everything's changing now

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Clint and you were interrupted while in the middle of driving on Rainbow Road

"We interrupt this program."

The emergency news

oh no...

"Avengers just sited at Lagos. 'Hero' known as Scarlet Witch threw a man into a building killing several humiliation workers..."

The lady continued to talk, but you blocked her out and curled up into a ball. You could have stopped this, you could have done something!

"(Y/N)?" Clint asked you as he crawled over to your bean bag. He stopped for a second and quickly put together the pieces to how you reacted to the broadcast. "You knew this was gonna happen didn't you?"

You looked up at him, tears in your eyes and you slightly nodded, Clint pulled you into a hug and let you sob as he rubbed your back in circles. 

You heard the Queen Jet land overhead, and you hid your head more into Clint's hug as the two of you heard footsteps approaching.

"Did you know that was going to happen!" Steve stood in front of the doorway pointing at the TV screen, "Did you!"

you gave a slight nod, you've never seen Cap like this

Clint got up and walked over to him, "Hey Cap, there was nothing she could have done to stop this!"

You stopped listening as they stepped out into the hallway. Yes, there was something you could have done, you could have told Scarlette, told anyone!

"Tony's called a meeting. The Secretary of State Thaddeus Ross is coming to talk. Tony said he doesn't want you around for this, we can't let them know about you." Clint came in after a few minutes with talking to Steve and told you

You nodded and started to walk out the door, "Hey, (Y/N)" you turned and looked, "Don't blame any of this on you, okay?" You nodded and started to walk away, but decided to say one more thing, 

"Clint, They're gonna split up, there's gonna be a big fight. Tell Steve that Bucky's in Vienna, he has an apartment and he's going to be blamed for a terrorist attack. He has to get him out of there."

You left before you could hear a response. Hopefully what you did was right, hopefully.

You entered your room on the floor above and started to pack some clothes for a week. The minute you dropped the backpack on your bed, you dropped to your knees and started to cry.

After a few minutes, you wiped your eyes and continued to shove clothes and everything you needed into the bag in a daze. Opening the door Pepper was there waiting for you, she opened her mouth to speak but you guessed your eyes were still a little puffy.

"The government guys came extra early, there's no time to say goodbye to the team we have to sneak you out of here before anyone notices you." She says after wrapping you in a hug, "Once we get there we can make the cookies you like okay?" You gave a nod, and the two of you safely exited without being noticed and got on the privet jet Happy was flying to Tony's house that he rebuilt.

looking out the window, the only thing that you could think was

'Everything changing."

Short chapter I know and a lot of feels cause I got the feels rn so...

I've been cramming half of the chapters in trying to write you the reader meeting Peter before I start publishing so sorry for the long wait I put you guys through

But I am determined to make this book good and not to forget any of the details like I have with the past books

fingers crossed the books gonna turn out great!


I'm gonna agree with my past self and say that that chapter was once again


I'm sorry about that 

action is coming up soon!

and Peter is too!

once he gets here this stories gonna get a lot more interesting!

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