7. Creature

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"It's been three days. When will i wake up?" I asked Hope.

"I'm still not sure. You should have by now. Maybe something is keeping you this way?" She answered.

I shook my head. I honestly didn't know.

Through the three days, Percy, Annabeth, and Apollo have done a good job at keeping the camp together. But i'm not sure how long they will be able to keep up. Apollo was doing fine, but Annabeth and Percy had to also be campers. So it was a lot for them to handle.

It was night now. They all were sleeping in my cabin. Apollo had insisted on sleeping in the bunk next to me. Annabeth shared one with Percy.

Everyone in camp was asleep. Trust me, i checked. Don't judge me, i'm still director, i have a job to keep.

Up until tonight, i hadn't seen or heard anything abnormal in the camp. But tonight, i just had a bad feeling.

"Could something keep me like this?" I whispered. Even if the others couldn't hear me, Annabeth still could and i wanted to let her sleep.

"Well, i was able to speak with Hades. He said that some powerful magic could." Hope responded.

"Like what?"

"Like that cast by a witch of sorts." She shrugged.

"You don't think it could be one of the Hecate campers, do you?"

"It's a possibility. Why else would they volunteer to perform the cabin inspections by themselves."

I nodded. She had a point. Before i could answer another voice joined our conversation.

"Kate." It was distant and soft but it was there.

I looked toward the sound. It came from the forest.

"Don't go." Hope said.

"Why not?"

"It could be a trap. You dont know whats out there."

I nodded. But the voice called again, this time it was joined by others. "Kate, come." Three voices called as one.

I looked at Hope. She shook her head and i sighed and took a seat on the chair next to my bunk.

The voices continued. They called my name every few seconds almost like they were on a loop. It was hard not to follow them, but Hope kept me here.

"Kate." The voices said again, but they cut short. I thought it stopped, until they spoke again. "Will, come."

"Will?" I asked Hope. She shrugged and i looked out the window.

Will Solace was sneaking out if his cabin. A misty look in his eyes. He started walking towards the voices that still called him.

"Kate, don't." Hope started when i walked through the door.

"I have to follow him. If it is a trap i have to save him and find out who it is." I told her.

She sighed but nodded and followed me as we walked after Will.

The voices had stopped calling to me and were focused on Will. He stumbled through the forest still half asleep. I walked up next to him.

"Will, it's a trap." I said.

He ignored me and kept walking. I walked in front of him and put my hands out infront of me. He walked into them and i was shocked. I could actually touch him.

He blinked a couple of times and the clouded look disappeared. "Kate? But you're in a coma." He backed away from me and my hands fell off his shoulders. "Wha- where did you go?" He asked and looked right through me.

"Of course." I mumbled. I walked towards him again and put my hands back on his shoulders. Direct contact. It let them see me.

"What is happening?" He looked startled. I couldn't blame him i was too.

I shrugged it off and spoke to him. "Will, we don't have much time. We have to leave the forest. There is something out here that wants us, we can't let that happen." Just as i finished, the sound of loud crashing footsteps sounded behind me.

They sprinted towards us crashing through the brush and trees.

"Run! Back to the cabins!" I yelled to Will.

We took off and ran all the way back to the cabins. Cabin three was the closest so Will busted open the door and slammed it behind him. I followed through the wall. A perk of not having a body, the law of walls did not apply to me.

The sound woke the others. "Will, what's wrong?" Annabeth asked.

Percy had snapped awake and held one arm around Annabeth and another held his drawn sword. She shrugged him off.

"There's something in the forest." Will panted.

"Well then let's kill it." Percy said and opened the door.

I grabbed his shoulder turning visible to them. "No! That's what they want you to do."

Percy jumped back from me and the door. He landed on the floor and scooted over to Annabeth's legs. He aimed his sword at me but looked confused. "Kate?" He panted.

Will was next to me and i put my hand on his shoulder. He flinched slightly but stayed. Percy's eyes grew as he repositioned his sword to point at my new place. His eyes darted from me to my body on the bed. "What are you?" He accused.

"Percy, im me. That body is not. At least for now." I told him.

He looked unsure but looked up at Annabeth. "Percy, it's okay. Put the sword away Seaweed Brain."

He nodded and capped his sword. "So whats out there?" He asked, taking Annabeth's hand and she pulled him up.

I looked at Hope. She nodded and i turned to them. "It could be a monster. But i have a different theory."

"Which is?" Will prompted. He still looked spooked by me using his shoulder.

"A child of Hecate that wants to keep me like that." I motioned towards my body.

"You mean a camper?" Apollo asked.

"Not necessarily. It could be a rogue demigod that's doing it. But i can't be sure." I answered. "The only thing i don't know is why they called you." I looked at Will.

"So a demigod is out there?" Percy asked.

"I don't think so." I answered.

"Percy, come." The voice called. This time it was closer.

Percy's eyes glazed over and he started walking towards the door.

"Stop him!" I yelled. Apollo jumped in and held him back. Annabeth cupped his face in her hands, but before she could speak the voice called out again.

"Annabeth, come." Her eyes glazed and she turned towards the door.

Apollo grabbed her arm and held them both. The voices continued to call to them. And then it repeated another name. "Will, come."

I looked at Will. I feared that he would try to go towards the voice, but his eyes remained clear.

"Of course. You are not affected by the voices, so when you touch on of them, their form makes you visible and you let them ignore the voices." Hope said. She watched us thoughtfully. We were both figuring everything out together. Neither of us had been through this before.

"What happens when i let go?" I asked. She shrugged.

I looked at Will. His eyes were wide, he knew what i meant. I smiled slightly and pulled my hand off his shoulder.

"Will!" The voices hissed angrily.

He looked at me but his eyes were clear. "I guess it's permanent." He smiled, relieved.

I turned back to Percy and Annabeth. They were straining against Apollo's grip. I grabbed Annabeth's wrist from Apollo. Her eyes cleared when my form appeared again. "Oh my gods." She breathed.

I let her go and took Percy's wrist. His eyes cleared as well. I released him and he pulled Annabeth to him.

They stood there for a minute, just holding on to each other. "What did you guys see?" I asked. I moved over to Apollo and held his hand so i remained visible to the others.

"It's what we heard." Will answered. "It was something meant to draw us in. I heard, um, someone I love calling me, asking for help."

"Who?" Apollo asked his son.

"N-Nico." He answered, his face turning red.

"It was the same for us. I heard Percy and he heard me." Annabeth said. The two broke apart, but were still holding each other.

I nodded. "So if the voice lures you, and assuming its a camper, it's a camper that knows us well. At least well enough to know our relations."

"That doesn't narrow it down." Annabeth said.

Before anyone could respond the voices started again. "Kate, help me!" They shrieked. The voices formed into one and it sounded like.

"Apollo?" I turned towards the noise but kept my hand in the other. Whoever the other hand belonged to.

"Kate it's me! Help!" The voice yelled again.

"Apollo!" I surged toward the voice. It was Apollo. I know it is.

"Kate you know it's not real." Hope stood in front of me. I had let go of the hand and the only other person who could see me was Annabeth.


"It's not real. Apollo is right behind you." She said.

I looked behind me and Apollo was there. Percy and Will held him back from going after me.

"Apollo." I breathed. I ran towards him and stopped right in front of him. I stood on my toes and kissed him. I reappeared and he calmed. I took his hand and returned to his side.

"Kate, where are you?" The voices tried again. This time with a new voice. Another voice from my past.

"Who is that?" Percy asked.

"That's my mom's voice." I responded.


This was just strange. By now i had gotten used to seeing Kate's almost clear image wherever she happens to go. I've also learned to deal with the fact that only i can see her. But the voices. The ones that sounded exactly like Percy screaming for help. That was where i drew the line.

Regrettably, there was nothing i could do that did not result in me or someone else being killed or worse. So the voices continued to call. They seemed to have given up on everyone but Kate. She was sitting on the bunk next to Apollo. She held his hand while also trying to block her ears.

We all sat in the cabin trying to decide what to do. Then the voices stopped. Right in the middle of a word the sound just stopped. But it was replaced with a new sound. The sound of something big running towards the forest. It ran faster than any demigod could. Even faster than most monsters.

Then i saw why. The sun was rising. We all sighed in relief as we stood and welcomed the daylight. Kate whistled out the door and her pets joined us in the cabin. She gave them orders to search the forest and they left.

She had detached from Apollo and i was once again the only one who could see her. "I have an idea." She muttered. Her eyes darted from her body to Will.

She grabbed my arm so the others could see her and spoke to Will. "The physician's cure. Do you still have some?"

Will nodded. "Nine vials. But we already tried it on you. It didn't work."

"That's because it wasn't strong enough. Get me one vial and a cup of nectar." She responded.

Will nodded and darted out of the cabin. He returned a moment later with the two items.

"Okay. Pour the vial of the cure into the nectar." He did as Kate asked. The once gold liquid turned a brilliant green and the color twisted into various shades of purple, blue, and silver. Then it started to bubble and the color formed into red and yellow and even black. The liquid now looked evil.

I looked over at Kate. She was looking at something away from the others here. She nodded to the empty space and turned to Will.

"Now." She said.

"Now? But it..." Will trailed off.

"I know. But it's now. Pour it down my throat like you would with just nectar." She told him.

He did what she said. He dripped a little into her mouth and stopped.

We all watched, waiting for something to happen. I looked at Kate. Her eyes were trained on her body and her form was flickering. She released my arm and she completely disappeared. Even I couldn't see her.

"Did it work?" Will asked. His voice shook.

"I don't know." I answered. Kate was gone and her body hadn't changed.

"Oh my gods. Did I kill her? Is it possible to kill a goddess?" Will was starting to panic.

"No look." I said and pointed at her.

Kate's eyes were wide open and her breathing was fast. But she was awake.

"Kate." Apollo breathed and rushed to her side. He knelt on the side of the bed and took her hand in his. "Kate, look at me. Come on Seastar, give me something." He said softly.

"Apollo?" She breathed. Her voice was hoarse and weak.

"Yes, it's me." He answered. Tears were starting to leak from his eyes. Percy reached over and squeezed my hand.

"I hate being invisible. Such a hassle." Kate sighed deeply.

We all laughed along with her as she sat slowly. She grabbed Apollo's arm for support and stood. He wrapped his arm around her waist as she caught her balance. They took a few steps until Kate gained her bearings and pulled away from Apollo. But they remained close and he refused to let go of her hand.

"Will, call for breakfast now. We need to make sure everyone is safe." Kate ordered.

"Can I tell anyone you're awake?" He asked, heading towards the door.

"If they ask, but don't advertise. They'll know soon enough." She responded.

He nodded and left. The breakfast horn sounded and we started walking up to the pavilion.


A bit of a creepy chapter. On All Hallows' Eve, I will update quite a few chapters so come back then.

Shoutout to 221B_or_not_221B and 32austin for voting for the first story in this series. I love you guys!!! :)

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