easier said than done

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When Peter exited the shower, he got dressed and walked into the kitchen where the Avengers were talking about plans on how to bring in Spider-man.

When Peter walked in without anyone noticing him, he decided to test something. After stepping into the hallway he asked Friday to time how long it was till the Avengers notice him.

Friday started the timer and Peter re-entered the room and silently made himself a sandwich. Once the sandwich was finished, he sat on top of one of the counters and listened to the hero's plans.

"Bruce, we might need you this time, and if we can't get him then, we have to call plan B," Nat said, earning Peters attention

"Are we really going to have them stay in the tower? I'm fine with Rhodey, Sam, Wanda, and Vision, but the others guys?" Tony complained about some of the company. "Tony it's just till the guy's identity is known, it won't be long," Cap replied as Tony laid his head down on the table, "Everything better be on one piece when the leave," He mumbled. "Tony, everyday something breaks cause of us! Most of the time you!" Clint exclaimed as he got up from the table and went to make himself a drink.

"Hey, Peter." He said as he grabbed a cup from behind the teen, "PETER!" Clint yelled in surprise when he realized the boy right in front of him, making him fall to the ground in shock.

The Avengers laughed at the archer  until Nat asked the boy a question, "Peter how long have you been sitting there?!" 

"Hmm... Friday how long has it been?" Peter asked the AI

"about 45 minutes now sir." The AI spoke. Peter looked to see the Avengers with shocked faces, 'how did he enter the room without noticing?' they asked themselves till Tony broke the uncomfortable silence.

"Nice work kid! Went unnoticed by the Avengers for 45 minutes!" The million air laughed as he patted the boys back, and lead him over to the table to sit down.

"What are you going to do about Spider-man?" Peter asked when the Avengers went back to normal, "He's gonna get more than a kick to the gut that's for sure." Natasha said with a look in her eyes that said: "He's never gonna see the daylight ever again." Which Peter made a mental note to 'Stay away from Nat when Spider-man'

"We're going all going out this time, we want this quickly taken care of," Steve said completely ignoring Nat's comment (and look)

 "Ha! Easier said than done," Tony stood up from his seat at the table, "We need a plan, a strategy, that guy only told me a few of his powers when I was recruiting him, agility, and he could stick to any surface. The webs he made himself, probably whatever lab he works in." Tony said, still believing that Spider-man was in his 20's or 30's.

The Avengers nodded in agreement, and Peter was happy that he was here for this conversation.

*time skip*

Peter was there to hear the whole plan.

This time Steve, Tony, Natasha, and Clint would attack Spider-man and as they have him distracted by them, he wouldn't know the Hulk was there until it was too late. Some of their main goals were to keep him on the ground and break the webs he uses to swing from building to building. To be honest, Peter thought it was a pretty good plan, and fun to foil.

Peter waited for the next day, to go out at noon for patrol when the Avengers would strike. Peter waited for on top of a building for what seemed forever, no cries for help, no robberies, no Avengers. So he decided to swing around.

And after that, it wasn't too long till they found him. Peter's spidey senses warned him a little too late when a shield sliced him web, and he tumbled onto a nearby rooftop.

"Hey, back for a rematch?" Peter called out as Cap jumped down onto the roof. "This is you're last chance Spider-man, just stand down, you are making this more of a problem than it already is." The soldier stated.

"We won't tell who you are." Iron Man said as he joined Captin America, "I mean, what's so big about you're identity that we can't know?"

"Cause if you knew who I am under the mask, you would have a very different reaction," Peter said, just as his spidey sense went off alerting him from an attack from behind.

Peter dodged Black Widows attack from behind him with ease, and quickly the fight broke out. In no time Arrows were being shot from the other side of the rooftop on top of the access door, Natasha and Steve were both chargings at him, and Tony was aiming from up high. And Peter for only a moment forgot about one very important part of the plan.

Suddenly he heard an angered roar the building Cap jumped off of, and a huge green monster was heading right for him. Cap and Black Widow broke off from Peter at the very last second as Hulk leaped from the building and where Peter was only a second ago.

Peter was terrified as he barely dodged the attacks from the big man, he had never been this close to the Hulk before, and after all of those years living in the tower, he only ever saw Bruce's alter ego through a television. As he fought Hulk, Hawkeye's arrows still shot at him, and Iron Man still aimed his repulsers at him, Captin America occasionally threw his shield, and Black Widow fired her stun shots and all the while Peter talk as he fought back.

An arrow brushed against his for arm, leaving a trail of blood, and Peter knew he had to retreat. 'I can stick to any surface right?' Peter asked himself and decided to test his power on the Hulk. When the green giant swung another punch at Peter, he grabbed the arm, and started to climb onto the back of the monster, getting a clear shot of Hawkeye, and quickly webbed the archer up.

Hulk turned around again as the Captin threw his shield at Peter. Peter shot two webs at the famous relic and swung it at back at the hulk, hitting him square in the jaw.

In the state of confusion, Peter took his chance and shot a web at a nearby building. He was almost at his destination when Iron Man broke the web.

He was in mid-fall when the same hero caught him. "Stand down Spider-man." He ordered him.

Peter froze for a mili-second. He had never heard Tony use that tone on him before, it surprised and scared him at the same time. But that second was long enough for Tony to try and tear off the mask.

Luckily the masked hero snapped out of it, and while in mid-flip to get out of the man's arms, he sent a kick to his face, making the man off balance. "Not today gramps!" He yelled as he fell towards another building.

 As Peter landed on another roof he felt a flaring pain in his foot, it wasn't broken at least.

Peter webbed up the man of iron's rockets in his hands and feet, taking the man out of the sky. He turned around to see Hulk charging at him, and the shield laying on the ground. Peter pulled the shield toward him before Cap got it, and used it to defend himself from the Hulk. "This is like Deja vi!" Peter laughed when the Shield was in his hands.

"Crap," He thought as his spider senses warned him from an attack coming from behind him, "I forgot about Nat!"

Nat wasn't close to him when Peter turned around, throwing the shield at the assasian, "Yeet!"

And in the state of confusion at Peter's words, he escaped.

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