You did what?!

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Peter woke up to a small prick in his arm
"Sorry Peter, just taking out the IV" Bruce informed him, when he noticed the boy flinch.
"There we go, your good to go, but you may feel a little unsteady, since your body is still recovering from the blood loss.
Peter slowly sat up and started to stand when he felt his legs feel a little weak, he fell a little, but he motioned to Bruce that he was fine. And tried again. It took a couple tries, but Peter had successfully made it to a table that had a pair of sweat pants and a t shirt for him that Bruce set out.
"I'll let you change" the scientist said as he exited the room
Peter sighed and looked down at himself. The Avengers, his family, knew that he was the Spider-man. Would they tell nick? He started to think. 'Would have to sign the accords? He knew they had changed them a little, but still, the others still said that they were unfair and restricting.'
He sighed again and walked (as best as he could) out of the medical wing after changing
He entered the living quarters to see the team on the couches fully engulfed in the movie 'Peter Pan'
He decided not to disturb them and make himself cereal
He got out the box all right, but he made the mistake to use his bad arm to grab the bowl, it was too weak to hold the object in his hand, and the bowl fell to the ground with a loud "Clang!"
That drew everyone's attention as Peter held his bad arm when it started to feel very sore
"You okay kid?" Tony asked rushing up to him
"Ya, just need some Advil." He winced as the pain increased in his arm
Tony nodded and grabbed a bottle from a cannot beside him, living with the Avengers, there is Advil almost in every room
He handed two of the pills to Pete and a glass of water as someone else picked the bowl up, and another person made him the cereal
"How are you feeling kid?" Steve asked once Peter had gotten down to the couch with his cereal successfully
"Not 100% if that's what you're asking"he laughed and continued to eat his lucky charms
Everyone sat on the couches, the movie forgotten, and watched Peter a little unsure and scared for him
"So who was that Vulture guy?" Bucky asked
Peter sighed and set the bowl of cereal onto the coffee table
"Well... the Vulture guys name is Toomes, he's the father of the girl I took to Homecoming. Toomes was stealing all of the alien tec, ultron parts, and weapons that were left behind after your battles. They took the stuff and turned them into new weapons and selling them on the black market. I first found out about the weapons at a ATM robbery, then caught some in the middle of a deal to a local. But when I was chasing the van they were running away in, the Vulture swooped down and picked me up, and I was dropped in a lake. (Tony never saved him from the lake)
Eventually after I found that they dropped something during the chase, it was some type of Chatari tec that we soon figured out to be a bomb. Please don't ask. I tried to stop another deal on a ferry, and well you guys saw that on TV
Then came homecoming and i went to her house to her dad could drive us, I figured out that he was the Vulture after catching his face on the Ferry"
"Wait, he's Toomes? Like Liz's dad Toomes?"
Tony asked surprised
"Ya, well in the car we were talking and Liz kept on bringing up that I kept on disappearing and he figured out and threatened to kill people if I came after him again
But I went after him, I followed him to a warehouse... then saved all of Tony's stuff from begging stolen on the plane supposed to land in the compound"
Peter explained leaving out the part that he was trapped under a building
"You what?!" Steve, Tony, Sam, Rhodes all asked at the same time
They had been the ones who were assigned to help clean up that mess, and they knew how dangerous it was since they had also seen it fall out of the sky
"Ya, but don't worry didn't get that hurt!" He reassured them
"Kid" tony patted him on the shoulder
"You never ceased to amaze me"


It was a week until Bruce finally let Peter train again, and the Avengers wanted to watch to see Peter in action without trying to fight back at him, and of course being careful about his arm since it wasn't fully healed
"Need anything at all?" Clint asked Peter as they entered the gym
"Just Advil"
After swallowing the two pills, he began to get ready
The Avengers sat on the side to watch
"Okay Pete, just like on Thursday's! Smoke pellet goes down, you hide, and when it clears we can start attacking!"
Peter nodded and stood ready for Nat to throw down the smoke pellets
When smoke covered the ground, they saw a web shoot from the ground and they watched as Peter came up after the webs, and hide who knows where
The smoke cleared and there stood Nat who seemed to be waiting for something
It was a while till a flicker of light moved behind her, she smirked and grabbed a foam cube from the foam pit and threw it towards where the flicker accord
The cube flew into the shadows and a second later Peter started to fall a little from his hiding spot, scaring the others, but he quickly shot another web and swung to the ropes coarse and starred shooting rapid fire towards Nat
It was a full hour till Nat had Peter pinned to the ground as he was laughing, earlier he had shot a web at Nats ankle, and had her dangling from the ceiling.
After everyone decided to train.
Nat was training with some of the robotic dummies Stark had made, Bruce was training with earbuds in to help control Hulk, Sam flinging threw the rings above them, Steve and Bucky were sparring, Tony and Rhodes were testing out the features in the suits to make sure they worked, Wanda and Vision were both practicing together while Peter worked with Clint
Currently Clint was shooting arrows (with a rubbed tip) at Peter while Peter dodged them
"It looks like your dancing!" Clint laughed as he watched Peter barley touch the ground before another Arrow was shot, making Peter jump up in the air before it hit him
"Still haven't hit me though!"
And they continued to go on like that laughing at each other. That was until something happened with Sam above him, and one of the large hoops and some of the ceiling came crashing apon Peter, causing a wave of memories to flood back in

Hey guys! Sorry about the first half of this chapter but I think the ending was amazing

I just want to remind you that in this story it has been barley a month since the Vulture incident, I know my explanation of the time line of where this story occurs is confusing, I know, so everything is still fresh in Peters mind and that means that little things are gonna trigger them and this time the Avengers might notice their kids pains now since they're taking more notice, and a little sneak peak at one of the Chapters

He could hear every foot step, every conversation, and every heart beat from the living room, even though he was another story up and away from his room, every sound, light, and touch hurt him so bad, every thing was heightened more than before
'Why now, why today?' He thought to himself
Suddenly some footsteps became louder and louder, it was one person coming towards him
'Just go away' he thought 'let me be'
Another wave of pain from the loud noise
'This was going to be a long day'

I know most of you know what going on, but to the newbies of Spider-Man fanfics you'll just have to wait a few more chapters!!

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