We aren't in Kansas anymore

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You woke up dazed, the room was white, warm, and you had a patient gown on, only it had a HYDRA symbol on it, but there was a duck tape 'x' over it, you shuddered at the thought of someone taking off your clothes and putting that thing on.

You were relieved to be able to sit up, you rubbed your wrists where the leather tore into them, now bandaged as so were the other places the leather was at. You looked around and saw a window and outside of it were people in lab coats running around, though not much, too little for a hospital, maybe for a-

"Sorry, I just saw that you were awake and you might need these!"

Mark Ruffalo, no Bruce Banner. Bruce frikin Banner stood at the frickin door to the room with clothes in hand.

"Sorry we had to leave you in that Hydra gown, but we knew you would like to change yourself, but Tony did put the duck tape on it, just to reassure you weren't still in that facility."

"t-t-thanks." was all you could spit out with eyes widened in shock. He smiled and set them down on a chair and left, not before tapping the glass to make sure it wasn't see through "Just a little privacy" he said, and left.

You sat there for a few moments. First Captin America, now Bruce Banner and a mention of Tony Stark. You were in an Avengers compound, you had a 'little' fangirl moment. But you composed your self, "Those are just people who look like the actors and there are plenty or people named Tony Stark...right?" You still had hope that this was real

You stood up finally and stumbled over to the chair and put on the clothes


a white T-shirt

and a navy blue jacket

You looked in a mirror hanging above a sink and took a look at your arm. It was bandaged real tight, and it felt like after you got a flu shot, but ten times worse. You opened the door to the room and decided you might need some air to take this all in.

Nobody noticed as you walked to the balcony down the hall, limping as your legs were numb on the table an hour ago? 4 hours? a day? you didn't know. You sat on a chair and started to think, well more like freak out

You were in school

you blacked out in school

school called paramedics

You were taken to the hospital and the doctors just injected you with something to help you

you then had a crazy dream that Captin America saved you from a HYDRA facility

you are still in that dream

or you woke up?

and the Doctor just looks like Bruce Banner and Mark Ruffalo???

that had to be it, it had to, Captin America and Bruce Banner were only just comic book characters and you were in the real world where superheroes don't exist.

"Hey there kid"

you turned to see who it was, it was... Tony Stark.

"Scared us when you weren't in your room!"

you couldn't reply, you sat there mouth agape, there in front of you was TONY F*CKING STARK

this was a dream, it has to be a dream. You told yourself over and over trying to convince your self

"Hello? Kid?" Tony asked as he waved a hand in front of your face, "You here?!"

You were snapped out of your trance "Sorry-um-ah-guh-I-you" you took a deep breath after letting your mental freak outcome out of your mouth. "You're Tony Stark." wow (Y/N) of course he knows that, but what do you say to THE Tony Stark

"Yes, I am. And who might you be?"

"(Y/N)" You replied in a small peep, now realizing at how scratchy and hoarse your voice was from all of the screamings. You started to cough a little and was handed a glass of water that you took with a shaky hand

"How am I here?" You asked a question that has been bothering you ever since you woke up

"Well, um. We rescued you from a HYDRA facility-"

"I know that" you cut him off, surprising yourself, how were you so calm right now?! "how did I get here? I'm supposed to be in school in the real world, not some...fantasy where the Avengers are real!!" your voice was starting to get louder the more you talked, and you were really starting to freak yourself out

"Look, kid, I don't know what you are talking about, but let's get up to the meeting room where we can talk." He led you upstairs and you rambled under your breath thinking about the possibilities because pinching your self awake was no longer an option after turning your skin red.

After an elevator trip to 4 stories up you finally reached the conference room and Tony opened the doors for you. You continued to look down at the ground until you heard an argument

"Thor I swear I didn't eat the last pop tart!"

"If it wasn't the man of birds then who took them?"

"Maybe Tony?"

"No Tony didn't even have anything to eat"

"Wait were the pop tarts strawberry flavored?!"

"yes they were"

"Ya, I ate the last one."


You looked up at them when Tony coughed right before Thor summoned a lightning bolt to smite Clint who had no regret what-so-ever

"I found the girl"

you were frozen, trying your best to hold off the fangirl of you before embarrassing yourself in front of the Avengers. But you sooo wanted to laugh at how they were acting! It was hilarious, how are these people the defenders of the earth?! But then again have you seen the Guardian of the Galaxies movie?

"Hello" "Hi" "Sup" "Hola" 's from all around as they got back into their seats and waved at you, you shyly waved back with a smile and Tony lead you to a seat at the other end of the table, somehow knowing that you would have collapsed right there

"The girls' name is (Y/N)" Tony spoke as he sat down with the rest, but seeing that they were waiting for more, he continued, "Ya, that's all I know"

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