Civil War

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Team Iron man waited in a hidden corner of the airport with a perfect view of the decoy helicopter that Steve was to run too any second now

Tony and Rhodey stood at the ready to fly down there when Steve showed up, T'challa was in his hiding space across from the helicopter, Nat was ready to walk in at any moment while you stood behind her with Peter.

"I'm gonna do a cool superhero flip when we go out," Peter told you

"But aren't I on your back?" You questioned him

"Still going to do it." He was really determined to do a superhero flip.

"shh" Nat pointed and you saw Cap running out

"You sure you can handle this? You might be wrapped up into this civil war. Are you ready for that?"

Peppers words ran through your head

'I can do this'

while looking around a jetway you saw Peter pull out his phone as Natasha walked out to join Tony

"Okay, so there is Captain America, Iron Man, Black Widow and - whoa who's that new guy?"

You looked over at him in disbelief seriously, now?

"Its Black Panther." You informed him as you climbed on his back, knowing the two of you were about to enter


Peter quickly set down the phone and swung out into the open, shooting a web at Caps shield and webbing up his hands in mid hero flip, with you jumping off of his back so the two of you landed beside one another

for no practice that was pretty epic

"Nice job kids," Tony complimented the two of you... and Peter took that as an invitation to talk

"Thanks! I could have stuck the landing a little better, it's just... New suit, it's nothing Mr. Stark, it's perfect!" He rambled and you couldn't help but laugh at it

"No need to start a conversation," You could tell Tony was realizing that the two of you were just kids and brought you to a serious fight,

"Okay... Cap. Captain." Peter saluted a little while you waved over at Steve with a smile that he returned to the two of you, "Spider-Man, really big fan."

You patted Peter on the shoulder as the two of you stood up straight on top of the luggage cart

You waited for a second as Tony continued to talk, and grabbed onto Peter's wrist, squeezing it in excitement as Steve raised his arms and Clint sliced the webbing in half with an arrow

"Much of a fangirl?" Peter leaned over and asked you

"Can you blame her, I'm freaking out too!" The two of you heard a small voice say

you forgot Scott stowed away on the shield

"Scott!" You yelled in realization

"Hey guys there's-" Peter was cut off when Ant-Man grew to his normal size and kicked you both in the chin and return the shield to Captain America

"Oh great, there's two on the parking deck, one of them's Maximoff I'm gonna grab her," Tony reported over the comms as Peter and yourself groaned and held your bruised chins and you stood up

"Hey, Mister Stark what should we do?" Peter asked as Rhodey got stopped in the air by Caps shield

"What we discussed, keep your distance, knock them up!"

"Okay, copy that!" You got back on Peters back as he swung his webs towards where you knew Sam and Bucky were

"Great we're the babies in the fight," You complained


As you crashed through the window, Peter went ahead and crawled on the roof above Sam and Bucky

"What the hell is that?!" Bucky said to Sam as they ran

"I swear everyone has a gimic now!"

"Hey, Mr. Sam!" You yelled from behind them

"Is that a kid?!" Oh, man, Bucky was confused and deeply concerned right now

Peter crashed through the window beside them and kicked Sam in the ribs, sending him flying. He then turned to Bucky to punch him but ended up grabbing his arm

"Whoa, you have a metal arm! That is awesome dude!" And he calls you a fangirl as he freaks out over the winter soldiers arm??

When Sam came in and kicked Peter in return, you jumped into a fight with Bucky




"We've met before!"


"I don't think you remember though,"


"it was the whole HYDRA taking over shield thing,"

metal arm hit your face

"Are you trying to give me another scar?!"

Bucky stopped for a minute and you took that second of hesitation to use some water from your suit to sweep him away from you

You ran over to Peter and saw him jumping around the support beams as Sam tried to get a shot at him

"Peter!" You called up at him, "Can I get a lift?"

Peter jumped over to the beam above you and you quickly felt a web pull you up from the back of your hood, "Hey Bird boy!" Peter called out at Sam who was flying directly at you, ready to break the web lifting you up, "Scared of a little water?"

Before Sam could react, you used the rest of the water from the pouches in the suit and shot them directly at his wing pack

the two of you cheered in victory but were cut off at a huge sign flew by and cut the web, sending you falling at a dangerous height


Sam caught you as the two of you fell, "Jesus kid, I swear every time I see you, you're in danger!"

You laughed and got up, "Sorry about the pack, but I'll fix it before the movie ends."

Sam froze a second so the two of you could watch Peter send the sign fly back towards Bucky

"So you already know my every move don't you?" He asked you nodded in reply, "This fights rigged!"

You once again used your water ability to splash it into Sam, shoving him up against a little wall above a flight of stairs and Peter swung over and webbed his hands to it.

"Those wings are carbon-fiber right?" You asked Sam

"Oh yeah, they totally are!" Peter answered from above you

"This stuff coming out of you??" Sam asked about the webbing

"Ew, no," You told Sam as Peter started to ask about the rigidity flexibility of the wings

"I don't know if you've ever been in a fight before, but there isn't this much talking," Sam told the two of you

"Alright sorry my bad," Peter jumped down from the beam and swung forward as Bucky ran up, you used your water to break the glass wall as Sam and Bucky fell backward onto the stairs, Peter webbing them up

"That was easy," You commented while climbing onto Peters back

"Look guys we would love to continue talking but we've only got one job and I really wanna impress Mister Stark so I'm sorry-" Before Peter could shoot another web at them, his spidey-sense went off and you suddenly remembered about redwing

"Oh shoot," the two of you said at once as redwing flew the two of you out the window

After the redwing mishap

Peter and you met up with the rest of the team and both sides facing each other, vision above you

"We fight." You heard Cap say, and both sides ran at each other

Peter and you were dodging vehicles that Wanda was throwing at you as everyone else fought another one on one, but to be honest you would be terrified to fight THE Scarlette Witch on your own cause that lady is damn powerful

Eventually, a car hit peter, sending you flying off of his back and onto the ground

"(Y/N)?!" You looked up to see Wanda staring at you in disbelief

"H-hey Wanda..." You smiled at her as you stood up, "Guess I could have tried harder to stop the mission from happening shouldn't I?" You said sheepishly

"Who cares about that!" She ran over and hugged you, "Why are you here in the middle of a fight?! Against half of the Avengers too!!!" Oh my gosh Wanda, sometimes she acted more like a mother than a sort of sibling figure

"I'm done watching everything fall apart without doing anything Wanda, I'm gonna try to stop a lot of deaths from happening!" She looked at you and smiled

"Like I'm gonna stop you," Then she ran off to help out Clint

"So," You heard a voice from behind you, sounded a little strained, "Is everyone around here gonna parent you or something??"

It was Peter getting up from under the car that hit him

"Kind of, they're kind of like my ... adopted family????" You tried to explain, I mean they kind of took you in like you were their kid

"What?!" You ran over to Peter and helped him up

"Come on, we've gotta go!" You two got out of the way as Black Panther and Bucky came into the area in the middle of a fight that you did not want to get into

As Peter swung on a web away again with you on his back, "You know we've gotta find another way for me to maneuver without having to piggyback you all the tiIME-!" You were interrupted when Steve threw the shield at the web and it was ONCE AGAIN cut, and you two were helplessly falling onto another jetway

"Can we get a break!" Peter yelled as you two were getting up ready to face Cap, "And that thing SO does not obey the laws of physics at all!" Peter was in the middle of losing it but still could focus enough to comment on yet another superheroes suit.

"Look kid there is a lot going on here that you don't understand," Steve tried to explain

"Yeah, I kind of got that since the girl who just started crimefighting today already knows more about everything going on here than me and for some reason is like everyone's child!" Peter exclaimed

you didn't remember that line from the movie, maybe you were already making a difference

"But like that's gonna stop me," Peter added as he got back into a fighting stance and before Steve could react in time, he shot a web at his shield and the opposite ankle, pulling them both towards him making Steve loose balance and fall

You took that moment to propel yourself forward and kick Cap in the face when he started getting up, and Peter flung himself at Steve's legs.

Steve looked up and saw his shield just a few feet away, and started running towards it, Peter saw it too and shot another web at Steve's arm, which steve in return grabbed the webbing and flung Peter away

As cap picked up the shield and started to run away, you used your ability and managed to break a water pipe from below the cement and created a wall of water in front of Steve

"STEVE!" You yelled at him, making sure Cap had no other choice but to listen to you

"You have to listen to me!" You waited for a second to make sure you had his attention

"Somethings going to happen after you and Bucky make it to that secret HYDRA base!"

"How do you?-"

"Shut up and listen, old man!" You snapped at him, man you were done with people interrupting you I mean, the author has to get this Chapter done!

"The villain is not Tony, and it's not even the other Winter Soldiers! Its a man named Zemo who has it out for destroying the Avengers! To rip them apart from the inside! When you get to the facility you will see all of the other Winter Soldiers shot in the head, and there is Zemo standing behind a glass who is gonna talk and eventually show a video on this little computer thing, no madder what you have to destroy it! Please, Steve! You have to listen to me this time!"

You stood there waiting for a reply for a couple of seconds, even started to think Steve didn't believe you

"You positive that if I do this nothing bad will happen?" He asked you

"I don't know!" you admitted, "Steve if you do this, you might change this timeline and I would no longer know what's happening at all!"

He paused for the moment and sighed, "I'm trusting you kid!"

You smiled in relief, this was the weakest way to save the timeline but what other way was there to do this

"Don't worry Cap, I'll help you out!" came a voice from Steve's comm

"(Y/N)!" Steve yelled out to you, who had no idea what was about to happen, "Get out from under there!"

You looked up, you were under another jetway, and there was a small speck moving at incredible speed towards of the supports that were keeping it from falling, but you didn't have any time to move as Scott destroyed the metal bar, sending the giant jetway to fall on top of you

this wasn't supposed to happen

suddenly a force pulled you about of the way seconds before you were crushed, seconds before you were killed

"Hey, they don't' worry I've got you. You're okay." Someone had you wrapped around in their arms as you had a mini panic attack

"hey look at me," you looked up to see Peter, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah other than Ant-Man tried to kill me, perfect." You tried to joke but you were too busy shaking in fear

Peter then looked in the other direction giving someone a death glare

"Nice work kid, you've got heart." Steve told him, "Where you from?"

"Queens," Peter stated as he pulled you slightly closer

"Brooklyn," Steve said in reply, and then ran off

You and Peter stayed silent for a few more seconds till Peter realized something

"Hey, my phone was recording the whole thing!" He reached over and grabbed his phone from on top of a suitcase, the exact place he sat it down before the fight started

he then flipped the phone around to face the two of you, "Awesome and terrifying encounter with Captain America and Ant-Man with (Y/N)." He reported into the camera, causing a laugh to escape your lips

"There's that smile!" He smiled down at you and you couldn't help but keep on smiling back at him

(I don't know why everything in the past two chapters have been so clique)

The moment lastest a second when Scott suddenly turned giant-sized in the center of the battle

"The hell he's big now," Peter said in shock and set the camera down, "Gotta go!"

The two of you got up, you a little bit shakier than him, and looked up at Scott as he held Rhodey in mid-air by the leg

"Holy shit!" You screamed out loud

Scott drew his arm back and flung Rhodey in your direction, giving him no chance to recover

"I got him!" You yelled and ran up a little ramp, 'calling' on the water in the pipes to sort of make a tidal wave to lift you up and reach out far enough to stop Rhodey from hitting a plane head on

"Why have I been carring you on my back this whole time when you could do that!" Peter exclaimed but you could tell that he was freaking out over the tidal wave you just caused

"Cause," You bent over trying to catch your breath, "It takes a lot of energy."

You slung your arm around Peter's shoulder for support for a second while you looked up at Scott still standing like a giant over everyone

"How are we going to take him down?" Peter asked you

"Simple," You told him with a stupid grin on your face, "Remember Star Wars The Empire Strikes back?"

"Yeah... what about it?" He asked you as you turned away and spoke into the comm

"Hey Rhodey, I need you to fly over here, Spider-Man needs a lift."

"What do I need a lift for?" He asked you again

"The scene where Luke Skywalker takes down an AT-AT Walker at the beginning of the movie!" You told him and he quickly caught on

Rhodey flew by and Peter tailed along with him as you sat back and took a breather

"You guys know that really old movie 'The Empire Strikes Back?'" Peter said over the com and you mentally facepalmed

"You know that part where they're on that snow planet," You added on for Peter to help him explain to the rest of the group

"With the Walking thingy's!!" Peter Yelled as he started to shoot a web to tie up Scotts legs

"Hey I think the kids are onto something," Tony said as he and Rhodey flew over to the giant man to finish your plan, sending an uppercut to Scott's face

You and Peter cheered and you pumped your fist into the air. But the short celebration died quickly when you realized which way Ant-Man was falling

"PETER!" You cried for help

"On my way-oof!" He was hit away by Scott's hand, sending him hurtling towards the ground, but he did shot a web in your direction that stuck itself to your suit

Peter must have tugged it or something cause you went flying in his direction, out of the way of Scott's fall. But your arm hit a luggage cart pretty hard before you finally landed on the ground, again on the bad arm

You cried out in pain and rolled onto your back holding your arm and went still for a moment

"Kid, you alright?" You heard beside you followed by a startling noise. "Same side! Guess who?"

You turned your head slightly and saw Peter and Tony

"Hey man," Peter sighed in relief, "oh that was scary." Peter laughed at himself for a second and seemed to finally take a breath and relax a little

"Yeah, you're done. Stay down.," But Peter protested saying that he was 'fine', "Stay down or I'm calling Aunt May!" Peter got quiet and laid his head down

"You good (Y/N)?" Tony asked when he turned towards you

"Oh yeah..." But your arm said otherwise, "actually no..."

Tony looked over your arm which made you hiss in pain a little "Yeah both of you are down for the count, your wrist is broken kid and the arm is dislocated. Not too bad for your first battle," Tony commented and as Peter moved a little closer

"Hey Pete, hold her hand for a sec," Tony told him as he was getting ready to pop your arm back in place

"Yeah, why?" Peter asked when he got hold of your hand on the opposite arm

"Cause I don't want her to break my hand," and Tony pushed on your shoulder

"Wait, what-CHRIST!" Peter yelled as you squeezed his arm while crying out in pain

"Pete you take care of her, I've gotta go stop that jet," Tony said as he blasted away

When Tony was gone, Peter turned to you and helped you stand up, "You've got a hell of a grip!"


okay so I felt as if that was a really bad chapter

I suck at fight scenes by the way if you didn't know

but the whole time I was like:

me: don't do it don't do it!

also me: Suddenly!

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