The Avengers

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*I am not good at fight scenes really sorry*

Soon enough Steve joined the man of Iron alongside with Natasha. Seems like that they thought they didn't need all of the Avengers for this.

"Hey, Mr. Stark! What's up?" He asked pretending to be a little oblivious on why the Earth's mightiest heroes were here to see him.

"Kid, the big man wants you to come in and join the Avengers, what do you think?" Tony asked, he knew the kid had wanted this for a long time now, he thought the kid would come in without force, boy he was wrong.

"Wow, that's awesome! But...there's a catch isn't there, you wouldn't bring along others if there wasn't" Peter said, he knew what was coming.

"We have to know who you are." Captin America answered, "And we didn't know you would agree."

Peter made sure that his webs were all ready for what would come next, "Sorry Mr. Stark, I can't do that." He quickly shot a web at the man's mask blocking his field of vision as he swung the man into Mr. America's direction.

Thankful to his spidey senses he was able to dodge Black Widows incoming attack. "you really think that I am just gonna give up my identity like that? I'm sorry but, no!" He yelled as he dodged Cap's shield thrown at him, and soon Iron Man had removed the webbing from his helmet and joined the fight, but his fires were at stun as to not harm the boy.

The fight was going longer than Peter had wanted it to, Nat had trapped him in hand to hand combat as Iron Man and Steve continued to try and knock him out with the Shield and fires from Iron Mans suit.

As Peter was dodging a hit from Cap's shield Nat sent him a good solid hit to the stomach, causing Peter to tumble across the rooftop, just below Iron Man. Peter quickly used his taser webs, shot them at the suit, causing a malfunction in the suit. Peter jumped out of the way as the man of steel fell from the sky and exactly where Peter was lying only a second ago.

Without hesitation, Peter webbed Black Widows feet to the ground so she couldn't cause more harm as he turned around to face Captin America.

"Kid we didn't want to do this!" the first Avenger yelled hoping to distract the boy as Nat tried to stun him from behind, but Spidey easily dodged it, as it hit Captin America in the arm.

"Sorry but I have to get home for lunch!" Peter yelled as he quickly left the scene. Leaving a stunned Captin America, Iron Man's suit was malfunctioning and Nat (her feet were still webbed to the ground) on top of the rooftop.

Peter quickly swung back into his bedroom window after he was for sure that there was no longer any one following him. He quickly ran to the bathroom to take a shower to get rid of the smell, but as he was taking his shirt off, he saw a large bruise already forming across his torso.

He sighed and entered the warm shower. And by the little time he was in their Cap, Nat, and Tony had arrived at the tower and the Avengers started planning for the next time they saw Spider-man.

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