by taking off chairs and cleaning up the room.

The only ones left were Kakashi, the Hokage's family, the rest of the rookies, Sasuke and his family.

"Well, I should start."

"Wait." said Minato.

Everyone looked at him stupefied that he had dared to disrupt his son who was about to play. If it were the twins no one would have dared to interrupt, the girls are his pride and should have someone interrupted...

Some tried not to glare or frown because he was the Hokage and they needed to respect him, but since when the Hokage can use that kind of power? It's wasn't very diplomatic from him!

"What is it? Hokage-Sama?"

The Hokage tried not to reply harshly because once again Naruto failed again, he should have called him Otousan. The Hokage heard Sasuke whispered.

"I recall you, Hokage-Sama, this a formal meeting."

The Hokage nodded quickly before clearing his voice.

"Yes, uh sorry. I think you are right; the twins should leave the..."
"WHAT!!! But OTOUSAN!!! We are older than Naruto why should we leave." Naruko yelled angrily.

Everyone sweat dropped, the rumors about the family were perfect never with a single argument. Everyone felt uncomfortable to watch them argue.

Naruto cleared his voice trying to restrain his exasperation and his anger: 

"First, stop throwing a tantrum, you are not gaining any point to be a respectable shinobi. Second, respect your Elders and all shinobi having a higher rank such as the Uchiha family, the Hokage and Kakashi and on. I really doubt you will gain their respect by this attitude. Thirdly, it's the Hokage decision, how dare you disrespect his order? Since it's your call, Hokage-Sama, I'll let you decide on her punishment. Now, I suggest you both leave as the Hokage said."

As the twin groaned but obeyed to his command, Naruto uncrossed his arms and turned to sit on the bench in black.He took inspiration and started to sing while playing on the piano.

A few recognized Rolling in the Deep it was a song Naruto had pickup during his travels in his old life. He would sing it to call everyone and himself. It was a good start for the small show. He went on another song All of me everyone was amazed by his talents.

A few hours passed, as the guests enjoyed themselves by listening to the music. It was nearly the morning when everyone started to leave. As the rookies except for Sasuke apparently left with Kakashi who was task to bring them safely to home. Even if the rookies knew how to defended themselves, they followed Kakashi.

The Hokage, his wife and Naruto's older brothers were about to leave, but Kushina-San or more know as kee-chan turned and said:

"Are you not coming with us?"

"No, I'm staying with Sasuke-kun and his family."

"And they had approved," Sasuke added before the Hokage started making a fuss for nothing.

"Naruto-kun, we have room."

"Listen, I rather not be bothered by you in the morning because all the fuss just disturb the schedule, I have to wake up early to train the other Genins for the test. I suggest you go because if you want to watch and learn something about your opponent."

"Okay, Sochi, but we will discuss about it, later on."

As the Uchiha members dispersed to go  to sleep and the Hokage family leaving. Sasuke and Naruto began to prepare the training for their fellow friends and the test for the twins. As they progress in their work, Naruto asked:



"I really doubt and wish the girls not to make it. It would complicate our plan."

"I know."

Btw, I would like to know if someone know what does mean "Sochi" because I deduced it was son from my reading of other fanfictions but I'm not sure and I can't find on the Internet. (this has been resolved).

I didn't put the lyric of Adele song: Rolling in the Deep and All of me because of the copyright and just use these songs to make him sing and presented another fictionnal and out of character side of him.

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