Chapter 2:Knowing the Silineon league

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No in another meeting room where the 8 champions and Charles are

Lance:So whats this about is it the tournament
Charles:Well no I have come to talk about the ninth region
Alder:Oh you mean that Silineon Region
Charles:Yes Jin send me the info on each and every one of them there gym Leaders,Elite four and Champion
Leon:Is he strong
Charles:Well like Leon has not been defeated
Lance:Well now you pick my interest
Charles:Well with what they send me the Silineon region is very big and it's divided there Pokemon into types
Steven:What you mean
Charles:There and area for each type and a gym leader for each area lest begin are first gym leader here is Mitchel a normal type gym leader,Phoenix the Fire type gym leader,V the water type gym leader,Erik the grass type,Astrid the flying type gym leader,Shocker the electric type gym leader
Cynthia:Wait did you said Shocker that's the weirdest name I have ever heard
Charles:Well is not his real one then we have Stone the rock type user,Floor Giovanni brother
Lance:He gad a brother
Charles:Yeah his a ground type user,Shadow the ghost type user,Miko the psychic type,Acid the poison type,Knuckles the fighting type user,Mike the bug type user,Elsa the ice type user,Amy the dragon type user
Alder:A dragon master wonder if she can beat lance
Lance:Is a gym leader I'll win
Charles:Don't get your hopes up because each of this gym leaders has a mega evolution one or two to be exact
Lance:Okay now she bings a challenge
Charles:then we have Bob the steel type user,Dark the Dark type user and finally there strongest Daniel the fairy type user
Lance:Wait did you say Daniel
Charles:Yes you know him
Lance:Before us dragon master started to accept Fairy types there was a code to never have Fairy types and never interact this guy broke the code his starter was a Dragon but it mega evolved into a fairy
Charles:Well okay now let's go the elite four some of you might know them they don't have a specific type
they are Gary,Trip,Alain and Paul
Cynthia:What those guys are the elite four
Diantha:And I thought Alain was gonna challenge the kalos league
Charles:Well it seems this guys are the elite four and here's and image of the champion

Has they all look a the hooded man with his mask

Charles:His name is Red and his the champion of the Silineon league and wait look had the screen

Has he turns on the tv

Jackson:Hello hello people of the Pokémon world in here to speak to everyone favorite champion of the Silineon league Red welcome Red

Has it shows him and his sylveon in his lap

Red:Thanks Jackson is good to be here
Jackson:So Red here's a question that every region is asking themselves has the founder of this generation and beautiful region how did you find it
Red:Well you see me and my friends were just finding places to train to get stronger in one of are air explorations my partner here sylveon sense this place and guided us there has we arrive we saw from above and this place was very big what we also found is that the Pokémon are divided in types
Jackson:By that you mean they have territories
Red:Exactly so it was a perfect place to train me and my Pokémon after that we told Charles Goodshow about this he ask for the name and seen it was thabks to Sylveon we found it we called in the Silineon league and also because that was it me and friends weren't the smart type we were more battles than smart guys
Jackson:That's seems okay and are you preparing for the tournament of Champions
Red:Absolutely it doesn't happen every day that you get to battle people like Leon or the other champions
Jackson:Well I wish you good luck
Red:Thanks Jackson see ya now if you excuse me I need to go to a meeting with the other champions

Has he leaves

Jackson:Thank you okay everyone that is all for today

Has he turns of the tv Red comes through the door

Red:I'm I late
Charles:No just in time
Steven:That was live right
Diantha:Then how did you get here so fast
Ash:Teleport so Charles what's up
Charles:Well I was thinking if we could do the tournament in your region if that's fine
Red:I have you covered there's a stadium the is almost like the one in alola is of region and the way to get there is by boat or Pokémon
Charles:Great anything you guys want to ask
Lance:Yes why are you hiding your true faces
Red:If you want to know I'll show myself in the tournament so see ya I'll send you the location let's go sylveon

Has they leave the room

???:Going back home
Red:Professor Oak
P.Oak:Red now huh
Red:Yeah I'm not Ketchum anymore so I changed my name you know what contact the other professor and tomorrow come to the Silineon region I have something to show all of you
P.Oak:Really then I'll tell them see ya tomorrow Red
Red:See ya Professor

The next day came has all the Professor came Oak,Ivy,Elm,Birch,Rowan,Juniper,Sycamore,Kukui and Magnolia the Red appears

Red:You came
P.Oak:So what do you need to show us
Red:You'll get a kick out of this specially you Sycamore
Red:Call me Red Ash is gone this who I I'm now Kukui

Has they follow him to the big lab has they went in

Red:Gary is not just Elite Four his the Professor of this region
Gary:Rowan you too
P.Rowan:Is good to see you Gary a Professor now great

Has they have tour

Gary:Here seen all the starter Pokémon are in this region a new trainer can choose one of the eight regions starter that way they have a bigger choice and we don't let happen to Red here
Red:How about we show them the rock
P.Birch:What rock
Gary:Follow me

Has they see two elevators they go on the one on the right

P.Juniper:Whats the other elevator
Red:You see the other floors are actually the Silineon league challenge to become champion

Has they reach the bottom the Professor look had the rock

P.Ivy:What is this
Red:The source of all mega evolution
P.Sycamore:Wait really Ash I mean Red
Red:Yes this where it all came from it seems every Pokémon has a mega evolutions only that the shards of the ones we already know are spread but when a Pokémon who has not been shown to mega they touch this and transform them into there mega form and ones it's done the stone of the Pokémon will appear

Has he then takes them through the other elevator and meet the other elite four members and then they reach Red stage has he brought out Rapidash,Fearow,Sandslash and his Sylveon step forward

Red:Let are bond become even stronger and mega evolve.

Red:Theres one catch to this the Pokémon must get called by the rock
P.Elm:You mean it's alive
Red:Something like that is the very reason how Sylveon found this place

Has she transformed back

Red:If you want you can stay here in the region so you can check things out
P.Oak:I think we love that I'm even gonna get our assistance to help
Red:Well that's good the lab has some beds for you guys to sleep Gary you take them I'm back to my wife
All the Professor:Wait your married
Red:Oh yeah see ya
P.Oak:Is this true Gary
Gary:Yeah that guy is very lucky

Has he returned back home

Red:Hey babe I'm back
Miette:Welcome back how about we do the usual in the bed
Red:Them fighting words

Has they head to there room Sylveon goes to sleep in the coach

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