Flash backs and panic attacks

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It all happened so quick Peters spider sense was too late to warn him
In not time he was covered in debre, he could have gotten out himself, but he couldn't escape the memories


"You okay kid?"
"Get him out of there!"

"Somebody! Please! I'm down here!...I'm down here"

He could feel them moving the broken parts of the ceiling out of the way, but in his head he wasn't aware of it at all, only the feeling of his chest being crushed by a whole building on top of him, and how hard it was to breath

"Help I'm down here!...please"

The debris was removed and Tony saw that his kid was having a panic attack
"Kid look at me!" Tony kneeled down to him, Peter didn't noticed, just looked at the ground with his eyes wide as he struggled to breath
"KID!" He shook his arms, pulling Peter out of what he was seeing and back into reality, but a little of him stayed behind
Tony grabbed Peters hand and put it to his chest, "just copy me okay?" He asked Peter as he tried to get Peter to copy his breathing
"In and out, in and out"
They sat their doing the same moments until Peters breath returned to normal and he was fully aware of it all, he wasn't under the building anymore, he was with the Avengers, he wasn't alone
"What happened there bud?" Tony asked as Peter collapsed and Tony wrapped his arms around the kid, reassuring that he was okay and far away from whatever he saw
"Hey Steve, can you grab the kid some water, Tony I need to talk to you"
Tony handed Peter over to Wanda and walked to meet Nat at the other side of the room
"Romanoff mind explaining what happened to my son over there?" He asked just like a concerned dad
"I believe Peter wouldn't wasn't me to tell you but I think you need to know."
"Well go on" he implied
"Well Peter didn't tell you the whole story with the Vulture. When Peter walked into the warehouse he and Toomes talked for a while till Toomes wings came in and started to attack. Peter said that he relised the wings weren't attacking him, they were taking out the support pillars in the room, trapping him under it all. He didn't say how long he was under there, he didn't say what happened, all he said was that he got back out and took him down, and that's all that matters. But after that incident" she nodded over to where Peter sat
"Something happened that effected him this bad"

Tony looked back at Peter who was talking to Wanda, and went over to join him
"-want to talk about it?" He over heard her say, and Peter shook his head
"Hey buddy" Tony said as he knelt down in the ground next to Peter
Peter looked over at him, and said "I'm sorry" before he past out
(Okay so I'm sorry I just relised that those were his last words in infinity war)
"I'll take him to his room" Tony said, lifting the boy up, thanks to the spider-bite Peter wasn't that heavy since he still had to carry himself with just those webs around the city, so it was no problem to carry Peter up stairs
When Tony had tucked the kid in, he decided to look around the room
He found under his bed one box to make web fluid, he was impressed, and another box of fake blood. Tony took out his Stark Phone and scared each one of the jars of blood to find all of them to match the one they found in the lab except one
One jar was sectioned off from the rest and had some strange substance in the molecules. He took that one and continued down to his lab to run some tests
Bruce walked in not too long ago and helped him, and in the end they relised that that was Peters real blood, and that the Spider-bite changed a lot of things. So tony sat there all night trying to understand his son a little better


I can believe that that chapter was short, but to say also good I hope.

I'm trying so hard to get this all in before school starts but it's right around the corner, so don't worry it's not like that I'm finishing up these chapters quick like the end of the story is near, to be honest I have a lot of stuff planned in my head and one major thing needs to come out in Peters life before this ends cause I have been hinting it the whole book it's just that he isn't at school now

I now have 4K reads!!! And the votes just keep coming in my phone can't count!

Thank you guys for the support!!!

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