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*The Avengers*

"Dammit! The kid got away!" Tony yelled in frustration. All of the Avengers were getting up, and helping the others as they got ready to head back to the tower.

"Yeet?" Steve asked, clearly still confused by the word. "Don't worry about it gramps," Clint reassured Cap as he helped Natasha up, "It's from a vine, and please don't ask what that is either."

*The tower*

Finally, Peter had made it back to his room, luckily FRIDAY's cameras in his room were still on a loop as he checked his wounds.

It turned out that, more than one arrow had grazed Peter's skin, a burn was on his back from one of Nat's tazers, plenty of bruises covered his skin, and to finish it all up he had a twisted ankle. But thanks to his fast healing, he could already see some of the bruises disappearing and his cuts from Clint's arrows were (as slow as possible) patching themselves up. All in all, it would take one or two days for it to fully heal, but in the meantime, he would be as sore as hell.

He quickly hid his suit under one of the floorboards, turned off the loop on the camera, and sat on his bed awaiting the arrival of the Avengers.

buy the time the Avengers had made it back, they entered the teens' room, and saw him fast asleep and decided to leave him be.

The Avengers entered the living area and started to discuss their next move. "We can't do this alone." Nat spoke up, "All of us together couldn't take him down, we need to call in plan B." The others nodded in agreement. Tony and Steve exited the room to make some phone calls.

*the next day*

Peter woke up unpleasantly as the sun blinded him.

"FRIDAY, tint the windows!" He yelled up to the AI while blocking his eyes. As the sun seemed to have left the room, Peter was about to lay back down on the bed in need of rest when there was a crash from the kitchen.

Thanks to Peter's heightened senses, he covered his ears as the loud noise reached them. The pain quickly faded away, and Peter cautiously made his way to the kitchen to find about everybody he fought with or against at the airport.

Peter stood frozen in the doorway as he watched the scene unfold.

"I told you, I told you! If they stay here I wanted nothing broken!" 

 "I see someone's happy to see us."

"No, don't touch that!"

"Tony hasn't had his coffee yet and was up all last night after the fight with Spider-man."

"Wow, I thought only things that really stress him out does that to him"

"That guy is really putting up a fight huh?"

"Don't blame him, I would keep my identity a secret too if I was a masked Superhero."

" but you are"

"Ya, but I'm me"

Peter continued to watch from the side as Cap lightly smacked the man he identified as Sam (the falcon) Tony was on the ground adding some upgrades to the robotic legs he had made for Rhodey (The War-machine). Wanda and Vision were helping Cap cook breakfast, Vision of course stayed as his human identity. Scott (the Antman) was in the middle of telling a joke to T'challa (Black Panther) and Clint. While Natasha sat on the couch with Bucky (the Winter Soldier)
And Bruce was downstairs in the lab.

Peter smiled to himself as he watched the group of superheroes sitting in his living room acting like normal everyday people.

But his thoughts were interrupted when Wanda looked over and saw him, "On Peter! I was wondering when you would join us!" She said as she flew over to the boy she met after the events of Ultron.

" Who now? " Scott asked as he looked over at Peter, they had not formally met him as heroes or in his civilian identity.

"For those of you who don't know, this is Peter. He was adopted by us after the events in New York, no questions in why." Tony introduced Peter as he walked over to his 'nephew'\'son'.

Peter shyly waved at the group after Tony had introduced him. Rhodey, Sam, Wanda, and Vision had already met him but to Scott and T'challa, he was new.

" my sister would like you, " T'challa said after inspecting the boy from far away, "And you and she might not be safe alone in the same room together." For those who had already met Shuri laughed while the rest looked scared or confused.

"T-thanks?" Peter questioned as he joined Scott and Clint at the bar, as Steve handed the boy a plate.

"So, Spider-dude, Spider-kid, is who we are after?" Scott spoke up.

"Not Spider-kid, he's clearly a grown-up," Tony stated as he finished the final upgrades on Rhodeys fancy pants.

Peter almost choked on the millions airs words, he got the Avengers to believe that he was a grown man, and of course choking brought the attention onto him, "j-just ate to fast" He stuttered.

"Anyways, he's smart, outsmarted all of us, and clearly some of you have to get back home to do, whatever it is you people do, so let's lead in with some of the strongest first." Tony addressed the others

"Wanda, T'challa, Vision, Hulk, Bucky, and Steve will be going in first, and if we need it Ant-man, Sam, Rhodey, Black-widow, and I will be there for backup.

"Hey! and what am I? Chopped liver?' Clint asked when he realized that he was left out of the plan.

"Sorry gramps, I guess you're on queenjet duty." Sam laughed.

Clint fumed as the others laughed at him, soon they calmed down and decided to start the day.

Some went to train, Steve started to clean up breakfast then go on a jog with Sam and Bucky, Bruce and Tony went to the lab, and others went to explore the huge tower.

Peter decided that he would join the two scientists in the lab.

"Hey, Tony!" Peter called as he entered the room to find the man working on his newest tech with Bruce, "Hey kid! come to join us?" He asked as the kid looked over his shoulder.

"Yea, and I was wondering about the powers the guests have?" Peter asked innocently.

"Well, Wanda has some unexplained powers that came from the tesseract, she can do magic with her hands."

"I thought you didn't believe in magic?" Peter cut in, "Well that's the only word I have for her red misty thing until she lets me study it more."

"Anyways, she can move things with her mind and can get in her mind as well, be careful. T'challa has some super strength and his suit does the rest. Scott's suit allows him to shrink or grow, and when he is tiny he has super strength and also has some sort of tec so he can order ants to do stuff."Tony said not looking away from his work

"Wow" Peter breathed to himself

this was going to be harder than he thought.


Sorry for the wait guys! Just hit a writer's block than saw the new Ant-man and the Wasp movie that inspired me a little

I know Thor isn't here yet. There is a bigger gap between Ragnorak and infinity was so we can have more time before deaths

To clear somethings up with Bruce being here is that after Ragnorak. Thor and Bruce returned (Loki was still on the ship) and Bruce stayed after being a little freaked out with being on other planets and all

Asgard is remaining in space for the time being 

And Loki hasn't been back to Earth since the wizard and falling incident.

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