Its too loud!!!

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It was a full day for Tony to get over the fact that Peter and Wanda ran off to Disneyland without anyone on the team knowing
Peter found a way to cheer Tony up the next morning by bringing him donuts
"Hey Tony?" He asked as he walked through the door to his lab
"I've got some breakfast for you!" He said holding up the box of chocolate and glaze donuts for the man to see
Tony set aside his work, and sat with Peter at a near by table, to eat that most delicious in healthy breakfast known to man

"Can I ask you something Pete?" Tony asked as he finished his 3rd and final donut and as Peter continued to eat more cause of his fast metabolism
"So I know Nat has already told you this but... when you were unconscious after the Vulture attack, you called me dad"
Peter almost dropped his next donut, he forget about that, Tony was going to make him forget about it and never mention it, or even make him return the suit!
"It would be nice if you started calling me that" he smiled to himself
This was not what Peter was expecting, Tony wanted him to call him dad?!
"Uh-y-ya sure" Peter told him finishing up his last donut
But before Peter could really say anymore, Nats voiced played on the intercom of the room
"Peter it's 1 AM?!"
Tony looked back at the kid, "you said it was morning?" He asked the kid making a guilty look
"Well technically it is..." he reasoned, but gave a look of defeat and went upstairs
Tony watched the kid leave the room with a huge goofy grin on his face


Peter woke up the next morning feeling a little off, but when he shifted just the slightest bit, all of the sounds being made in the tower were screaming in his ears, the smells around him were to strong, everything that he touched he could feel each stitch in the fabric as it brushed against him, and even he could taste what he had for dinner, and even the shawarma they had a month ago
It was all too much, just to much
He let out a scream but it was short lived as it brought more pain to him, so he quietly whimpered causing him less pain
Peter rolled out of the bed, crawling to the door, and made it right out side of his entrance
He sat there for a bit, the pain never stopping
He could hear every footstep, every conversation and heart beat from the living room a floor below him. Every sound, light, and touch hurt him so bad his senses were dialed up way more than before

'Why now? Why?' He thought to himself

Suddenly footsteps became louder and louder, it was one person coming near him, making him flinch after each step

'Go away' He thought again 'just please, go away'

"Peter?" Another wave of pain making him whimper even more from the sound

'This was going to be a long day'

"Peter are you hurt?" The voice asked, he couldn't tell what it was since whenever he tried to fully open his eyes, it only sent more pain

"Peter?" The voice asked again, but this time shaking him
Peter screamed as he was shook back and forth, and the person immediately stopped and he started to feel a strange present in his mind, but as soon as it started it left and the person jolted away
It was Wanda
She then spoke in a very small voice that barley caused him anypain
"I'll get some help"
But as she left there was no loud footsteps, Wanda decided to levitate to the kitchen instead

"Nat?" Wanda whispered as she walked up to the ninja
"What is it Wanda?" Nat asked noticing that Wanda was floating and talking in a hushed voice for some reason
"It's Peter, I think he's having something called a... sensory overload?"
Nat was running towards the hallway Wanda directed to without a sound, well Peter could hear it but it didn't cause that much pain
Bruce had a sensory overload once, she knew how to help someone else with one but Peters might be different, his senses were already heightened so who knows how bad this might be
She rounded a corner and saw Peter curled in a ball trying to hide himself from the loud noises, the sight hurt Nat clearly seeing the boy in pain, and this was definitely a very serious overload
Nat kneeled down infrount is him as soundless as ever
Peter barley opened his eyes just enough to see clearly as Nat used her Stark phone to lower the lights
Peter, I'm going to have to move you
Nat signed to him, luckily Clint had taught the boy this when he was younger so he could talk with Clint better before Tony had made him the hearing aids he had now
Peter nodded his head slightly and shut his eyes again trying to block out the sounds with his hands
The assassin slid her hands under him, but this caused Peter to scream out in pain
Nat didn't remove her hands, she picked up the boy causing him to scream in agony
"Change of plans"
She whispered to Wanda behind her
"I need to to levitate him, follow me"
Peter was lifted from mama spiders arms (cause she totally is right now)
And followed Nat towards a sound proof room that was meant for Bruce, and avoiding anyone in the process, till...
"What's going on?" Tony asked as he stepped out of his lab, and too close to Peter and speaking to loud which made his son whimper in pain
"Peter?" Tony asked looking at the boy who was basically squirming in pain since hearing all of the greats moving in the machines
And of course Dum-E decided to drop a tray full of stuff right then, making Peter scream in agony
"DAD!" He screamed as Wanda and Nat rushed to the sound proof room as Wanda filled Tony in through a mind link (yes I am a Young Justice fan)
Peter was later down on a bed as the boy fell asleep once the door was closed and the sounds  were shut off

"It will be gone tomorrow, all we can do is let him rest" Nat told him as she looked through the tinted-window
After the team was informed of the situation, Tony returned to his lab to make Peter things to help him in the future

Okay if I'm being totally honest with y'all I did it really know how to end this one

But I must inform you that School starts in two days 😱!!
So updates will be coming in when I find time, but luckily this year I am going to a public school for the first time (I'm terrified) so not that much homework for me!

The rest of the story is going to be the team helping Peter since now he doesn't have to hide the biggest part of his life from them and all of his problems are going to come into the light, and I am open for any ideas you want to see and I will fit them in until it's time for my planned ending
(Infinity war)
But don't worry I will make a sequel!!

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