Chapter 1

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Grim sighed as he sat in first period, science to be specific. After the incident this morning he was stressed because someone could've questioned his strength but he's lucky humans aren't as prying as others when they admire you.

'Tch, the others are starting to influence my mindset.' He thought, looking rather angry.

"Is there something wrong with my class Mr. Grimison?" Ms. Han asked, raising an eyebrow while the whole class turned to look at him.

"No mam I just thought of something that bothered me." Grim said, going back to his normal visage that lacked all emotion.

"Would you like to see the counselor with your problem?" Ms. Han asked.

"I am fine Ms. Han, please continue." Grim said, resuming to take notes once more as the lecture continued and everyone shifted their attention back to the front.


Grim sat down in class waiting for the new teacher to come in to start the lesson.

"Dude I hear the new teacher's hot!" Eric said, looking more excited than usual.

"Don't try and hit on her straight away Eric, you'll only end up rejected and getting embarrassed in the middle of class." Natalie said, rolling her eyes as Sarah hugged possessively as per usual when she thinks there is competition.

"No woman can deny me unless they're lesbian or in a relationship." Eric said, smiling confidently.

"Here she comes." Grimm said, then door sliding open as if on cue to show a beautiful woman, surprising everyone with her beauty while Grim was surprised for another reason.

"Hello class, please call me Gaia. I prefer not to be called by honorifics, just my first name." She said, smiling at the class.

'There's no way she's her.' Grim thought as he observed the teacher. 'Brown hair with green highlights, check. Green eyes with speckles of gold, check. Slightly tanned skin, check. Emerald necklace, check.'

"I can't believe she's here." Grim groaned, slamming his head on the desk and gaining the entire class' attention.

"Are you okay young man?" Gaia asked, unaware of who he was.

"I'm fine Aunt Gaia." Grim said, lifting his head with an unamused expression.

"Good to see you Grim! How are your other classes?" Gaia asked, smiling at her nephew.

"Can we talk about this after school?" Grim asked.

"Sure! Bring your friends too so I can meet them!" Gaia said, returning her focus to the entire class and starting the history lesson.


"It's nice to meet you! I'm glad Grim has such nice friends!" Gaia said, smiling at the four in front of her.

"How's Uncle Hora and the others?" Grim asked.

"Oh, everyone is fine! Hora has been messing with his watch as per usual." Gaia said, giggling at her husbands antics.

"He didn't like the watch I gave him?" Grim asked, looking as if he was struck with grief.

"Woah I've never seen him sad before." Eric said, poking Grim.

"Oh sweetie is there a way I can make it up to you?" Gaia asked, genuinely worried.

"Leave." Grim said, suddenly becoming his usual self.

'T-That was a fast transition!' Natalie and Sarah both thought simultaneously.

"Do you hate me that much?" Gaia asked, tears of impossible size forming in her eyes.

"I don't hate you, I simply wish not to be embarrassed like in first grade." Grim said.

"What happened in first grade?" Natalie asked.

"I showed his entire class his adorable naked baby pictures!" Gaia said, smiling at the memory.

"Can we see?!" Grim's three friends all asked at once.

"Well..." Gaia glanced in her nephews direction to see a demonic look in his glaring eyes. "Maybe another time."

"It's almost practice time anyway." Grim said, standing up.

"Come watch us!" Eric said, hoping to impress her.

"Yeah!" Sarah said, smiling as she became filled with excitement.

"You have to hear Sarah sing!" Natalie said.

"Well of it's okay with Grim." Gaia said, her and the others turning to look at the male.

"I don't care as long as she doesn't get in the way." Grim said, getting cheers in response as they made their way to the auditorium.


"Of course there'd be half the school here." Grim said in annoyance as the cheers of around one to two hundred boys and girls roared throughout the room as they saw the group.

"You four seem very popular." Gaia said, smiling.

"Yeah, we've won a bunch of competitions and played at some underground bars." Eric said, getting smacked in the back of the head by Grim.

"Don't mention the underground part." Natalie hissed.

"Seriously, we could lose some of our rep." Sarah said, waving at a small group of fanboys.

"I won't tell." Gaia said, smiling.

"Thanks Auntie." Grim said, stepping up on stage and the auditorium fell quiet, Gaia taking a seat next to a group of boys who started to flirt with her.

"Excuse me before we start I would like to ask the group of boys that are flirting with my aunt to please stop unless they want to be unmanned." Grim said, the boys faces going pale as he was notorious for beating up the football team.

"Alright ready?" Eric asked, receiving a nod from the others as he started to count down before he started playing, Grim and Natalie coming in on the guitar and bass a few moments later.

Sarah started to hum silently as the music started to pick up then her voice slowly rose as she started to sing, the lyrics coming off smooth yet powerful at the same time.

The crowd cheered as it kicked off, Gaia seeming amazed as she saw Grim crack a smile for the first time in ages. The young reaper hadn't smiled ever since his father died, of course being the fact that he had no mother making it twice as hard on him.

Soon the music died down as the band finished, swearing lightly from their performance, Grim's smile disappearing.

'It's rather sad to see his smile go.' Gaia thought.

"What did ya think?" Eric asked, looking like a dog that was happy to see it's owner.

"Not bad but your timing was slightly off Eric." Gaia replied, smiling gently.

Eric felt as if an arrow pierced his heart as he held his chest in mock pain while Natalie and Sasha laughed while Grim rolled his eyes.

This was just any other day for this group but tonight would be much different.

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