Chapter 2

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Grim silently opened his window and climbed out, jumping down onto the ground from the second floor as he quickly rolled into some bushes before he was caught by one of the campus guards flashlights. After waiting for the guard to pass, he quickly and quietly dashed until he made it to the wall around the school. He immediately stopped and hid behind a tree as a few guards walked by.

"You hear about the fire?" One of the guards asked.

"Yeah, poor kids. To bad it was the orphanage too, those kids deserved a brighter future." The other guard said, turning the corner with his partner.

Grim frowned as he watched the cameras turn away and quickly scaled the wall, landing on the other side as he started running down street towards the burn sight.


Grim let out a small sigh as his legs and fleshing fading away, his clothes replaced by a cloak as he sported large, black, feathery wings and his scythe appeared in his hands. Tapping the bottom of the scythe three times onto the ground gently, glowing and translucent figures appearing before him.

"What happened?" One of the figures asked.

"Are we dead?" Another mumbled, looking at their hands.

"It's as you think. You've died. I am the Grim Reaper and I shall guide you through the-"

"Grim!" A voice shouted, interrupting the reaper and gaining everyone's attention to turn and see Eric, Sarah, and Natalie.

"What are you doing here?" Grim asked, looking at them with his emotionless and hollow eye sockets.

"You're the grim reaper?!" Sarah shouted.

"That would actually explain his name." Natalie mumbled.

"You're interfering with my work." He said coldly.

"Then take us with you!" Eric said.

"I don't have time for this, grab my cloak and don't let go until I tell you to." Grim ordered, tapping his staff as they all grabbed on and were transported to a corridor that held a line of souls.

"Children come with me." Grim said, walking past the line with the others following him as they still held onto his cloak.

"Can we let go now?" Natalie asked.

"No, bringing living souls into limbo is dangerous. If you're not dead or making contact with one of the gods then you will be torn apart and your mind will be a plaything for time as it drives you insane." Grim said, the others gulping in fear.

"Do you mean god?" Sarah asked.

"No I meant gods. There is no one the god as one cannot have complete control over all."

"So there's no hell or heaven?" Eric asked.

"There is, that's what the line is for. To decide where the souls will go depending on their decisions." Grim said.

"Then what about us mister Death?" One of the children asked.

"I'm taking you to heaven. As children you don't know the true meaning of right or wrong so your souls are clean slates that are free of sin."

"Does that mean if we died right now that we would get a free pass into heaven?" Eric asked.

"You stop being kids as you head into middle school. That is where I can do an instant check of your soul and determine where to send you."

"Darn." Natalie muttered.

"Don't worry, I've constantly checked your souls and even with the small amount of sins you won't go to hell, there's no guarantee for heaven either but to change it you can reincarnate." Grim explained.

"So everyone gets two chances?" Sarah asked.

"Technically three. You won't remember your past lives until you die. And even then you only get a chance if your sins aren't to serious."

"What if it's someone like hitler?" Eric asked.

"He was given a second chance due to a few of the gods making a point."

"How in the hell did he get a second chance?!" Natalie asked.

"It was deemed necessary for him to kill many and start another war as the more deaths that piled up the less humans would be populating earth, giving them more time to further develop before they overrun the planet."

"What do you think of it?" Sarah asked.

"I think another mass amount of lives need to be taken so that humanity can survive a small while longer and have a chance to leave the earth before they kill themselves. Of course this might come true due to the God Of War influencing world leaders to destroy each other."

"Can't you stop him?!" Eric asked.

"We don't meddle in each other's business unless necessary." Grim responded.

"What the-"

"We are here." Grim said, coming to the front of the line as everyone turned to see the grim reaper.

"Go on through the white door children."

"By mister Reaper!" The kids shouted, chasing each other through the door as they laughed happily.

"Oi! What the hell?! How come they get to go to heaven without judgement?! How come they get to skip the line?!" Someone shouted, getting shouts of agreement.

"Because they haven't sinned. They are but children this they are better than most of you in this line." Grim said, his voice laced with venom.

"Bullshit!" Someone shouted.

"It seems most of you are want to go ahead. I shall give you your wish," Grim said, a few people shouting happily. "Tell the demons of hell I sent you." He tapped his staff on the floor three times, multiple people screaming as they are dragged into the door that led to hell.

"Man, that was a bit harsh." Natalie mumbled.

"That's the job of the reaper. Showing emotion is not needed when reaping souls." Grim said, tapping his staff as they are all led to a giant and empty space that only had a large, circular table with multiple seats around it.

"What is this place?" Sarah asked, looking around.

"This is where the gods meet, mostly for important matters such as now." Gaia said, appearing in one of the seats.

"You're a goddess?!" Eric shouted.

"Indeed." Gaia said, a young boy of around ten appearing in the seat next to her.

"Hello Uncle Hora." Grim greeted.

"Ah hello nephew." Hora said, smiling.

"That little boy is your uncle?" Natalie asked in confusion.

"Indeed. He's the god of time and husband of my Aunt Gaia."

"Precisely. Now if I catch any of you flirting with my wife then I won't hesitate to throw you in limbo!" He said, suddenly turning into a large and muscled man.

"Also you can let go now." Grim said, the others doing so.

"By the way what is the important matter that you all are meeting about?" Sarah asked.

"What we should do with you." Another person said, appearing a few seats a way from everyone as he and a female who looked exactly like him except without glasses and pink instead of purple eyes sat quietly until now.

"We may kill you, or we might wipe your memories. We could also threaten you, torture you, make you experience your worse fears and so on." The female said, smiling innocently while her eyes shone brightly with insanity.

"Hello Orkopraanzii, Oblaan. It's a pleasure to be in a presence such as yours." Grim said, bowing with Gaia and Hora.

"Who are they?" Eric asked.

"They are the most powerful gods. They live in a dimension known as the void which is uninhabitable by most us gods. I'm one of the few to be able to enter such a place even if only for a few hours at most due to its sheer intensity and danger." Grim replied.

"Woah. Wait, wouldn't war be the most powerful?" Natalie asked.

"Incorrect. Oblaan defeated him in a matter of moments." Orkopraanzii said, surprising the teens.

This ended with everyone going silent as the teens pondered what will be the outcome of the meeting as more and more gods started filling up the table until the loud sound of a gavel was heard and Orkopraanzii announced.

"Let the meeting begin!"

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