Not Normal Anymore

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You woke up to the sound of a heart monitor. Listening to it for a while as you tried to open your eyes, made you really want to punch the thing, it was getting annoying. When you finally were able to open your eyes, they were met with a blinding light shining right down on your face, which immediately made you panic

You bolted upright from the hospital bed, ripping off the wires that were on you, making the heart monitor flatline, and nurses rushing in.

This only made what was just a small mild panic attack, turn into a big one. The nurses and a few doctors tried to push you back down, you wanted them to stop, stop touching you, and to stop talking. Tears were streaming down your face as you fought to stay in a sitting position, you looked around and saw all of the water in the room rising up, almost touching the ceiling, looking like they were about to attack the doctors and nurses

this was all too much right now, your breathing wasn't steady, and all you could think about was when you were with HYDRA, and that wasn't helping at all


it all stopped, you curled up in a ball and hugged yourself, thankful to find the clothes you had put on earlier and not a HYDRA hospital gown, reassuring you that you were safe

"Everyone out of the room, now!"

you heard footsteps as the doctors filed out of the room, you looked up to see Tony, it calmed you just a little bit more

"Hey (Y/N)," He said in a softer voice, "Copy me."

You didn't notice that your breathing was still uneven, as he elaborately breathed in and out, you copied him, and as you did so, all of the water that was ready to attack the nurses earlier fell to the ground with a big splash

You started sobbing, as he ran up to hug you. You realized that the water moved because of you, whatever HYDRA did, gave you powers, you would have been excited in another situation, but you were terrified by this now.

"What did they do to me?" You sobbed into his shoulder

"I don't know kid, but we are going to figure out."

*******************Time Skip!!!*******************

You sat on top of a counter in Bruce's lab kicking your legs back and forth underneath you. For the past month you, Bruce, and Tony had been working on trying to control your new found power and understand it. It took you about a week to get used to the fact that you were in a different reality where supers exist and stop freaking out over everyone (you still kind of did though)

you watched as Bruce messed with his computer anxiously

"Mr. Banner?" you asked him

He stopped working on his computer and turned around to face you, "Well um, I was wondering if we could run another test?" You asked hesitantly

He chuckled at you, "Sure, why not."

You jumped off the counter with glee and rushed over to a room at the end of the lab. The room was small with a metal door and a window on the outside, in the inside is where you did your work. Inside was a small stool, and a large tank of water in front of it. You rushed in and grabbed a waterproof helmet to put upon your head that connected to a motherboard outside of the room where Bruce could track your brain waves.

After a month of getting used to this new universe, you had also gotten used to your power. You were still a little frightened by the idea that you still didn't completely understand it, it felt like just an extra limb, fully apart of you.

"Whenever your ready," Bruce said over an inter-comm.

You raised your arm and held it out towards the tank of water and started to concentrate really hard. Soon you felt the familiar sensation course through your veins, it felt like a rush of adrenaline coursing throughout your veins and almost shooting out towards the tank of water, making the water feel like just another limb to your body.

The water floated out of the tank all at once, Bruce cheered for you outside since this was the largest amount you had ever lifted.

For the next hour you sat there and tried out some tricks with the water, it wasn't perfect, and almost everything in the room was soaked

"Great job (Y/N)!" Bruce gave you a fist bump as you exited the room.

"Amazing kid!" Tony clapped behind Bruce, you hadn't noticed that he was watching

As Tony chatted with you asking about if you could try to get the water to spray up at Thor whenever he used the dishwasher as Bruce looked over at the test results.

"(Y/N)," Bruce called, "You said that the doctor at HYDRA said that you had a special code?"

You nodded, "Yeah, why?"

"I need to see something."

He went over to his swirly chair by his computers pulling up a picture of some of your DNA that were under a microscope from the beginning of the month

"I know you hate the needles but I'm going to have to take another blood sample (Y/N)..." Bruce looked hesitantly at you

Ever since leaving HYDRA, you've had a great fear of needles and being left alone in a dark lab. But you took a deep breath and rolled up a sleeve, nodding towards Banner, you could do this

Tony stood beside you as you sat on a table trying to distract you by telling you what Dum-E did today

"All done!" Bruce announced and he slid back over to his computer where a microscope was hooked up to the monitor and examined a sample of your blood

"So does she get a lollypop now or something?" Tony teased

you laughed at Mr. Starks joke, and soon stopped when you saw Mr. Banners look on his face

"What is it Bruce," Tony asked, wondering about his science bros concerned expression

"We were right about the 'special code' being DNA," He started looking at the two. "And as I got a closer look at it in your blood with this special Microscope, I got to clearly examine some of you DNA strings." Tony added a little small "your welcome" when the microscope was mentioned, "I can't explain it but, there are weird gaps in it, like some unlocked levels in you DNA waiting for some type of code to open it up." Bruce paused, giving you time to process for the big reveal

"(Y/N) ... I think HYDRA had the 'special code' that it needed to fill in the gaps."

You were still really confused

"What I'm saying is, (Y/N), you have unlocked abilities in your DNA and HYDRA unlocked one that gave you powers, and who knows what else they could do."

You had no idea why he had such a somber face, you have unlocked superpowers now!

"There's more to that, the more you unlock, the less chance you can get back home." There suddenly felt like there was a heavyweight in the room, and the mode became very somber

"Your world isn't accustomed to weird and unexplained things, your reality obeys the laws of science while this reality bends it. That reality can't open up and let something in that breaks the rules of physics, it could rip all of your atoms and protons apart if you return, killing you if you unlock every single ability."

Bruce continued, "it looks like just unlocking one could be safe, and if you're right about the electricity needing this special code to open a rift through realities, it can only do that if you don't unlock all of your capabilities. If HYDRA gets another chance to use another serum, you're never gonna be able to get back home."

You stared down at the floor as Tony squeezed your shoulder, the two scientists continued to talk over the matter, but you were trapped in your thoughts

I mean living here forever is AMAZING, but could you say goodbye to everyone you knew, to your parents, friends, Sadie, what if this reality didn't have your TV shows! But also going back meant that you would never know who you truly were, who you were meant to be.


"Hey (Y/N)"


Tony shook you out of your thoughts and startled you when you looked back up at the scientists

"I have some news that will lighten up this situation!" Tony beamed, happy to change the subject

"What is it?" You asked him

"I got you enrolled into a school!"

now why should be excited about that sadder news?!

"Its called Mid Town Tech!"

oh, there couldn't be any greater news in the world!

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