I'm going to try

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*Inside the compound*

"I have an idea," Nat said as she and Tony thought about the 36 hours they had to bring in Bucky

"I do too," Tony replied, "Where's yours?"

"Downstairs, where's yours?" she asked questionably


*Back to you*

Currently you were flying alone on the jets day the only company was FRIDAY

"Okay, so how about yellow car." You asked her

"We are too high up for that game (Y/N)" The AI replied

"I Spy?"

"We just did that."


"Must I answer this one?"

"Hide and go seek?"

"You already know the answer."

You sighed and leaned down in the chair

"Do you wish for me to bring up online games the two of us could play?"

"Where was that idea 20 minutes ago!" You laughed as FRIDAY and you decided to play online uno

You landed a bit later in the government compound far away from the Avengers compound and closer to the city

"(Y/N) I would advise you to open the closet to the right of the bathroom. Inside you will find a uniform, the government compound is crawling with government agents and I don't think a high school girl is going to pass quietly down the halls."

Opening the closet, you did for sure find the uniform, well a couple, one was in your size! It fit perfectly and you added the ballcap to hide your face. Exiting out, you put on a comm to have FRIDAY lead your way

Entering the building someone approached

"What are you doing with the jet?" A high ranking man asked.

You freaked out for a second but gained composure, "Mr. Stark said he needed his private jet to take a quick trip to pick up someone." Hopefully, you made the right answer

"Oh, well I guess you're too late. Mr. Stark left just a second ago for that trip," and with that, he walked away.

"FRIDAY, where did he go?" You whispered as you breathed a sigh of relief and continued into the government facility

"It appears Mr. Stark left for Queens, no clue why." You smirked at the destination and fought down the fangirl rising up in you

Peter Parker- Spider-Man was coming! Oh my gosh, it was so hard to not freak out and keep your composure calm right now, but you might be able to meet Peter! You couldn't wipe the smile off of your face

You decided to get on an elevator, maybe Natasha was here still, hopefully.

Getting on you headed for a lower level, the elevator stopped along that way and you breathed a sigh of relief when you saw who got on

"Ms. Romanoff, where exactly are we going?" King- urgh well Prince right now actually, Prince T'Challa asked Natasha as the got on the elevator with you

"I will tell you as soon as we get on the queen jet." She looked at you and gave a small smile

"You're a little short for a stormtrooper kid." once the doors to the elevator were shut You laughed a little as she turned her back to you and looked forward at the elevator doors while T'challa stood there confused

"Going up," Natasha asked you while reaching for the buttons, "I am now." You replied.

T'Challa continued to be confused as you and Nat rode up the elevator with him silently waiting to reach the main floor to exit and get the heck on the private jet

T'Challa thankfully just went along with this and you escorted the two to the jet, staying in character till you safely made it aboard

You fell to the ground of the jet and let out an exasperated sigh, "Whoa that was soooooo stressful like I thought I was gonna die from how fast my heart was beating." You laughed a little and looked up at Nat who gave a disapproving look

"You were supposed to stay in Tony's house, remember (Y/N). Not get noticed by any government people (Y/N)"

"Oh come on I made it through there all right, nobody noticed I wasn't a real agent at all!"

the two of you continued to argue until T'Challa interrupted

"May I ask, who is this small child who just snuck into a government facility?!" T'challa was quite shook rn if you must say

while you were cackling on the ground from Mr. T'challas face Natasha explained, "Basically (Y/N) is from another universe and got stuck here, she knows exactly what's going to happen next. The government has no idea she exists, and we will very much like to keep it that way so nothing bad happens to (Y/N)."

For another hour you guys situated your self comfortably in the seats while flying towards Queens to pick up Tony and a new guy (*cough* Spider-Man *cough*)

"He's gonna be kind of pissed at you-you know that right?" Natasha asked

"I know but what else am I supposed to do? Sit back and watch you tear your selves apart without even trying?? Cause I'm not going to do that." You turned away from her and looked out the window, "Hey," she put her hand on your shoulder, "I'm glad you came along though. We need some new faces on the battleground and this way we have some surprises coming at them."

You smiled and looked at her, "I'm not the only surprise this sides getting, wait till you see who Starks bringing in."

Before she could reply FRIDAY announced that they were landing on the Avengers Tower. And there on top was Mr. Stark. And a kid your age nervously talking and fidgeting, you smiled real big

You didn't agree with what this team was standing for, and you knew no one here will when this is all over, but you needed to be on this side to make a difference of the action, change this storyline even if Stan Lee told you not too, you were gonna try

The bay doors opened and Tony and Peter walked in. "So where exactly are we going cause you haven't made that clear yet- and whoa." He looked awestruck as he stared at Natasha and T'challa, and a little confused at you, and you could feel a blush rising in your cheeks but all you could do was give a slight smile towards Parker as he smiled back at you

But turning to Tony, you could tell he was really pissed

"Hey (Y/N). Aren't you supposed to be in Malibu?" He used the same death voice he used on Peter during Homecoming

oh you started to pray to Jesus that you actually would be able to make it out of this jet alive


The CCCRRRRIIIINNNGGEEE of the chapter is so great I'm so so so so so sorry for my lack of good quality writing skills

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