I can do this

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A lot happened in just half of this week. Fewer calls from Tony and the Avengers, you and Pepper try and make the best of the time while being cooped up in the house alone, but the cookies aren't helping anymore.

The two of you sat down on the couch covered in a mountain of blankets watching Treasure Planet.

"This is one of the most unappreciated Disney movies!" You complained as you watched in awe of the animation as the character flew on the ship in space

"I hear ya." Pepper agreed as she shoved some more popcorn in her face, and through some at you

Before you could grab a fistful and fight back, FRIDAY spoke

"Ms. Potts, Ms. Lee. I think you might want to see this."

He paused the movie and pulled up the news

"Bucky Barnes has just been apprehended along with Captain America and the Falcon, now known as fugitives..."

"He didn't get them out in time." You sighed.

Leaving the couch and going to the fridge to pour yourself some water Pepper asked what you meant

"I told Clint to give a message to Steve before we left the compound. Steve had to get Bucky out of there before they blamed him for some terrorist attack! Cause it's not Bucky its-"

You knew the Russian guy's name.

You knew where he was going to strike next

"(Y/N), what is it?" Pepper asked you

"I can stop it!" You said out loud in realization 

she still looked confused

"I can stop the Civil War about to happen between the team! I know who the real bad guy is! I can stop the fight before it happens! Pepper, I can do this!" You were overjoyed, you could still fix this

"I'm not even going to try to stop you. Look at the progress I made whenever I tried to tell Tony," She sighed and pulled out her Stark pad not even going to bother asking you to elabroate more on the topic

"Tony's put a lock on the jet. FRIDAY! Do you think that you can undo it?" The two of you looked up at the ceiling waiting for a response from the female AI

"Boss put the lock on just a bit out of my reach just in case (Y/N) tried to leave, I'll get it down in one hour." 

in glee, you started to run to your room to grab your stuff, but Pepper stopped you along the way

"You sure you can handle this? You might be wrapped up into this 'civil war' that you were talking about. Are you ready for it?" She looked at you with concern, her hand on your shoulder

 You gave her a reassuring smile, the Avengers had been training you in hand to hand combat, martial arts, and fighting with your powers, getting you ready in case HYDRA attacks you when nobody's available to help.

"I can do this."

You ran and shoved your stuff in the bag, and in no time FRIDAY was able to bypass the lock on the jet

you were going to stop this civil war even if it meant ruining this timeline, you had to do this.

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