Chapter 3

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The room was filled with silence as they all turned their gazes to Grim and the others, expectant looks on their faces as if they demanded an explanation.

"If you want to experience death then I suggest you stop acting superior unless you have the power to back it up and defeat me." Grim said, slamming his scythe on the ground as everyone but the twin gods lost the demanding look.

"Now, I brought them with me because I had already been discovered. Thus I except the full consequences, the only one I won't except is resigning from my position as Death." Grim said, his voice filled with certainty.

"Grim I-" "Silence! You have no right to speak before the gods! Speak another word and I'll remove your tongue!" War shouted, slamming his fist on the table.

"Silence, War. Continue acting out and I will personally punish you." Orkopraanzii said, War shuddering in fear under his gaze.

"I thought Oblaan is the one who fought Mr. War." Sarah said, looking confused.

"Even then, Orkopraanzii is stronger. He's also known as the most brutal among the gods when it comes to torture as he's the reason for many methods today. He has an entire book filled with intense torture methods but it was locked up after it became a Grimoire and traumatized the god of elements." Grim explained, all of them look at the calm man and shuddering.

"I can still see what my own liver sounds like." The god of Elements, Chroma said. He shuddered and huddled up in the fetal positron, rocking back and forth as he cried in horror from the flashbacks.

"I don't think that sentence made since..." Natalie said, looking at the poor man.

"Anything created or affected by the void no longer makes any since." Orkopraanzii explained, looking at them with his calm and piercing gaze.

"That's bad! Don't you have any morals?!" Eric shouted.

"Shut up and sit down, you know nothing thus you say nothing. Another outburst and I can't guarantee you leave this place." Grim said, glaring at Eric who sat down quietly.

"You shouldn't be harsh on them honey, it isn't their fault they don't know anything." A soothing voice chided, a girl with large black, angelic wings and considerable curves pressing herself against Grim's skeletal figure.

"What have I said about public displays of affection, Karma?" Grim asked, his empty eye sockets glaring at the girl.

"Not to show affection unless given permission and that you'll show me all the affection I want in our alone time. But you never visit and I'm lonely at the apartment!" Karma whined, tears appearing in her eyes as she pouted.

Grim let out a sigh, petting her gently with his bony hand as she smiled in response and made a small humming sound. "I know, and I've thought of a way to fix that problem. Just bare with me, okay?"

"Yes dear!" Karma replied, nuzzling him lovingly.

"Who's she?" Sarah asked, easing her grip on Natalie.

"My fiancé and girlfriend. Her names Karma and she usually helps with the decisions of souls going to heaven or hell." Grim replied.

"Are you serious?!" Eric shouted, slamming his head on the conference table.

"Oh~? Would you like me to comfort you?" A beautiful woman asked, her curvaceous body being pressed against Eric.

"Don't mess with the mortal Avon, we don't procreate with them." Orko said, his sharp gaze moving to the goddess of lust and fertility.

"Hmph. You're no fun." Avon pouted, leaving a drooling Eric behind and taking her seat.

"Now, what do you think mother?" Grim asked, turning to look at a woman with demon wings, a crown made of flames, and a demons tail.

She had glowing purple eyes, light brown skin, and black hair. Her wings were red like her tail as the crown floating above her head was made of orange and red flames.

"Hell as been getting rather crowded lately, even then they haven't committed sins worthy of hell. Killing them outright wouldn't be fair either, we might as well just throw them back." She said, her tail moving randomly to show how bored she was.

"Shouldn't we at least erase their memories, Helia?" A pale woman asked, her blue eyes seeming to glow with her skin thanks to the light of her yellow halo that shimmered onto her and her white angel wings.

"Aunt Hesia, doing so could cause mental health issues. The girls are too intelligent while the boy is too perverted and idiotic." Grim said, Eric acting like he just got shot by multiple imaginary arrows like in anime.

"Then what do you suggest?" Hora said, looking like a brittle old man now.

"Why not just let them be? If they cause any trouble we could always just eliminate them." A girl said, her pale skin and purple eyes thanks to the light of her computer screen. Her purple and pink bangs fell forward over her eyes as she blew them out of her face and continue typing. She looked as if she had gone through every natural disaster possible, mostly due to her lab coat.

"Why not just kill them Vez? Not like a few dead humans will make a difference?" A boy asked, kicking his feet up and leaning back. He has blackish-purple skin, bright pinkish-purple veins obvious that'll across it. His voice was pale white with black highlights and accents, his pinkish eyes glowing brightly.

"Vez, Vulom. Both of you quiet down! You're only demi-gods." Oblaan ordered, both of them pouting and looking away.

"Ooh! What if we feed him to Les? He hasn't been allowed to hunt in a while and he keeps complaining about it." A small girl said, her blue hair and eyes standing out against her pale skin as she kicked her legs back and forth with a small grey cat laying on her head lazily.

"That wouldn't do, we'll kidnap someone from a different universe for that. These ones are Grims friends, Julia." Orko said, seeming to smile a little.

"Awww, they look like good bait though." Julia whined.

"Maybe next time, okay Julia?" Oblaan asked, smiling lightly at her.

"Okay momma!"

"What's wrong with these people?" Natalie groaned, Sarah sighing in agreement.

"Gods aren't as people portray, quite weird actually." Grim said, looking at them with hidden amusement.

"Now, its time for the verdict." Orko said, slamming his gavel down a few times. "The humans are-"

To Be Continued...

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