6. Invisible

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I was not fine.

Hope stood next to me as I watched my body. My chest slowly rising and falling. "When can I go back?" I asked. I looked at Hope.

My guide shrugged. "All I know is that you will wake when the venom from Arachne wears off."

"And when will that be?"

"Probably another few days. But i cant be sure, ive never been a guide before."

I rolled my eyes. I watched Percy, Annabeth, and Apollo talk and explain my story. Even though i wasn't telling it, it was still hard to hear it told. In truth. Everything that i hid was to keep my trust in check. And now they knew that.

But as i watched them now, they stood. Percy spoke. "Who will be in charge of the camp now? Chirons not due back for another week and Kate could be out, gods knows how long."

"I guess we will." Annabeth answered. "I mean all of us. Apollo is a god, and Percy is her brother."

"Not to be rude, but what about you?" Percy asked softly.

He still earned a small glare from Annabeth. I smiled when he cringed under her glare. "I'll be in charge to make sure you two don't blow up the camp. Not to mention that i'm the most experienced camper here." She retorted.

Apollo and Percy nodded. Percy wasn't able to meet her eyes. They walked out of the cabin.

"Can i leave?" I asked Hope.

"Of course. As long as you return to your body every night until you wake, you're safe." She answered.

"I thought you didn't know anything."

"I know some things."

I nodded and followed the others outside with Hope next to me.

It was lunch now and all the campers were eating. Percy sat with the rest of the seven while Annabeth and Apollo walked to the front where Chiron usually sat.

Apollo whistled and everyone looked up and grew quiet.

"Kate will be fine, but she is unable to run the camp." Annabeth announced.

The campers gasped and started to talk among themselves. Until a Demeter girl spoke up. "Who's in charge?"

"Until Kate is better, Apollo, Percy, and I will be in charge of the camp." Annabeth answered.

I watched as this all happened. I leaned against a column right next to the seven's table. The campers murmured in agreement once Annabeth finished. Annabeth and Apollo sat at the table with the rest of the seven.

They started to talk together, avoiding talking about me. Apollo was telling a story about how, when he was turned mortal, had to replace a wagon wheel in the middle of nowhere.

When he finished everyone was laughing. Even I was. But Annabeth remained quiet and only pushed her food around her plate. I knew the look on her face. It was guilt. She was feeling bad for letting me take the venom from her. I only knew because since I did, we were connected in a way. I felt what she was feeling. But it wasn't her fault. I did it by choice. I just hoped I would wake soon, I feared that if I somehow didn't, she would never forgive herself.

She looked up at me. Her eyes going right through me. I knew that she felt me there. She just didn't know what that feeling was yet. I barely knew.

"Annabeth are you okay?" Percy whispered to her. The others didn't hear and kept talking to each other.

"No." Annabeth answered.

"What is it?"

"It's my fault. It's my fault that Kate is..." she didn't have to finish.

"Oh Annabeth, it's not your fault. She saved you by choice. If she didn't, you would be dead right now. She saved more than just you that night. If you died, I would have too. I can't live without you." Percy pulled her to him and wrapped her in his arms.

She nodded slowly and relaxed into his arms, closing her eyes. They were perfect together. It was like they balanced each other. I understood why Aphrodite fawned over them all the time.

"I'll meet you at the arena after lunch." Annabeth told him and stood. She walked out towards the cabins.

"Is it something I said?" Leo asked Percy, motioning to Annabeth.

"No, she's just tired." Percy responded watching Annabeth walk off.

I followed her. She walked along the path to the cabins, her shoulders hunched and her head low. She walked up the steps of the Poseidon cabin and opened the door.

Annabeth walked over the the side of my bed and sat on the one next to it, leaning towards my body. I walked in after her, Hope at my side.

"I'm so sorry." Annabeth spoke.

"It's not your fault." I answered.

"She can't hear you. She can't hear either of us." Hope said.

I nodded and looked back at Annabeth.

"I wished you didn't do that. You might not wake up and it's all my fault." She spoke. Tears dripped down her face.

"No, Annabeth don't think that." I tried. I turned to Hope. "I'm a goddess can't I send a sign to let her know?"

"I'm not sure." She answered.

"The skeleton animals. Can they hear me?" I asked.

"Yes. They should be able to hear and see you."

I whistled. Blu appeared through the window as a white wolf. She looked at me and I pointed towards Annabeth. Blu nodded and walked up to her.

Annabeth hadn't noticed Blu until the wolf nudged her hand. "Hi. Blu right? You miss her too huh?" She asked.

Annabeth stopped crying when she started to pet Blu's head.

"I just hope she knows I'm sorry. I never meant for this. Honestly, I wish it was me instead."

In response, Blu looked straight at me.

Annabeth followed her gaze. At first she looked confused, but her eyes cleared. "Kate?" She whispered, her eyes widened.

"Can she see me?" I asked Hope.

"Yeah. I think I can." Annabeth answered.

I looked back at her surprised.

"How?" She asked. Her eyes darted between me and my body.

"I'm not sure." I responded. I turned to Hope. "Can the others see me? And how?" I asked her.

"The others can't see you. Only her. And I think you two are connected somehow. I mean, she has your memories and you got hers when the venom went into you. So I guess that left you with a link." She answered.

"Who are you talking to?" Annabeth asked.

"My guide. And she just said that we might be connected somehow. At least until I wake up." I answered.

"When will that be?" She asked.

"A few days."

"Oh." We were silent for a few minutes.

"I'm sorry." She said.

"Annabeth, it's not your fault. You don't have to apologize. You didn't chose for Arachne to come into the camp. And you really didn't chose for her to try to kidnap you. If it's anyone's fault, it's mine. I wanted to save you, so the defect of that is on me." I told her.

She nodded. We were silent again.

"You know, we could use this to our advantage." I said.

She smiled and looked up at me. "How?"

"You're sparring with Percy next right?"

She nodded.

"Well I think I can help you beat him."

We smiled at each other and left for the arena.


Annabeth and Percy were facing off in the arena. Off to the other side, the other campers who were sparring under Apollo's watch, had stopped to watch the duo.

Only Annabeth could see me, and no one could touch me, so I stood next to her. We made a plan to mess with Percy on the way here. She would attack him and spar like normal. But i would tell her his every move before he did it. I only knew because this out of body thing lets me listen to thoughts. I try not to, but i will for pulling pranks.

The goal was to make him think that she was reading his mind.

They started fighting. "He's gonna fake left and go right." I told her.

She blocked it easily. Percy looked stunned for a moment. That was a new move that he was going to try. They knew each other's moves so well that they needed to come up with new ones to get an upper hand.

"Go for his sword arm on his next move. It will be undefended." I told Annabeth.

She was able to do what I suggested and disarmed Percy. His sword clattered to the ground and Annabeth held her dagger to his throat.

"Give up, Seaweed Brain?" She taunted.

"Yeah, you got me Wise Girl. But how did you know all my moves?"

"Secret." She responded.

I laughed and she sneaked a sly look at me.

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