You're not ready to let it happen yet

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Tony enrolled you for Freshman year, and apparently, in this universe, you were supposed to be in eighth grade this year, so you had to wait one whole entire rest of the year. But don't worry, it wasn't that uneventful

Tony was presumed dead after a man attacked the house in Malibu, which you just happened to be in, Pepper was kidnapped and the Avengers helped save you from the rumble.

They didn't believe you at all when you tried to tell them that Tony was alive and that Pepper was kidnapped. Shortly after you proved them wrong after Tony came back (You've got Harley in your contacts now)

(Iron Man 3)

Not long after SHEILD fell cause of HYDRA and the tower was attacked by HYDRA. Natasha got you from the tower and you got to meet Sam. Long story short, you quickly got great control of your powers during combat, and you know some awesome Black Widow moves. (Bucky may have attacked you but the scar on your wrist is like a little trophy BUCKY CUT YOU WITH A POCKET KNIFE AND IT WAS AWESOME!)

(Captin America The Winter Soldier)

Then Ultron was created, and you really involved here.

When Ultron first attacked the team, Steve and Tony took down the two robots attacking everyone in the room. But as soon as they did they turned and realized that Ultron had you in a headlock, and a gun pointed at your head.

"That was dramatic." The robot said, you had to admit for a guy just made himself out of scraps, he had a strong grip on you.

"I'm sorry I know you mean well," He tightened his grip on you, "But who knew that the Avengers, destroyers of the world would actually care for this-" You gasped for breath as he started to close off your windpipe, "- this freak of nature." He sighed and loosened the grip on you, you took that moment to take in the sweet air to your lungs.

He continued to talk, you didn't really listen you had already watched the movie 15 times, you were focused on a way to get out of his grip so Thor could throw his hammer without hurting you. Water was a not go, he had too many opened wires that would electrocute you, you had to find another way out.

"-The Avengers extinction."

He started to choke you again, and with his robot strength, it felt like he was going to turn your neck into a pancake.

Not a second too late, Tony aimed and fired at the arm Ultron was choking you with, releasing you as you fell to the ground, and Thor threw his mighty hammer and took out the robot.

After that, you did the best that you could to help the Avengers while staying safe at a safe house with Pepper (who made the best cookies), You did stay quiet at some moments because you still wanted to let everything go according to plan. It really did pain you to let Bruce go in the queen jet without telling anyone, but you did want Ragnorak to happen, so you also had to let Wanda invade everyone's minds.

The worst thing about it all, you couldn't save Pietro.

(Age of Ultron)

You didn't realize that when everything was over, summer break was ending, meaning that you were very close to starting a school year in the MCU universe

And you didn't realize that School would be a no go until after what you had been dreading since you got here

Soon, the Avengers would disassemble

And you... you weren't ready for that

You splashed water in your face as you looked up at the mirror. You were currently in your room in the tower, decorated to perfectly match your style with a great view of the city.

(The size of a master bedroom, king sized bed shoved in the corner with (f/c) sheets and a mountain of pillows and blankets on it along with a bag of chips and a stark computer. Not too much posters on the wall and a cork board filled with Polaroids of you and the team and a chalk board with a drawing Steve did for you. And other things scattered in the room, a little messy but also nice and the same time????)

"Going to break the promises you made to yourself," you told the reflection staring back at you, "I might even ruin the rest of the timeline here but I swear if it's the last thing I do," you gripped the counter tighter, "I'm not letting the closest thing I had to having a real family fall apart without me trying to save this."

You walked back out of the bedroom and into the hallway, on your way to eat breakfast.
Sam had stolen the last pop tart and had no regrets what so ever, Clint was signing furiously at Sam as he held his hearing aids above him, Clint most likely sabotaged breakfast again, Nat was getting ready to get Clint the hearing aids back after putting cinnamon in the eggs, Bruce and Tony were looking over papers, Steve was looking over a plan for the mission today with Wanda

Wait- the mission was to find that guy from the Winter Soldier movie right

The Hydra guy



"Hey, Wanda are you sure you have to go?" You said as you walked up to them. Wanda looked up at you and smiled, ever since Ultron she was like the older sister that was there for you

"(Y/N) I think it would be a little too late to back out of a plan, we've been tracking him for months and we might finally catch him, " She reassured you.

"But.. do you have to go?" He gave you a look of sympathy, but she didn't know that you weren't begging her to stay just so you could cream her in Mario Cart, you needed her to stay so you makeshift family won't fall apart

"Sorry (Y/N), but they need me for this," She turned back to Steve to go back over the plan. You deflated a little, that was the easiest way to do this, and you couldn't just tell Wanda what was to happen, it might go way worse

"Come on Wanda please!" You tugged on her arm, she looked back down at you and saw something in your eyes. "Somethings going to happen, isn't there?" Everyone turned to look at you, you only gave a slight nod

Steve got down at your level (So sorry guys I'm probably shorter than most of you so somethings, you're gonna be short like me) "(Y/N)... What's going to happen?" He asked you

You just stared back at him, should you tell? But that might ruin everything and you had to be careful cause there was still a lot of things that could change if you slipped up.

"Hey, relax" Tony came up behind you and put his hand on your shoulder, "if the kids not saying anything then it means she thinks that the timeline might change if she does tell. We just need to take extra precaution. But, we still need Wanda on the team, this is HYDRA and we have no idea what they'll throw at us so she needs to be there, just move her to back up and only intervene if needed."

You sighed in relief, thank god Tony did that for you, you would have messed it all up by saying, 'Yeah, she kind of blows up a building and then the government decided that ya'll are too dangerous and makes you sign this thing else you then aren't allowed to be hereos anymore and half of you guys turn into wanted criminals for still doing hero work!' cause that would have ended up great

You looked back at the team as everyone started getting ready for the mission, but you had to do something!

You ran to the elevator, taking you up to the queen jet.

You slid under the control system at the pilots seating area, ready to cut some wires, but a voice stopped you, a familiar one too.

"Whoa there kiddo, don't wanna ruin my perfect timeline there do ya?" you looked up, Stan Lee. I mean THE STAN LEE was standing in front of you

"I - you're - Lee - big fan - uh" You stammered, but he just chuckled.

"Listen, I know you wanna stop this, but have you seen Endgame yet?" you shook your head, you left a week before it came out, "Well, everything leading up to that is perfectly orchestrated, if you ruin this, you might change this into the reality that Dr. Strange said that they lose. Everything happens for a reason, it even gives the characters the perfect deaths that they deserve from their hard work." You sighed and looked down, he was right, you couldn't mess this up.

"I have a question," you looked back up at him


"Why is there for some reason that I got powers, and even some abilities that I've yet to find out? Aren't I supposed to be a normal human being from another reality?"

Stan chuckled and ruffled your hair, "Kid I can't spoil anything yet, but I need you to know." He paused and looked you in the eye, "You belong here."

You looked down and smiled, but when you looked back up, he was nowhere to be seen

"Hey (Y/N)!" You looked up and saw Clint standing at the opening of the Queen Jet, "I got kicked off the mission ... again ... so, you wanna get creamed in Mario Cart by me?"

You smirked and started running off of the jet, "Oh you wish old man!"


So sorry it was kind of weak and the Stan Lee Cameo came early but i ran out of ideas during this chapter and I couldn't have you really mess things up cause you still wanna meet Peter Parker do you?

But this might be the weakest chapter but the beginning was good... right?

Anyways I love you guys and I love reading everyone's comments and your little inputs. Really love the theatre kids who start breaking into show tunes all of the time!

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