Chapter 5 - The pair of twins test

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Hi! First, I would like to say that I'm very sorry for the delay. I'm still at school and I had many projects on my shoulders. Here's a small chapter. I wish you to like it. Don't forget to vote and reviews!

**** This chapter contained swearing ****


Sasuke and Naruto had stayed up till five a.m. They were strategizing for the next days and how would they presented the challenge and how would the twins test be. At five a.m., Sasuke and Naruto woke up everyone from the Senseis, family Clan, and the Genin.

"Everyone on field 22," they kept saying to the people.

It took a half an hour to gather everyone on field 22. Of course, the Genins were all there after five minutes. The majority had shunshin to the field. It took ten minutes for the adults to come and they all wait for the twins.

"Did you wake the twin, Sasuke?"

"Yes, I did," Sasuke said exasperatedly.

He was starting to feel embarrassed. Never in his old life, someone had the nerve to put him in this position especially in front of Naruto. Kakashi was the only exception to the rule and he had happened to be in the first to come.

"Hokage! Where are your girls?"

"Preparing themselves, probably," Minato said.

"Don't worry, Sochi," Kushina added.

At the same time came into view the twins.

"WHAT TOOK YOU SO MUCH TIME ?" yelled Naruto.

The twins stood stunned by his outburst.


"It's called our beauty time and we are girls. We need to be pretty, otōuto," Naruko said sweetly.


Naruto had completely lost his cool with them. His KI was about to burst and kill someone.

"ENOUGH!" Minato snapped. "You wanted to reunite us. So what do we do now?"

"Very well. Everyone sit down and I mean it."

One by one sat down except Sasuke and Naruto. Mito was about to say something but Sasuke silence her by a glare and maybe with a bit of KI.

"Great. So first thing concern, you, Clan and sensei. You will have the opportunity to look at the twin's test and the rest Genins practice. For the next three hours, we will practice and let three hours to pass the challenge. After, the challenge, the Genins and I will vote if the twin is independent or in our Rookie Team. Then, we will have one hour to eat and to rest. Before the test, I will give new instructions. I'm the chief these future shinobi. Therefore, I will lead them to victory and survivor. I have more influence than the Hokage so be careful. For the challenge involving you, you will have the advantage of seeing our flaws and weakness."

He let a few seconds to let all this sink into their minds.

"Genins! We have been graced by Team 9. You will be paired for the next hours.

Hinata and Neji;

Sakura and Lee;

Tenten and Ino;

Chōji and Kiba with Akamaru;

Shikamaru and Shino;

The Genins went a little farther from them and started to fight with kunai and shuriken and their Jutsu, etc.

Sasuke and Naruto placed behind each twin.

"Get up!" said Naruto.

Both got up and waited.

From his old life, Naruto became with the help of Sasuke a good with Gengetsu like Shisui; he didn't need to see his enemies to put an illusion.

"Ready?" muttered Naruto.

"Yeah." answered in the same tone Sasuke.

Sasuke and Naruto caught the two girls as they suddenly fall. They had put the girls in a strong Gengetsu and the only way to get was to pass the three hours or passed the test.

"WHAT DID YOU DO!" Minato vociferated as he jumped and went into a fight stance. Naruto recognized the Rasengan. Indeed, Minato was ready to shot a damn Rasengan at his son.

"Calm down. They are under a Gengetsu that you can watch, but they won't hear you at all."

"And we all know that the Uchiha are the best in Gengetsu. We were born to perfect them. They are no risk." Sasuke added and before muttered. "Normally if they are not foolish enough."

Sasuke and Naruto lay the two girls on the grounds. Naruto created with his chakra a big large cube. On one of the faces, he built a door. He went inside and seemed to have disappeared from the others. He came back a few minutes later.

" I create this cube where you could feel like you are with the girls and followed their progression. You come in and out whenever you want."

He let a few minutes again to let everything sink inside them.


Every single Genin rotated their head hearing a fraction of second that none could see when everyone whipped their head at Naruto. A perfect illusion of them training was taking place. In reality, the Genins were teleported in the cube and were observing. Sasuke went inside the cube leaving Naruto with the adults who were approaching the training to look. He mentioned to them:

"For the next three hours, you can do everything you want."

Naruto went to the side of the practice looking and watching like a hawk. Each adult exchange looks who was going to stay and who was going to watch the twin.

"I'm taking the risk of seeing the twins and not the practice. It will be more challenging, but at least it will be fair for them," said Kakashi as he got up and was walking to the cube.

"I agree." voiced out the other Senseis attending to watch how the youngsters would perform. 

Meaning that all the sensor at follow Kakashi and were in the cube.

"I think Hokage-Sama and your clan with the Uchiha can go watch in the cube. After all, your set of twins is in there, and the Uchiha clan somehow help you," said Tsume, Kiba's mother.

A few nods and everyone seemed to agree.

The Uchihas and the Hokage's family went into the cube leaving the other look to the training.


In the cube

The Uchiha and the Hokage's family stepped in the cube. All around them, they were transported in the Gengetsu. The twins were fighting a missing-nin Jiga. Kushina tried to help the girls because that missing-nin was dangerous but none of the chakras could approach the girls.

The girls using basic Jutsu which led them have a hard time and struggle to progress at the same pace as the others.  Their Taijutsu wasn't back but was enough for someone who got out of the Academy, and that was currently shocking. After all, the twins had been taught by the Hokage and his wife. They should be more strength especially in front of a missing-nin.

Disappointed and bored that is how Naruto felt watching this ongoing while a clone replaced him on the field. He hasn't got the chance to see his memory with them in this universe fully. But he clearly discerned that he doesn't get the same attention than his older sisters. He didn't think he could call it 'being neglected.'

"I'm going to Naruto and alert him to stop this. It's insane and there are just kids." Minato declared outraged Minato.

"You can't! I'm mean Sensei by doing this you are showing to the other Genins how weak and disorganized are your twins," Kakashi said, he was desperately trying to gain time, but also he knew how disastrous it could be "People would question if the girls are really ready to become shinobi."

"I understand you point Kakashi but my girls are important and facing a missing-nin isn't part of the curriculum right now."

"But everyone in the village knows that you train them to be able to defeat enemies or mostly control Naruto because of the nine-tail. So imagine when they would learn, that they are in the incapacity of fighting him and if you use your authority to stop this. People would probably quickly spread the dependence your girls have or just doing some favoritism because it's your girls."

"The twins are not dependent," Minato said indignantly.

Kakashi sighed.

"You are not there when it is happening, but the reputation your girls have in the civilian community isn't good at all. Anyway, just relax, and let's just resume watching."

For Kushina and Minato, these three hours seemed to pass very painfully. As for their sibling, they didn't appear to know how to react to this. They felt unconformable, one part, the twins were on survival and on the other part, Naruto was rougher with them. Hearing Kakashi speaking made them realize that they couldn't protect the twins all the time. Furthermore, maybe they should pay attention more to their otōuto. They reunited at these three hours. Naruto and Sasuke let them know that they will see each other on the same field in exactly one hour.

"Please be punctual. The fate of the twin will be announced in our return."


The adults decided to gather in the Hokage's house to discuss about what happen earlier. The parents carried the twins who were completely worn out of this.

The Genins decided to gather at the Ramen Restaurant, the one own by Teuchi and his daughter Ayame.

They quickly find a table and ordered.

"What did you think?"Naruto asked.

"Poor Kakashi, that's the only thing I'm saying," Sasuke said.

All had heard the argument, it wasn't it like someone was even making an effort to be discreet. 

"Well, I got to say either they were not showing their potential and hided, they don't have potential or they reaction to protect themselves from their full potential," Neji declared.

Many nodded.

"We will have to cast a vote at the field. The subject is officially closed for the next forty-five minutes," Naruto decreed.

As they ate vividly, chatted and laughed like the old time while being cautious of not saying something suspicious, they just relax. A wave of happiness passed throughout them. They all exchange would something give an outburst of joy when he felt "too" happy. It was refreshing and with no war till a few months. Life was great.

Thanks for ready this chapter. Next up the test to become an official Genin in a team. Vote and review!😊

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