Chapter 3:The tournament

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A week has pass and are hero and his allies are in the dukes waiting has then a boat cane in are all the Professors,Gym leaders,Kahunas,FB,Elite four and Champions has he see the traitors Brock,Misty,Cilan and Clemont but he also sees some nice ones like Kiewai and Hau that look like there now Kahunas,Gladion who's the champion,Tracy who came with Oak and Lillie who came with kukui

Red:You must be Gladion champion of Alola
Gladion:Your Red good to finally meet you

Has I then noticed a glare from Daniel and lance,Clair,Drake and Drayden has we all just look had the two sides

Drayden:Rouge Dragon

Has Clair got close to me

Daniel:And Clair

Has they cheered a hug

Daniel:We cool
Lance:Yeah so how you been
Daniel:Great getting stronger and seen I battle Red I decided to follow him we all have will catch up later
Red:I almost thought I had to bring out Charizard
Gary:Let's hope we don't get a battle of Fairy vs all dragons masters
Red:Do we count the one of galar

Has he takes them in he ignores the traitors has some of champions congrats the elite four after that the people started to come he walks around with his sylveon,Female pikachu on the shoulder and his lucario

???:Max,Bonnie Wait up the island not going anywhere
Max:Yeah but if I sing now we can get some training done May
May:Yeah but can you two wait up

Has then Bonnie bums into red he pulls of his nice

Red:Hey you okay little one
Bonnie:Yeah I'm fine
Max:Wait your Red the champion of the Silineon region
Red:In the flesh
???:What did you two do now
Red:Don't worry is all just and accident she accidentally bump into me
May:Oh your Red the champion
Red:Yes and you are

Then the gym leader traitors came

Misty:Guys your here and Red!
Max:Bonnie accidentally bump into him
Clemont:I'm sorry for my sister bumping into you
Red:It's fine we'll I'm off
Max:Hey Red before you go can we have a battle
Red:Well I'm not doing anything why not

Has they go to the nearest battlefield

Brock:I'll be the ref the battle between the champion Red and Max will now begin this will be a 1v1 battle now send out your Pokémon

Red mind:So he got the ralt I also see that rat I'll beat him when he battled me again-Lucario go

Brock:Lucario vs Gallade battle begin
Max:Okay let's end this quick Zen Headbutt
Red:Extreme speed

Has he followed him lucario just runs around him dodging the attacks until he strikes

Red:Grab it and send him back

Has he grabs both arms leaving everyone in shock then he kicks him back

Red:Now aura sphere

Has he landed the hit and defeat him

Max:What with only three commands
Red:Disappointing lucario let's leave there's no challengers here

Has they leave pikachu gives him a stare

Max:Something wring pikachu
Pikachu:Pika Pi(No nothing let's get Gallade to the center)

Has they left back with Red

Paul:Going soft on them
Red:No just giving some mercy until it's starts
Gary:That's the Red we know
Alain:Well what now the rest of the gym leaders are either talking to other gym leaders or training until the tournament starts
Trip:Then let's get comfy
Red:Well I'm hungry so how about we get some food

has they walk around they spotted Leon

Red:Leon what are you doing here
Leon:I'm looking for the restraint
Alain:If you want you can come with us that's where we are going
Paul whisper:I think this guy has terrible sense of direction
Trip whisper:I think your right

Has head to restraint after that it was the ceremony all the competitors are in the battlefield

Charles:Welcome everyone to the first ever tournament of champions where only the strongest are here to become number one the strongest trainer in all the regions here in the Silineon region okay you meet already are new gym leaders now I give you the elite Four starting if we the first elite four you battle Gary the Professor and with him is his partner Umbreon

Has he comes in the vip

Charles:Then we have Trip the second elite four member and with him is his partner Serperior

Has they come in

Charles:Next we have the third member Alain with his charizard

He come in too

Charles:And now the fourth member the strongest of the elite four Paul and with him is Electrivire

He comes in

Charles:Now ladies and gentlemen I give you your champion Red!

No one comes

1 Audience:Where is he
2 Audience:Wait look had the sky

Has Ho oh appears but then they see Red on Ho oh

Red:Sacred Fire

Has he fired the attack on the torch and lands has he returns Ho oh and Lucario appears

Red:Welcome everyone to the Silineon Region and the first ever Tournament of Master now before I explain the rules I'll reveal my secret you see I hide my face from the world because eight years ago the people I trusted the most in my life betrayed me told me to give up on my dream all this year I have been getting stronger and now I'll take this mask of

Has he press something in the back and takes of the mask to then taking off his hood

Red:My birth name is Ash Ketchum and ised to come from the Kanto region in Pallet town and I'm the champion of the Silineon region but if I don't mind saying keep calling me Red Ash Ketchum Fire the day I was betrayed but don't worry I'm still the same Red you all know the man who took down the evil teams with the help of his friends so if the traitors want to take this life from me you will try but if you do the only thing that you'll find is defeat and humility that is all
Charles:Thanks you for that I think okay so here are the rules round one will be 5 battles of one on one battles then round two will be tag team battle which are four battles so choose your team right then you have a round 3 which are three battles that are three on three then round four which are the semi-finals they are six on six and the end round five which is the final are six on six too but let's hip everyone up let's start we a prebattle batween this region very own Red vs his elite four member Paul

Has they both go down they meet each other

Red:How about we give them a shoe Paul
Paul:Yeah let's put them on let's just hope they don't destroy the battlefield like last time
Red:Hey that was because Electrivire fired fifty thunder attacks from the freaking sky
Paul:Didn't Infernape burn the grass and made a hole
Charles:Can you guys start already
Red:Infernape I choose you

Paul:Electrivire stand by for battle

Charles:Battle begin
Red:Match punch
Paul:Thunder punch

In the stands with the traitor

Iris:That little kid is a champion
Bonnie:Don't worry I'm sure this battle will end with that Paul guy ending it now
Brock:Guys I don't think so I heard what they said so I think this might be

Has he could not finish has the two punches collided with each other making a wave explosion of explosions wind

Clemont:I'm with Brock on this one

Back had the fight the two Pokémon continue to punch each other

Paul:Use Protect

Has the Flamethrower gets block by the protect

Red:Now use dig

Has he heads down

Paul:Don't let your guard down

Has a few minutes pass

Red:Now use Flareblizt

Has he comes from behind

Paul:Use Thunder

Has both attacks collided with each other sending both back

Red:I think it's time we make things interesting
Red/Paul:Mega evolve

Red/Paul:Thunder/Fire punch

Both Attacks collide has there battled continue Red was the winner has he head to his room with his wife Miette and Pokémon

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