Disney Land

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When Peter woke up, it wasn't like the movies where the events of yesterday all came rushing back to him, he knew exactly what happened from yesterday the moment he opened his eyes.
The first thing that he did was grab his pillow, shoved it in his face, and screamed

*knock* "Peter?"

Peter lifted the pillow off of his face barley and shot his web at the lock, allowing the person in, then continued screaming
It was Wanda who knocked, and she came in to see Peter yelling into his pillow, it was a funny site
"Are You okay?" She asked him,
"Mhh hnn" he replied muffled by his pillow
She sighed and lifted it off of his face, "you know you talk better without it covering your face" she told him
Wanda and Peter were basically brother and sister
Wanda didn't always go on missions with the rest when she first moved into the tower, she usually stayed behind and helped Pepper with Peter, and once the others were gone for half a week and it sort of felt like their own little family when Peter took the two out to Malibu where Tony and her loved and they stayed their the whole time.

"I said ya" he told her sitting up and putting the pillow aside
"I have an idea" she told him as she joined him in a criss cross on the bed
"Want to go to Disney land, just the two of us?"
"Really?!" He asked jumping up and down,
"Yes, and you have to get ready! We don't want to waste our day!"
Peter wasted no time to get up from his bed and run to the closet, and Wanda went up to her own room to change
She did this to keep his mind off of what ever happened that lead to the panic attack he had yesterday, she knew that this was the perfect idea
Of course she asked Pepper to join them at first, but she said that she had a meeting and might not make it, so instead Pepper got one of Tony's privet Jets ready for the two, and made sure that they had magic bands with unlimited snack passes and (somehow) managed to get a fast pass to the bigger rides (even though you are only allowed to little, the woman did it)

In no time the two were gone and flying away towards California for their own sibling trip

The tower

"Hey kid," Tony said as he walked into Peters room where the kid should be sleeping
"I wanted to talk to- where are you!" Tony freaked out till he saw the note on the bed
Wanda kidnapped me for a sibling trip with the help of Pepper, see you tomorrow!"

Wanda and Peter

On the way the two of them were singing out to all of the Disney songs

"Hakuna Matata!!!"
"Part of your world!!"
"Cruella de vill!!!"
"I just can't wait to be king!!"
"What can I say except your welcome!!"
"Cause I'm shiny!!"
"You've gotta dig a little deeper!!"
"Love is an open DOOR!!"
"And mysterious as the dark side of the MOOON!!!"
But the absolute best was when the two sang let it go
Through out their whole Disney song performances the only time one of the
Would sit in the chair was either in the beginning of the song or if one would dramatically fall onto a chair
Towards the end of Let It Go, Wanda was using her magic to make it look like she had ice powers and Peter sat down and watched in amazement as Wanda perfectly hit the high notes and used her powers for something beautiful

"Welcome Miss Maximoff And Mr Peter to Disney Land" the planes computer told them and immediately the two ran to the cock pit to look at the view of the amusement park they wanted to go to forever
They landed in a privet runway for the park (it doesn't exist in real life)
Peter and Wanda grabbed their Mickey (with x wings on them) and Minnie Mouse (just black sequins and a blue bow) ears and headed out for their day of fun
"Where to first?" She asked him
"Tomorrow land!" Peter cheered before running ahead of her
Of course he would want to go their, that was where all of the Star Wars attractions were
"Wait up!" She yelled after him

The tower

"You did what?!" Tony asked his wife
"See their plane just landed" she told him, showing him her Stark Pad that showed their planes status
"You let them go on their own?" He asked her
"Tony the two have been basically brother and sister since you brought her back from Sakovia, they needed a trip like this to get both of their minds off of this stuff that's been happening and let them be a normal teen and 20 year old" she told him, finding no problem that her not-kids should have this vacation of their own
Tony sighed in defeat and joined her on the couch


"You remember the movies I showed you at the tower?" Peter asked Wanda as they waited in the tram
"Re watched them last night" she told him. She had re watched the Star Wars movies and famous Disney movies the night before so she could understand half of the stuff going on

"Ladies and Gentlmen we are now arriving in Tomorrow land-" but the rest of the noise was drowned out as the two hero's turned around to look out the window and at the amazing park
Peter and Wanda were so excited at this moment, they might never leave

After one or two rides

"You know the song Disneyland from SMILE?" Wanda asked Peter, "ya, what about it?" He asked her continuing to eat his Mickey Mouse shaped ice cream
"I know fully understand the girl, and must say that I'm gonna stay here"
Peter and Wanda then started singing the end of the song 'Disneyland' as they walked over to Star Tours, not carring how the people around them stared or thought

After zipping through the fast past line, they finally made it to the ride. They stepped inside of the 'shuttle' and took the two seats that were in the middle of the room
The two joked around with one another until the doors closed and a screen lifted to show a life size C3-PO
He told them about that they had a special passenger that had info that needed to get to Princess Leah immediately
As C3-PO said this a picture of Peter putting on his 3-D glasses popped up, and of course the two were excited as ever
They watched the ride as it flew through the Ewok forest and through Space and how another animatronic of Darth Vader popped up demanding for the turn over of Peter, (Wanda got a little protective for a second and almost used her powers) then the ride ended and they got up, a little more excited then when they got on
"More Star Wars!!" The two cheered as they ran off to another Star Wars ride

The Tower

"So who's night is it?" Scott asked
"Wanda's" the others replied monotone
Tonight Wanda was supposed to make dinner, and making dinner was a dreaded chore in the house, so of course no one wanted to do it tonight
"This is going to be a long night" Sam complained


"We have the best view!" Wanda told Peter as they watched the fire work show as they are their Mickey pancakes
The two watched in amaze as videos played on the roller coaster behind it, and go a little sad as it showed Mufasa's death scene
But the mood quickly changed when they started playing Hakuna Matata

The tower

Again here they were just sitting on the couch as bored as ever, waiting for the pizza to arrive
"Why did the narration cut back to us?!" Sam asked


"Only time for one more ride" Wanda told Peter
"Space Mountian!" He exclaimed and the two rushed off to the ride that they luckily had fast passes for


On the tram ride back to the runway the two looked through their photos, some from a ride, some with characters, and a few that this random worker from Disney took of them then added it to their magic bands (Okay that happened to me in Disney World as I ate ice cream, it was wired)
But they finally got off the tram, and slowly walked to the plane.
On the ride home the two slept cuddled together with their Eeyore pillow pet (Wanda) and Chewie pillow pet (Peter)
And the Planes computer may or may have not taken a long way home so they landed in the morning instead of waking the two


Hey-yo guys! So this chapter is finished, I thought we all needed this type of distraction from all of the seriousness in this book well with the sadness of Infinity War

Also thank you for all of your comments, I'm sorry to some which I want to reply to but for some reason Wattpad won't let me reply all of the time?

Anyways thanks for the support like always you guys are amazing

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