Chapter 4:Round 1 battles

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The next day came the day were the tournament begins Red is battle is mostly later so he has time to relax

Miette:Morning handsome
Red:Morning Beautiful so what are you gonna do
Miette:Well me,Shauna and Nini are going shopping
Red:Do I need to carry the bags
Miette:Don't worry we'll not yet
Red:If you need me by your side just give the word and me and sylveon will go
Pikachu(Female):Me too
Red:Yeah you too

Has the two humans give each other kiss in the lips after that they left the room Miette went with her friends has Red meet up with the others

Red:So who battled first
Trip:Well Gary is going first
Gary:Yeah and I'm up against some girl named Katie
Red:Oh I know her good luck she's actually pretty strong
Gary:Well thanks for the warning
Red:Let's head to the stadium and if your asking where's miette she's going shopping and one of this days better wish me luck
Paul:Well lets just go before you

Has Red gets tackled to the ground by four girls it was Lillie,Mallow,Lana and Acerola

Red:Paul...if fifty bucks....Phoenix owes me

Has Mewtwo came out and took of all the girls Acerola was a bit hard but he got her out

Red:Thank you Mewtwo

Has the rest of the alola gang came Kiewai,Sophocles,Hau and Gladion has Gladion brought him back to his fit

Gladion:So your champion
Red:Well has you became one I made one
Kiewai:Long time no see Ash or I should say Red don't worry we know what happened and we are on your side
Red:Thanks guys
Lillie:But why didn't you come back to Alola we could have helped you
Red:It was too obvious and even with the back up they'll just find ways to ruin me and also I might have put you all in danger and that's a risk I didn't wanted to take how about we catch up on the way to the stadium has they split Red and Gladion arrive to the vip where the other champions were seen each of the the you know strong guys had there own vip has he arrive to the champion area

Diantha:Ash your here
Red:Can we stick to Red the name Ash is no more after that day so I rather not here it again
Lance:Don't worry we understand but can you at least take of the mask I know you change your voice with that
Red:Yeah and my wife was the one who choice this voice so bite me
The champions:Wait your married!
Red:Yeah and happily married thank you very much now pay attention it's about to start

Has the battles went on it was time for Red to hit the stage has his first opponent was Max

Red mind:I get to beat him twice wonder who should I use for this battle
Max:Ready to lose Ash
Red:Well for the last time ash is gone I'm Red so stop being a dumbass and get it in your head already
Max:I'll beat you here and now to prove that your weak like your really the weakest and most pathetic champion
Red:Says the guy who lost yo me yesterday
Max:I wants serious how about we make a bet weakling
Red:I'm listening
Max:If I win you give me the tittle of Champion seen your not wordy
Red:And me
Max:I give pikachu back
Red:I don't need him so I'll just be betting on you nothing so let's begin ref
Ref:Yes the battle between The champion Red and Max will now begin this a one on one battle now trainers send out your Pokémon
Max:This gonna be easy Pikachu let's beat this

weakling and his weak Pokémon

In the vip elite four

Paul:Oh F*##*
Alain:He did not just say that

Gym leaders vip

V:He gonna die
Korrina:Wait what's going on
Miko:If someone says that Red Pokémon are weak there gonna get a world of pain

Back had the battlefield

Red:Yeah I'm gonna kill this thing Charizard let's teach him a lesson about shutting the heck up

Has the dragon give a death glare to pikachu he just stands strong in front of his opponent

Ref:Charizard vs Pikachu battle begin
Max:Pikachu use Quick attack
Red:Grab him and don't let go

Has he attacks charizard grabs him by the head and starts crushing it

Red:Max I'm gonna say to you what I tell every As**##^ that tell my Pokémon weak is that there not weak you may think your strong but you underestimate your opponents to much that's why you lost to Harrison in your first league and next Morrison in the second try Bonnie the same thinking that if I could beat Sawyer she can too and yet she was the first trainer too fall in that league now let me show you what real power looks like Charizard toss that pathetic excuses of a Pokémon aside

Has he throws the Pokémon to the wall

Red:Now Charizard let are bond become even stronger and mega evolve

Max:What is that
Red:This is Charizard Z is now a Dragon and Dark type speaking of that Use Dark Dragon pulse

Has he fires a dark and dragon like blast has it hits pikachu and takes him down

Ref:Pikachu is unable to battle the winner is Red and Charizard
Red:Good work buddy Mewtwo can you come out
Mewtwo:Yeah what's up
Red:Hey Max to for the bet I never said mine but I will now is that you'll will make pikachu a wild Pokémon
Max:What heck no
Mewtwo:With pleasure

Has he breaks pikachu pokeball he then teleports him to the Kanto region with a group of other pikachu

Max:Wait Pikachu give him back
Red:Sorry but that was the deal no his gone his a wild Pokémon now so good luck finding him let's go Sylveon and Mewtwo

Has Max left running crying Red returned to the vip

Steven:Don't you think you were to harsh
Red:Hey they deserved it and you know it
Steven:Fare point

Has later on he decided to walk around with his partner and well daughter Manaphy until the traitors

Red:What do you want
Max:We want you to go get pikachu
Brock:And that you should just give up you know you can't win
Red:Who said you can tell me what to do and even if I take you to him which I won't he won't remember
Misty:What do you mean
Red:Mewtwo didn't just made Pikachu a wild Pokémon he took all his memories of all of us
All of them:What!
Manaphy:No you bad people leave my Daddy alone
May:Manaphy? why do you have her
Red:She cane to me by her own free Will because you betrayed me
May:Manaphy but I'm your mother why are you with him
Manaphy:Because I love Daddy more than May and I have a new mommy
???:Someone talking about me

Has Miette Manaphy jump to her and they cheered a hug has she then came to Red had a kiss in the lips

Red:How was shopping
Miette:We had fun
Miette:How did your match go
Red:Well I got to defeat Max twice so I'm very happy
Red:Oh right traitors this is my wife Miette
All of them:Wife!!
Red:Yeah now if you excuse us we are off to eat see ya or how about we never see each other again great great

Has they left

Brock:His married
May:Well I can't believe Manaphy joined him
Clemont:Okay then let's just try to beat him
Iris:What you mean try we will beat him
Clemont:Look I know we can beat him but we haven't seen him for over eight years and now he has a mythical Pokémon and a very powerful Charizard so we should at least keep are guard up
Misty:Well lets just go pick up Delia

Has they head to get her what they didn't know is that Greninja heard everything has he returned to Red

Red:Are they scared
Greninja:Not yet
Miette:Well who do think is your next opponent
Red:Don't know but I Hope is a traitor

Has day went by Red next opponent is Maylene the fighting type gym leader of Sinnoh has the day cane red woke up early seen he was the first to battle in this battles

Red:Time to wake up Miette
Miette:Five more minutes
Red:Okay then you would mind if I

Has he starts tickling her

Miette:🤣😂🤣alright I'm awake 🤣😂 I'm awake

Has he stoped

Miette:My turn

Has he starts tickling him

Red:😂😂🤣😂🤣😂 okay okay I give up 😂🤣🤣 you are the 🤣🤣😂tickle master
Miette:And don't forget it

Has they got out and change they head to the stadium

Maylene:I've been waiting to battle you again Red
Red:Yeah and I'm sure two Pokémon are too
Ref:The battle between champion Red and gym leader Maylene will now begin this a one on one send out your Pokémon
Red:Floatzel I choose you

Pokémon translate
Lucario:You are
Floatzel:Long time no see Lucario
Lucario:I see you have evolve let see who has grown stronger
Floatzel:Yeah let's
Pokémon translate end

Ref:Battle begin
Maylene:Lucario use focus palm
Red:Aqua jet

Both attacks collided with each other sending both back

Red:Floatzel use Ice beam
Maylene:Dodge and get close to use Bone rush

Has he dodges the ice attack and stars to get close

Red:Aim at the ground and freeze the where he runs then use Aqua tail

Has he fired where Lucario was heading making him slip to then getting hit by the Aqua tail making a a big hole in the battlefield

Maylene:Focus palm push him back

Has he sensed Floatzel back

Red:Well I think it's time to go to the next level
Maylene:I will agree
Red/Maylene:Mega evolve!

Maylene:Use Metal Claw
Red:Aqua tail then use ice beam

Has they collide the attacks the Aqua tail pushes him back to then Floatzel Firing Ice beam Lucario tries to block but his arms get frozen

Red:Now use Aqua jet
Maylene:Lucario break free

Has he tried is too late and he gets hit defeating him

Ref:Lucario is unable to battle the winner is Red and Floatzel

Has the two trainers shake hands

Red:That was a great battle Maylene I hope we can have another good one
Maylene:Same thing good luck on the tournament

Has headed back to VIP has he came in he saw Miette with Aria

Miette:Hey honey
Aria:His your husband Ash
Red:Forbthe million time is Red please
Aria:Sorry Red
Miette:Yep and it's been the best thing that has ever happen to me that and being the queen of the Silineon region
Red:And saying that she won that fare in square
Aria:Well congrats-mind:Why do I feel so jealous right now
Miette:Aria everything okay
Aria:Yeah I'm fine
Miette:Mmhhmm Red Wait for me here Aria can you come with me

Has the girls leave

Red:Well that happened
Steven:I'm more impressed that he got married before us
Red:Well that maybe because Lance is little main no offense
Lance:None taken
Red:Steven to focus on the rocks and mega evolution,Cynthia well she could have someone but she gets tailed by every man she meets
Cynthia:That's a very good point
Red:Alder a weirdo and Diantha well is like Cynthia but her job keeps her very busy,Gladion emo and Leon well his Leon I'm sure he'll get one before you guys too
Leon:Well thanks for the support
Gladion:I'm not emo
Cynthia:Sorry kid but you are very emo
Gladion:Hate you guys

Has they all cheer a laugh now with the girls that where outside the door

Aria:So what you want to talk about
Miette:Just one question
Aria:And what would that be
Miette:Do you love my husband
Aria:What wha that's impossible that's not true that can be true

Has she looks the other way blushing

Aria:Okay fine I do
Miette:Well seen when
Aria:I think it was after the master class

Flash Back

Has Aria was walking around the town where the master class was has then she bump into someone

???:Are you okay

Has he pulls her up

???:Wait I know you your Aria
Aria:Yeah I'm just walking around what's your name
???:I'm Ash Ketchum
Aria:Wait Ash Ketchum aren't you Serena friend
Ash:Yeah she's still sad about the lost but I know she'll recover
Aria:And why are you here
Ash:I decided to take a solo walk seen Pikachu and my friends are still asleep
Aria:Well mind if I tag along
Ash:Sure I did fell a little alone without Pikachu and the others

Has they walk they talked about how they got to where that are now

Aria:Hey Ash can I ask you something
Ash:Yeah what's up
Aria:Do you love somebody
Ash:Oh no I don't even understand that stuff
Aria:Really I thought you and Serena were a thing
Ash:Oh no you see I think more of my friends like family so actually Serena is like a sister to me than that
Aria:And would be family or friends
Ash:U would call you friend I mean I did just meet you now

Has she turned around and walk backwards

Aria:Then lets meet again shall we
Ash:Yeah why not is nice chatting with you

Has then she trip and was about to fall but Ash catch her they both look had each other and then there lips started to get closer

Ash:You okay
Aria:Yeah I'm fine

Then they split and they keep this meet a secret has they head there separate ways

Flash back end

Miette:WOW that really happened
Aria:Yeah and ever seen I could get Ash out of my head so yeah I have a crush on him but his already with you
Miette whispers:You know I can cheer
Aria:Wait really
Miette:She I think it might take to girls to get him in a good way because ever seen those traitors came his been not in very good way
Aria:Oh but how should I tell him and will he even have the same feelings for me
Miette:Was he blushing or showing a gasp look
Miette:Theres your answer how about later I got a plan
Aria:Okay I'm listening

Later that day Red was in his room watching some tv with Sylveon by his side then Aria and Miette came in

Red:Oh your here
Miette:Aria gonna be talking with me but I need to go get something so you keep her company and can Sylveon come with me
Red:Sure can you help Miette Sylveon

Has she head to her she close the door then came the awkward silence

Red:So good to see Serena hasn't beaten you
Aria:Yeah she tried many times but she always lose
Red:Yeah I always saw each master class to see if she lose and might I say I had a laugh and Miette did too
Aria:And you undefeated champion
Red:Yeah we got trainers and very good ones ever seems we opened this region but non of them a real challenges seen they can even beat my elite four and only two have made it to my battlefield
Aria:Hey Red you still remember that day
Red:Yeah of course I still have that in my head
Red:Something wrong
Aria:Can I tell you something
Red:Of course you can tell me anything
Aria:You see after that day we spend together I have been having feelings for you Red
Red:Wait that means

Has she just walk to him and kiss him has he was a bit hesitant he put his to arms in her back and she put hers in his neck has she got on top of him and they continued kissing then Miette came in and they stopped

Red:Miette is not what it looks like
Miette:Its okay now we know that can cheer
Red:Wait what
Aria:You see this was to see if you had feelings for me
Red:So you told her you had feelings for me
Miette:Yep and now we can have each other

Has she joined the action and kissed Red

Red:Well that's alright I would love to live the rest of my live with you two beautiful girls

Has the day ended it was time for the next day has his next battle is against Richie has the next day came they where in the stadium has Red and Richie stare had each other

Red:It's not top sixteen but this works
Richie:Yeah now we can have a proper ending after last battle
Red:Yeah sadly like always Charizard not in the right way today
Richie:What a shame well let's start
Ref:The battle between the champion Red and Richie will now begin this a one on one battle trainers send out your Pokémon
Red:Staraptor I choose you
Richie:Rose lets go

Red:Interesting you caught a Swellow
Richie:Yeah and she's pretty strong
Red:So is my Swellow but your opponent is my fastest flying type
Ref:Staraptor vs Swellow battle begin
Red/Richie:Quick attack

Has both Pokémon collide with each other

Red:Now use Steel wing
Richie:Use Quick attack and dodge it

Has Staraptor follows Swellow around catching up

Richie mind:His not kidding it's fast that's it-Use gust push him back and then use Sky attack

Has Swellow turns around and send gust had the other bird pushing it back to then charging with Sky attack

Red:Got you now use Close combat

Has he blocks the attack and starts hitting him numerous times

Red:Now end this with Brave bird

Has he lands the attack he send Rose down defeating her

Ref:Swellow is unable to battle the winner is Red and Staraptor
Red:Good battle Richie let's hope we can do a full one

Has shake hands they both leave the battlefield they decided to catch up

Red:Sow aiming to beat Lance I see
Richie:Yeah I mean his champion of to regions I would like to a least take one
Red:Well get ready for the paper work when you beat him back had Kanto
Richie:Is it really that bad
Red:Think of it has suffering but of the mind and that's what we all champions do when we are not battling,Training or even just taking a nice relaxing day
Richie:Well I could use a good teacher if I do beat him
Red:You'll make it
???:Red is you
Red:Tyson and Harrison oh even Sawyer hey guys
Sawyer:Hey long time no see
Tyson:Yeah Champion huh well I challenge Wallace but could beat him and Steven did
Red:I'm sure one of you will be the champion of Hoenn if not Harrison could go to Johto and Sawyer you should try Kalos
Harrison:You know maybe I will who knows maybe all of us could one day be Champions all together
Red:Well with Richie has Kanto,Harrison Johto,Tyson Hoenn and Sawyer Kalos also my friend Gladion the Alola champion only Sinnoh,Unova and Galar left

Has then two more friends came

Red:Barry and Cameron
Barry:Ash I mean Red goid to see buddy
Cameron:Same here
Red:Likewise you two
Barry:What you all talking about
Richie:We were just thinking that seems Red and Gladion are young Chanpion maybe we should after the tournament challenge the League Champion for the tittle
Barry:Well I'm always up for trying to be number one in Sinnoh
Cameron:Same here for Unova

Has then the other champions came

Lance:It seems we got ourselves the next generation
Red:You heard
Cynthia:Yeah and we can't wait for are battle against you guys
Barry:Same here

Has the trainer look had the champions they want to beat the Champions do the same except Gladion and Leon

Leon:Where's my rival
Red:Sucks Doesn't
Gladion:Well now you know how it feels when your to strong for you own behavior

Has they pass a new came it was time to take out another traitor which was Bonnie has the time came Red and Bonnie where glaring had each other Red giving the the old red death eyes to her

Bonnie:Ready to lose Ash
Red:Looks like I'll have to teach another child a lesson of respect
Ref:The battle between champion Red and Bonnie will now begin this a one on one battle
Bonnie:Finally time to show the world who's the weakest Champion of all time
Red:So is that your goal here now we'll might I say that the tittle that is champion is not what makes you strong

Has he holds his Pokémon

Red:Is how you defeated is what matters

In the vip

Lance:His definitely champion material
Alder:You said
Gladion:His not wrong actually

Back had the battlefield

Ref:Now send in your Pokémon

Red:Well you already mess up Zygarde I choose you
Bonnie:Wait did you say

Bonnie:Squishy is that you
Zygarde:No more Squishy only Zygarde
Bonnie:Give Squishy back to me he's mine
Red:You never catch him and didn't you hear his not Squishy anymore and like Manaphy he joined me on he's own free will so if you want him you'll have to beat me and Dedenne maybe a fairy type but I think
you never taught him how to use Fairy type moves so you have two options one forfeit the battle and option two you battle but you don't want to see Dedenne in so much pain do you

Has both the champion and the legendary Pokémon give her a death glare freaking her out so she raised her hand

Bonnie:I forfeit
Ref:Bonnie has forfeit the match the winner is Red and Zygarde
Red:Good choice Zygarde let's go

Has they leave Bonnie also leave with tears in her eyes later that Day Red was with his elite Four having some lunch

Alain:The way you beat Bonnie I think that was a mental or emotional
Trip:I say more emotional I mean the girl knew the Pokémon pretty well
Paul:You saying she was already F**# when she through that Pokémon literally any of Red's Pokémon could have beaten her even ones with a disadvantage
Red:Yeah either way she would have lost anyways I had the advantage in type,power and strategy
Gary:Your right there
Trip:So where are your two girls
Red:Having there there own lunch with there friends some even from my Alola group so I know that Alain likes Mairron

He blushed a little had what he said

Red:Do you three have someone in mind
Gary:Has a matter a fact yes I do love someone
Red:Good for you and you two
Paul:I won't lie I have someone in mind
Trip:Like Paul I also have someone in mind
Red:Mind telling had the same time
Alain:I want to heir this too
Gary:Fine Lillie
Red:See that was easy

What the boys did not know is that the girls were listening to everything and they were blushing like really they were completely Red

Red:Gorls I know your there you can take of the disguise and if your asking how I know Miette and Aria smell so they can't hide from me so I think you heard what the guys said didn't you
Gary:Wait you don't mean

Has the three boys started to turn red

Red:Hey Alain I think we should leave let's give this three a moment
Alain:I'm with you
Red:Three girls coming
Miette:I think we should leave

Has they leave

Red:How do you think is gonna go in there
Miette:I'm sure everything will be embarrassing
Aria:I agree with her
Alain:What now seems we already finish are battles
Miette:Hey Red remember what you said
Red:Well it had to come sooner or later let's go the mall
Alain:If you don't mind me I'll go
Mairron:Oh no you don't your coming too

Has the girls take the two guys shopping has the day went weird for the Epite four and Champion of the Silineon region now it's time for the last battles of round one Red final opponent is another traitor one the ones he hated the most it was Iris has the doors of the tunnels open the dragon master in training and the new champion appear out of the tunnels

Red:Well time take you out
Iris:Thinking that you can beat me what a little kid
Red:Shut up b**## we know you say that because you can't excepted yourself that your a kid so you should just stop I mean everyone knows your the little kid here so just admit it and let's battle
Iris:Why you
Ref:Right the battle between the champion Red and Iris will now begin this a one on one battle who ever wins moves on to round two now trainers send out your Pokémon
Iris:Fraxure lets go and crush this kid

Red:Axew evolve finally I expected it to evolve on are journey but it seems it was weak had that point and even after eight years you haven't evolve it into a Haxorus
Iris:Shut up
Red:Now my turn I choose you king of the dragon types in the Silineon region Imperion

Iris:What is that ash you said king of dragon types of your region
Red:You see this is and Eevee evolution that can only be found in this region on dragon type territory and when I say his king it means he challenge the strongest dragon type wild Pokémon of this region now ref
Ref:Okay chapion Imperion vs Fraxure battle begin
Iris:Keep you guard up and let's win
Red:How about we do a one shot Imperion
Imperion:Yeah he looks like a wast of time

Has he does the dragon type z-move

Iris:Fraxure Dragon breath
Red:Devastating Drake!!

Has the z-move just goes through the dragon breath hitting Fraxure defeating him

Iris:One hit that's all it took you have to be cheating
Red:Nope that was Imperion and my strength together it just seems that you are weak Iris better think about that and even you should think if Dragon master is really you thing because it seems my dream is possible has yours is not
All the Audience:Oooooooohhhhhhhhh
1Audience:Shots fired

Has he leaves he goes to the VIP has he sites down then Drake,Drayden,Clair,Drasna and Raihan bust through the door

Lance:Mind telling
Red:Okay basically on Dragon type territory if you have and Eevee you can go to a specific area in the territory there will be a cave in that cave leads to a pool of Blood not just any blood dragon blood
Raihan:That's Dark
Red:Ones your there the Eevee most decide if they want to be a dragon type or find something else right now the only person that guide you there Are me,my elite four and Amy seen she was the one that found it in the first place
Clair:Well now I know what I'm looking for when we this is done
Red:Remember this Eevee decision not yours
Drake:Are there any side effects if we force it
Red:If you thrown him by force the blood will literally grab him and drown him
Raihan:Yep that's very dark
Drasna:Wait so it's alive
Red:Well the blood came from Arceus himself so yeah it's alive
Drayden:You've seen it haven't you
Red:Yes I was talking to Amy until a cocky trainer came his name was jack and he wanted his Eevee to become a Dragon type I noticed a little bit of fear in the young Eevee eyes and worse it was a girl he beat Amy and we took him to the cave ones we arrive the boy told its Eevee to go but she was to scared of it so the boy in anger through Eevee into the pool I tried to stop him but it was to late she was already in the pool had first it was normal but then it grab it Eevee cried for help I grab it's paw and tried pulling it back out but it was to late and the Eevee was gone the trainer lost his License has a trainer and lost all his Pokémon them I talk to Arceus and ask him if he could bring back the Eevee seems this was literally the first Eevee that was killed by the pool when Silineon region was a thing Arceus arrive the Pokémon and then it became mine and now is a Leafeon but that memory still haunts her
Clair:WOW so sad
Red:We gave only lost two Eevee seen she was brought back the other were not
Lance:Okay then first bring and check noded
Red:Okay and that's the story don't tell anyone okay

Has they nod later that Day he was walking around with Inperion and Sylveon then he spot it the traitors with someone he know to well

???:Ash Ketchum

He ignores and keeps walking

???:You stop right there young man

He keeps walking so the woman just grabs his hand the two evolutions growl had the person

Red:Delia Ketchum what do you people want
Delia:I want you to quit this tournament give May and Bonnie what they deserve and come back home
Red:Well has you can see my home is my region and stop calling me Ash Ketchum his gone the only one here is Red now if you excuse me I need to go with my true friends
Brock:How dare you
Misty:She is your mother
Red:Actually she's not
Dawn:What do you mean of course she is she's your flesh and blood you have the same DNA
Red:Thanks for saying that you see I change my DNA is my own now that means I'm not your son or your property because you can't do anything to me Ms.Ketchum you have no son all you have here is a champion trying to get to his dream one you tried to take away so let me go or this will shot you
Delia:You wouldn't
Red:Do it

Has Sylveon use fairy wind to push her back Imperion shoots her with Dragon breath sending her flying back has the traitors go check on her Red turns around and walks away not caring for her then he gives a glare

Red:This will happen again if you get in my way or do this again and if she dies that's great for me just don't forget who has the power to kick you out of the tournament at any moment so I suggest you be careful of what you do but if you want to battle that's fine that's just gives me the chance to beat you

Has he leaves he meets up with the others and tell them what happened

Trip:Did you hold back
Red:That's up to Imperion
Imperion:I gave a little mercy
Red:That's the king for you

Has then the screen appears

Charles:Alright everyone tomorrow we are gonna give you a day off so you can relax,Train with your partner and do whatever you want but now we will show you your partner for Round two the person you'll be battling together for the rest of around two now here they are

Has the screen shows the teams Red partner is Leon

Leon:This will be interesting let's have fun Red
Red:Yeah and don't worry I got Dynamax so you can count on my for back up
Leon:That makes things better

Has they shake hands has the day ended Red got to his room with his two girls

Red:Good a Day off tomorrow
Aria:How about we go to the beach side I heard his gonna be a very nice day
Miette:I like that Idea and let's bring are friends too
Red:Alright I'm in
Aria:Snd maybe we could do something Naughty if you know what I mean Red
Miette:Yeah it's been eight years and we still haven't done it you know
Red Blush:Yeah sure we can do it
Miette:Your so cute when you blush
Aria:Yeah he is
Red:This is embarrassing

Has they went to sleep

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