the new mission

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"Avengers, meet me in the mission briefing room" Fury's voice boomed through the inter-comm. The Avengers got up from their comfy seats as Clint paused the movie and they walked out, "Don't continue without us!" Clint yelled as the elevator doors closed.

Peter sighed as he got up and went to the kitchen to grab some food, his high metabolism made him low on energy a lot, so he had to eat. "Hey Jarvis, can you drop in on their briefing?" Peter asked the AI.

Peter had been dropping in on their conversations since he was eight, and Jarvis always helped him do so by easily catching the hero's newest mission and shutting off before someone else came in the room, keeping Peter's secret, a secret.

"As you all know there is a new superhero that you have either fought with or against." Fury said, really catching Peter's attention. "The hero's name is Spider-man. And he is completely  unknown by Shield and his identity remains a secret from us all, including Stark." Peter laughed a little that his family still couldn't figure out that he was the newest hero on the streets. 

"But to most, and including me, he is a vigilante, playing by his own rules. He is a powerful asset and has single-handedly taken down villains that would have to need the whole Avengers to take down. I need you to find him and bring him in." That shocked Peter, the new mission was him.

"And what will you do with him?" Natasha spoke up, "I'll figure out who he is and recruit him."

"What if he doesn't want to come in?" Bruce asked, "Then you will bring him by force."

That stopped Peter, he was now a target of the Avengers, and they would do anything to bring him in, find out who he was. He wasn't ready to tell anyone he was Spider-man.

"Peter, the Avengers are returning," Jarvis warned him, snapping Peter out of his state, Peter forced a smile when his family arrived.

"How was it?" He asked as he plopped down onto the couch. "Got a new target to find, so Fury can recruit him," Clint told him as he sat next to Peter.

"Who?" Peter pretended to not know, "The new guy in Queens, I think it was Spider-boy?" Tony said as he sat in a chair.

"Spider-man, Stark, it was Spider-man," Steve said as he sat on the far end of the couch. "Ya, ya, I was kidding I know the kid! Heck! I called him up for the whole Airport fight!" Stark joked,

"And you still don't know who he is." Nat laughed as she sat in the empty spot next to Peter. Tony grumbled in a reply, making the rest of them laugh, as they pressed play on the movie.

*the next day*

It was the weekend, and Peter had spent the rest of the night thinking about how he could still go out as Spider-man and fight the Avengers without his family figuring out.

When he woke up, he told them that he would be over at Ned's house, Ned knew that whenever anyone from Peter's family called to see where he was, he was supposed to tell them that he was over at his house. Peter quickly changed into his suit and made sure that Jarvis hadn't seen any of it, and jumped out of his window, shot a web at one of the nearby buildings, and started his patrol around his city.

It was a calm day, the only trouble was a stolen car. Peter sat on top of a building, with his pulled up over his nose so he could feel the cool breeze from way up high, it was the perfect day to just do...nothing at all.

He thought it would be that easy till he had to make it home for lunch until he heard Iron approach him.

"Spider-man we need to talk."

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