so let me get this right...

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They turned to you for answers after Tony gave your name, they wanted to know how you got in that HYDRA facility in the first place.

When you first started to explain what happened, you tried to ignore the fact that it was the Avengers you were talking to (which you were still trying to wrap your mind around) and the actors instead, not the slightest improvement. So, you pretended that they were some people you knew, you just didn't look up from your lap the whole time.

"So let me get this right..." Tony started, you looked up a little at him, so far, he was the only one you felt comfortable around, who would expect that?

"You were at your high school."

you nodded

"Went into the library and clicked on an add."

"It was an accident."

"Then suddenly you're with HYDRA?"

you slid farther down in your chair as you rubbed your bandaged arm

"How did that even happen?"

There was a lot of discussions and theories, HYDRA sent that add out to random computers looking for an easy way to kidnap minors by teleporting them once they click either the yes or exit button, that one was the most believable, but there were also some crazy ones, that you got high and stumbled into HYDRA after school.

They continued to discuss till you realized you left out some important info

"I forgot one thing," They all looked away from each other and looked at you who finally summoned the courage to look them all in the face,

"I'm not from this reality."

That set off more confusion

You took a deep breath and decided to share a possibility you had been thinking about this whole time

"What I mean is that I think I somehow traveled through realities. I mean I didn't really read the add, it was very long and I was going to click exit so there was no need too, but I did read the big bold words that said 'Get a chance to meet your favorite Marvel characters in real life!' which I thought was some live action show at another airport again. And like I said the whole electrocution thing from the computer was really powerful, I've been shocked by a computer before on accident and that time wasn't as strong, I mean no human person could survive that I felt right then. Plus, that doctor HYDRA guy said that I had some special code in me that would react well in his serum, which I still have no clue to what it does. Which concludes my theory I have been thinking about since I woke up, I didn't have any tech to confirm it but I don't think that I need it. That electric shock somehow had enough power to tear through reality, but it also needed something else to cause The rift to open because everyone knows that electricity alone cant, else Thor might be opening rifts all the time! It was mixed with that 'special code' and whoever made that add had to know to cause my computer's screen read "Welcome (Y/N) (L/N)" so I somehow got to this reality where all of the Marvel superheroes exist.

But that's just a guess"

They stared at you in shock, you were even shocked yourself, who knew that aceing advanced science two grades ahead of you was this helpful?

Suddenly Tony started laughing, "Oh man I like this girl! Kid, that's one heck of a mind there!" You smiled real big, Tony Stark just said that you were smart!

"I'll help you with your theory, but so far, I think you might be on to something," Bruce said as he looked at something on his Stark Tablet

"Well anyways, until that is confirmed, we have to believe that it is real," Steve Rodgers spoke to the others, "We need to keep the existence of (Y/N) under wraps, Tony?" He looked over at Stark

"I can easily make fake ID, records, certificates, and fabricate you into the public school system, hows your grades?"

"Mostly A's," You replied quickly

"Perfect! There's a school I've got in mind, and I could make her an intern in case people get suspicious of her here a lot." Tony had a whole plan for you, and for the first time here, you felt the slightest hint of safety.

"She needs a new last name," Bruce spoke up, "There might be another (Y/N) (L/N) out there somewhere, and we don't want to make a mess."

You quickly blurted out a name, "Lee!"

you felt shy as they looked at you, "How about Lee?" you wanted to give a little respect to the man who created the characters that sat in front of you

"It is decided!" Thor cheered as he held up his hammer, "Lady (Y/N) must be shown around the city! A cab awaits!" He pulled you up by your bandaged arm and sat you upon only one of his shoulders and man he was fit.

You freaked out big time, the last time someone had squeezed that arm was when you screamed too loud and the HYDRA doctor grabbed it real tight, making the sore spot hurt like hell

in that quick flashback, you went rigid and stopped breathing, the cup's water in front of tony and the rest, escaped the cup and soared straight for Thor's face. The splash of cold water shocked him, making you fall off the massive shoulder

and of course, the minute you snapped back to reality

was the second before you hit the floor, going unconscious.

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