A change of scenery

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You drifted in and out of consciousness, but you were able to see a bright headlight directly in front of you, men in white hazmat suits, and the darkness that surrounded. You were able to wake up, opening your eyes to only see the light that blinded you. You sat there for a bit, recalling what happened.

you clicked on an add

you blacked out

but you weren't in the library anymore

You weren't even sure if you were still in the school

You tried to lift your arm to block the light, but a leather strap held it down. You struggled against it when you realized your chest, ankles, and wrists were secured to the table.

"Ah, so the test subject is awake," A voice said behind you. You remembered the voice, you heard it before you passed out, and thick accent, male, the accent was foreign, Russian maybe?

"where am I?" You asked, terrified but you knew if anything if you asked something from a captor, they would monologue what they were doing, it isn't just in comics right?

"On a lab table," He laughed, "In a secure facility, being prepped for another test."

Another test?

He must have noticed you freak out a little, "Ah yes, the first one was to find out, just what you were, and where you came from. But all of those were of no interest, just from America, but no worries, they weren't all a letdown. You have... what is it... a unique code in you, that will react miraculously to my newest serum."

So they really do a monologue in real life. Wait- Serum?! What is this place and why did he say America like that?!

"Enough talking, we need to get this done quickly, doctors! You may begin." He started to walk away and more men in hazmat suits entered with carts full of tools, and you weren't eager to figure out what their use was

You watched as they set up the machines, and as they strange Russian man sat in a metal chair across the room, watching you

One yanked on your arm and injected a needle into you full of strange clear liquid, and hurt like hell. You screamed a second later as you felt as if your arm was being burnt from the inside, and it spread through your body, slowly and painfully, you writhed, pulling harder against the leather, the man in the chair, smiled at you, at your pain, and it filled you with rage and hate.

They added more of the 'serum' into you, increasing the pain you felt,  and they added more and more. You screamed, barely getting a breath, your throat felt raw, your fingernails dug into your palms.

Suddenly red lights blared and you could hear a commotion from outside the room, it gave you hope

"Don't stop! Bring her to my private jet!" and the Russian man ran out of a door.

The doctors started to pack up, putting a gag on you, muffling your screams and started to move the table you were on out the door

But they were stopped when the door was kicked off of its hinges and a man threw a familiar looking disk at them. Then finally the pain became too much, your struggling against the leather bonds were becoming sluggish and black dots danced in your vision, the man was a blur and he ran to you and undid the gag, the bonds on you and carried you out of the room, talking to someone, commotion all around you, guns firing, a familiar symbol on the walls and it finally clicked

Captain America just rescued you from a HYDRA facility

and of course, you just had to pass out

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